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 Post subject: Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 12:16 am 
Beyond Godly
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Vote: Urthdigger


StuMan is probably just confused. This is his first(?) game after all. In my first game, I just plodded along like a quiet little clueless sheep. I was very confused.

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 Post subject: Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 12:18 am 
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Pixa wrote:
StuMan is probably just confused. This is his first(?) game after all. In my first game, I just plodded along like a quiet little clueless sheep. I was very confused.
I'm inclined to believe this - first games are quite confusing.
Plus, I have now heard from StuMan and believe he is still indeed innocent. :)

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 Post subject: Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 12:21 am 
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Change Movement.
Movement: South

[insert filler text of some sort of blabbing importance here]

Thank you. :)

 Post subject: Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 12:32 am 
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Changing Movement -
Movement: South

Hoping its not too late.... *fingers crossed*

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 Post subject: Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 12:39 am 
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They're always telling you to save your work. I didn't listen. D:
I had execution all typed up and EVERYTHING. And then the storm knocked my power out for a split second. Well, I think that's what it was. There are clouds in the air, but it's not snowing or anything.

Anyways. Everything was lost. Things didn't autosave as they should have, so even though the document titles were brought up, nothing else was. This means that lists sent in for night (as well as day) were lost as well.

So, I'm going to have to redo everything. List sorting, typing up execution, etc. And then night and night results.

Then I'm going to delay Labyrinth a bit. I have to do a lesson tomorrow, and I really need to make sure I have everything at least printed off, so... yeah.

Apologies everyone. D:

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

 Post subject: Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 12:41 am 
Beyond Godly
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Pickles wrote:
Pixa wrote:
StuMan is probably just confused. This is his first(?) game after all. In my first game, I just plodded along like a quiet little clueless sheep. I was very confused.
I'm inclined to believe this - first games are quite confusing.
Plus, I have now heard from StuMan and believe he is still indeed innocent. :)

And... who would convert a first time player? :P Would be bizarre.

Movement: South

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 Post subject: Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 1:16 am 
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Votes, day 14--
No Execution (1) -- Byakuya San
Miyu (1) -- pheonix
Urthdigger (15) -- pheonix, malibu, Pickles, machinedreams, Syrill, Mongrel, Dyl, Bruces Galore, Chipper, jellyoflight, averly, Christopher, ckillor, Jasujo, Pixa
Jasujo (1) -- malibu
Mongrel (1) -- StuMan
machinedreams (1) -- Miyu
Chipper (1) -- Miyu

Number of players 19, majority 10, 75% 14.

Before Execution--
Everyone was pleased to find themselves in the apple orchard once again, but they were not so pleased to find themselves looking into the eyes of a hungry loser. loser was munching on an apple, but it didn't seem to be satisfying her hunger very well. She shrugged and tossed the core away before joining the group.
Then a bright light shone down and focuses upon Pickles. Pickles brought her arm up to her eyes to try to shield herself from the bright light, but it didn't protect her from what happened next. After a moment or two, her shadow seemed to grow a life of its own – rising slowly off the ground, it started to dance around. After forming itself into a large “o” shape, it twirled around a few times, before going back into a Pickles shape and then dancing around.
Pickles ran after her shadow, trying to catch it. She didn't pay very much attention to where she was going, and ended up running into a stressed Anvil. Anvil shrieked at her angrily, telling her to pay attention to where she was going. Pickles ignored him and continued running after her shadow.

loser has been resurrected. It is unknown if she still has the same role, or if she has any protection.
Pickles and her shadow have been separated.
Anvil has been resurrected. It is unknown if he still has the same role, or if he has any protection.

Execution, Day 14--
Erwit Mayesti giggled at the antics of Pickles' shadow for a few minutes, and then motioned everyone to follow her. Everyone did so – and as Erwit Mayesti rounded a corner, they saw something very strange.
A tree had fallen over in the storm yesterday, and had been shaped into a rather large ramp. A few feet away from the edge of the ramp, there was a large pile of apples holding up a large flaming hoop.
“I felt like eating a baked apple today,” Erwit Mayesti explained. “The brownies offered to bake me some, and made this. I'm not entirely sure how it will work out, but I've decided to use this as our form of execution today. If Urthdigger can manage to jump through the hoop without knocking an apple out of place, he wins and gets to live another day. However, if he knocks even a single apple off... well, we shall see. Unfortunately, I do not have anything that will work as a bike, so he'll just have to run up the lamp.”
Erwit Mayesti pushed Urthdigger forward, and Urthdigger frantically ran up the ramp. At the last moment, he gave a gigantic leap. He almost made it through the hoop, but in the very middle of it, his foot swung and kicked one of the apples out of place. Immediately, the pile of apples tumbled down – bringing Urthdigger and the hoop with it. The flaming hoop landed on top of Urthdigger, turning him into a flaming human – and a few moments later, a ghostly yellow dragon floated up out of the burning body.
It hissed, and snapped at Pickles' shadow a bit before fading away towards the Book of Myths.
Erwit Mayesti watched. “That was Fafnir, I believe. A greedy dwarf who turned himself into a dragon for some reason I can't remember.”

Urthdigger was put up for execution and was killed. He was Fafnir.

