Tested wrote:
I like these creative things, so I'll write my own just to enjoy it.
Once upon a time, the fairy princess was flying through the air. Jeff came and killed it.
"Jeff," were her final words, "Why? Why?"
Jeff explained that he was the most corrupt man ever, and that NO ONE beat his corruption. His advisor, Justin, was quickly approaching his level of corruption, and so he had to do something extra-corrupt.
The fairy princess used Blessed Curse (Atk pwr: 14, Takes away immortality) as her dying power, and left a note to Jeff in the clump of krypton that she became when she died.
"Jeff: You are a corrupt fool. I know about your secret, and I have a secret for you: You are no longer an immortal. I am willing to die to keep you from taking over the universal gateway. Goodbye, Jeff."
"Oh, no! This is horrible!" exclaimed Justin. "Whatever shall we do?"
"I need an apprentice, who can bring me back to life, using the rare, legendary stone that I found in your universe, once I die. Then the effect won't matter. But I need someone who I can train to be completely identical to me, not including age. I need a youth."
"Jeff!" shouted Justin. "As it turns out, the fairy princess's people are now angry at you for killing their princess. They are planning an attack! What do you propose?"
to be cont'd.
Edit: page 57.
Um... tested.....why did u post it? Since when do we post hoh competitions?
"Oh Howie, your such a beefcake"
Terrificly gorgeous set by Jaye
Current Favourite Song: "Stars" - Tatu