Welcome to Big Brother, my name is Ammer and tonight is the ninth eviction night in the Big Brother house. Just eleven weeks ago, 15 Houseguest's entered this house to embark on a mission in obtaining 50,000nps. One by one they will evict one another until there is one remaining, that one Houseguest will win the grand prize. But first, this week was very exciting indeed!
With the end coming so near, this HOH competition was important to many Houseguest's. However, Tested came on top with his drawing skills and won the HOH position. For the Power of Veto, all of the Houseguest's participate in a strategy competition and the top strategist was Divine. He had won the Veto and chose not to use it at all out of the fear his friend would be nominated. Who will the Houseguest's evict? Stephanie or Nikita?
"It has been an interesting week for all of the Houseguest's, let's see how they're doing,"
Ammer turned towards a screen which showed the Houseguest's sitting in the living room, both Stephanie and Nikita were in their red, couch seats.
"Hello Houseguests," greeted Ammer.
"Hi Ammer!" they yelled back.
"It looks like we're back here tonight, and to think, you all entered just eleven weeks ago," Ammer stated as the Houseguests nodded their heads in agreement, "However, this is how the game goes, either Stephanie or Nikita will be evicted tonight, but we'll get to that later. In the mean time, I'll ask some questions to some of you, first off is Divine. Divine, it's almost down to the finals, what's going through your mind?" asked Ammer.
"I'm wondering how people will act and who will nominate who, and who's in which alliance. I'm thinking about how people might betray another... it's quite scary really," he said with a nervous look, "And I'm thinking about how the Jury might vote as well," he replied.
"Interesting. Monique, how important is HOH to you next week?"
"Next week, HOH is obviously very important to me. It's getting close to the end now, and the only way that anyone can really assure their safety is through winning HOH," she answered.
"I see, Nikita, since Matterbug's departure, have you felt awfully alone in the house?"
She answered, "Well after Matt left, I did have Robert left with me. But I still did feel alone, I had been playing the game with Matt since day 1, and he was a big help in explaining how everything in the game worked to me,"
"I see, well I'll be back with the results shortly. Sit tight Houseguest's," Ammer said as he turned away from the screen.
"Welcome back, I'm Ammer and in a few second the votes will be revealed. Who has the house decided to evict, Stephanie or Nikita? Let's find out," Ammer said as he turned to the screen, "Hello Houseguests, in a few minutes I will reveal the votes. But before I do, Stephanie, Nikita, please say your last words to the house as one of you will be leaving soon. Nikita, you may start first,"
Nikita nodded her head and said, "IIt was fun! Good luck everyone!" she smiled.
"Alright, Stephanie, it's your turn,"
Stephanie began to speak, "Oh no, I'm Kaysar..."
"Interesting last words Stephanie; it's now time for the votes to be revealed," Ammer said as he began opening an envelope and inside a small sheet was taken out. Ammer looked at it and looked back at the screen and said, "By a vote from 2 to 1,
Nikita, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house,"
Nikita nodded and stood up, she walked towards the door. The Houseguest's followed and she began to hug each of them; she walked to her bag and yelled the phrase, "Goodbye!" and walked out the door. The Houseguest's looked at the icon's displayed on a wall in the house and saw Nikita's icon turn gray, some Houseguest's let out a gasp while others ignored it.
"Hello Nikita!" welcomed Ammer as Nikita put her bag down and shook his hand. They both took a seat on a semi-circle couch and Ammer faced towards Nikita and asked, "Nikita, you've been the eleventh Houseguest to be evicted from the Big Brother house; how does that feel?"
Nikita answered, "It's kind of sad, but I guess that just means it's my time to go. I had a lot of fun with the game, but it has to end somewhere,"
"I see; Was this eviction a long time coming?"
"I can't believe it took so long!" she laughed, "I was expecting to be gone ages ago, as I'm sure many others in the house were hoping so as well. I've been put up quite a few times, so it's obvious that people have been wanting me out," she answered.
"It seemed you were barely hanging on in the game, is this a correct assumption?"
"After I lost Matt and Robert, I didn't have too much more to hang on to. Heck, after Matt was gone I didn't have much. I think Robert only got out because I won Veto," she explained.
"Was it hard staying in the house since Matterbug's eviction?"
"It was different, I was really used to having Matt help me out. I didn't know much about the game coming in (and still get confused), so he was a lot of help in explaining stuff to me," she stated.
"I see; Considering you are now evicted, you are the fifth member of the Jury. Exactly how would a person gain your vote at the final two?"