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

 Post subject: Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 1:35 am 
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Night Scene, Night 14 --
Pickles' shadow kept Twizzler up this time – running in and out of the tent and turning itself into shadow animals and other amusing creatures. Twizzler was too polite to ignore it and go to sleep – and the shadow seemed to enjoy the attention.
At least, until Pickles came running in. As she saw her shadow – who was in the middle of turning itself into a rabbit – she snatched it, and attached it back to her foot. She pulled a needle and thread out of her pack, and sewed it back on with a few stitches. When she finished, she began speaking to Twizzler.
“There! I've finally caught that pesky shadow,” she stated triumphantly. She almost let out a crow like a rooster would have, but caught herself at the last moment. Clearing her throat, she continued. “Anyways, there's something I think you should see.”
Twizzler sighed and followed Pickles. Pickles quickly led her to a lovely statue of Mongrel, standing out in the middle of nowhere. Twizzler gasped as she realized what it was – though she probably wouldn't have realized, had not the familiar figure of Cassandra floated out. Cassandra moaned the same mournful words as last time before floating back towards the Book of Myths.
Twizzler frowned, not sure what to do. Then she'd notify the brownies and have them put the statue in a safe place in the morning. She bid Pickles a good night, and then started to walk back towards her tent.
On her way there, she spotted Miyu. Miyu seemed to be inspecting a lovely present she had been given – and was trying to open it without ripping the wrapping paper. Finally, she managed to get down to the box. She shouted joyfully and held up the unripped wrapping paper, when a bright light suddenly shown down on her. She blinked and moved to step out of it. A second later, the box shivered – and then a burst of flame shot out of it as it exploded, barely missing Miyu.
Twizzler ran over to talk to Miyu, who seemed shocked, but alright. A moment later, a familiar lilting tune sounded, and they turned to watch ckillor dancing away.

Mongrel was turned into a stone statue. She was still Cassandra.
Miyu was attacked by an exploding present, but was protected.
Ckillor has been lured away. He may not vote or use any role powers – however, he may not be targeted, either.

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

 Post subject: Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 1:45 am 
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Urthdigger wrote:
Anvil: Jas is telling the truth, she has to wait 3 days. She was one person I had checked out to see if they had been rez-converted.

You died evil, why would I believe you when you say that? It still doesn't mean she actually had to wait 3 days. Being dreamt has nothing to do with a res power...

Vote: Charlie

Role claim was too much like Pardona's and Urthdigger's. Don't like it.

And now that I'm alive I can tell you all that I believed Jas was innocent before I died, thus giving her my details. I died very shortly after. I did not like dying. I found it strange that I got no reply from Jas before dying as well.

Can't remember if the Vigi has died, but if not, come contact me. Mongrel died innocent, so I'm innocent.


 Post subject: Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 1:49 am 
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l.o.l. So, I used one of my rez's on you and you are still on my case? Way to be ungrateful, Anvil.

If I'm evil, then doesn't that mean you might have been rez'd evil? Everyone, watch out for Anvil. :o

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 Post subject: Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 2:12 am 
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Urthdigger claimed to have dreamed of Byakuya San and Pickles. Neither denied what he said was false. So why would he lie about dreaming of Jas, and what he found?

Exploding presents? Pfft. Un cool.
Thank you to whoever protected me.

Isn't Charlie aka ckillor? Who has been lured away?

Vote: loser
Welcome back? xD

If Mongrel died innocent. Then Jas must be innocent because she resurrected her.
Which makes you innocent as well.
If you call Jas evil, then you've got to be evil as well.. and Mongrel would have to be too.
So would whoever resurrected Jas.

Edit. A couple of letters were missing. I believe Wind, the Centaur was the Vigilante.

Thank you. :)

 Post subject: Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 2:31 am 

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Vote: loser

Though I wouldn't be surprised if she has protection, yeah ressing a baddie, not suspicious at all. I wonder why the protector wasn't guarding Mongrel last night, she was an obvious target.

 Post subject: Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 3:12 am 
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Party 1:
West (3) -- Byakuya San, Chipper, Christopher
South (5) -- StuMan, Pickles, Miyu, averly, Pixa

Party 2:
Continue (6) -- Urthdigger, machinedreams, Syrill, Mongrel, Bruces Galore, Jasujo

Labyrinth, Day 15--
Party One:
When asked which direction to go, Party One seemed rather confused. Some said West, some said South. But south just barely won out – so, South they went.
They walked slowly, discussing things while they talked. After awhile, the path turned and they turned west again. After a few paces, they came to a crossroads.

Party One Movements:
Go East (where you came from)
Go South
Go North
Send Scouts
Split Up

Party 2--
The vote was unanimous, but still, the second party moved south with reluctance. Why? There was a beast ahead of them, and they knew it very well. They could occasionally hear the growls of it.
Fortunately, they also knew they did not have to go straight to it. Soon after they turned east with the path, they met up with the crossroads.
So if they wanted, they could avoid the Beast for a bit longer.

Party 2 Movements:
Continue on path
Go North
Send Scouts
Split Up

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

 Post subject: Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 3:19 am 
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Jas Frost wrote:
If I'm evil, then doesn't that mean you might have been rez'd evil? Everyone, watch out for Anvil. :o

Actually, no. You ressed Mongrel and she died innocent. You ressed me and therefore I'd be innocent if I died. Rez-converts can sometimes keep their old role powers. Keeping a res does not necessarily turn those resses into res-converts, so an converted resser can still be able to resurrect innocent players and have them stay innocent.

And yeah, Charlie is ckillor. Doesn't say we can't vote for him, only says we can't target him. Slight difference. If Twiz means we can't vote for him either, then fair enough.

Unvote: Charlie
Vote: loser

Forgot loser was a baddie-o. Better take down the confirmed one before a simple suspicion.

Movement: Continue on the path

I assume I'm still in Party 2.


 Post subject: Re: WW37 -- Labyrinth of Legends
PostPosted: Sun Dec 14, 2008 4:00 am 
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I was only saying, because earlier. People had been voting for DM while she was in lured-away-town; and so she had ended up being put in the randomizer or what have you, to be executed.
Then Twizz caught it, and made a comment about people voting for the lured-awayers. So I assumed that if they were lured-away, then they couldn't be executed.

Movement: North

Thank you. :)

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