"It's gonna be based on stuff that's already happened in the game," she said.
"Interesting. Well Nikita, you are the fifth member of the Jury and will be joining Wind, WIS, Matterbug and Robert in the Jury House. We'll see you back here on finale night where the winner will be crowned,"
"Thanks for having me," she replied.
Robert's Eviction interview, as well as WIS' and Matterbug's Jury interview will be posted next Thursday.
"Coming up next, Robert's Eviction interview, Nikita's HOH interview, WIS' and Matterbug's Jury interview's and the HOH competition,"
Here is Nikita's HOH interview from when she was HOH,
Hello Nikita, as a reminder you may say anything you wish because this interview will not be posted until you are evicted from the Big Brother House.
This is your second time as HOH, how does that feel? It wasn't fun. It's hard choosing people to put up, and made me feel bad.
Tell me about your train of thought for your nominations. My train of thought...hmmm..probably "omg hoh again..nooo...who to pick..ack!" XD I really never know who to put up in these games. Like I said, I feel bad, and I don't want to hurt anyones feelings or make them dislike me.
Were you planning to nominate Kugetsu because he nominated you? Was this a good reason in your opinion? I didn't plan to in the beginning, I just needed someone to nominate, and really had no one else to choose. Maybe it wasn't a good enough reason, but I had no reasons in specific to nominate anyone else other than.
Considering both Bangel and o_0 (Who were your assumed alliance members) are evicted, do you feel slightly alone? I didn't feel alone at all, especially seeing as I never considered o_0 to be in an alliance with me.
![Confused o_O](./images/smilies/icon_confused.gif)
Bangel yes I will admit to. The two of us had our own alliance together in the game.
Who would you like evicted out of Kugetsu and Jamie? I guess Jamie (sorry Jamie..it's just that Kuge is somewhat of a friend outside of the game).
Thanks for your time Nikita! Here is Robert's Eviction interview from last week,
Hello Robert, you're the tenth Houseguest to be evicted from the Big Brother house; how does that feel?Alright, I kinda wanted to go all the way, but hey, I beat out 10 other people
Nikita won the Veto and you pleaded your case, did you think you had a chance?Nope, I knew I had none. But hey, Nik deserved it more than me.
You did seem to forget about the game for a while, was there something taking up your time?No no no, strategy. In all the other games I have played, the people who are always winning, and who are always in the limelight are the ones who never win, so I thought I would try something different, be the quiet guy on the sidelines. It was hard to do, and it didn't pay off, next time though
Considering every Houseguest from Wind's eviction is sent to the Jury house, did you ever try and act nice to them? Thinking it would help you in the end?I didn't change the way I acted at all, I was trying to be the nice guy from the begining, all the way to the end.
You seemed like a person who worked behind the scenes, were you?I tried, but the people I had made bargains with were out pretty fast. So after that I tried even harder to stay away from the main activity.
Considering you are now evicted, you are the fourth member of the Jury. Exactly how would a person gain your vote at the final two?Who played harder, who deserves it more from a playing perspective. I could be best friends with one person and hate the other, but if the person I hate played better, they get my vote
Thanks for your time Robert!
Here is Matterbug's HOH interview from when he was HOH,
This is your first time as HOH, how does this feel? It's a little bit of both happiness and fear. It's awesome that I actually won and saved myself for at least another week, but I also fear that it might make me a target.
After winning so many Veto's, did you expect to win a HOH challenge? I still say that my winning the vetos were pure luck with a little strategy thrown in. I don't think it meant I was going to win HoH, but I thought I had a chance.
Now having two Veto competitions and a HOH competition under your belt, do you fear for your safety in the House? Yes. I think winning them might have made me a target, because people will think I will keep winning them, which isn't neccesarily true.
Do you believe Tested has diverted the attention away from you? After all, he did win three Veto competitions. Hopefully? XD A stronger person that you can shift blame to is always good.
Why exactly was Wind nominated after Kugetsu? Was there a "secret" reason? No secret reason. XD I thought Wind was hiding in the shadows, and people weren't really focused on him. This can be dangerous because many people that stay quiet end up winning the game.
Thanks for your time Matterbug!
HOH Competition #12
This week's competition is called, "Once Upon A...". You will need to use your creative part of your mind and you will need to write a small fairy tale. It can be about anything you wish, the best fairy tale as judged by me will win HOH!
As outgoing HOH, Tested may NOT participate
This HOH competition winner will be announced tomorrow night at 9:00PM EST.