Welcome to Big Brother, my name is Ammer and tonight is the twelfth eviction night in the Big Brother house. Just twelfth weeks ago, 15 Houseguest's entered this house to embark on a mission in obtaining 50,000nps. One by one they will evict one another until there is one remaining, that one Houseguest will win the grand prize. But first, this week was very exciting indeed!
In a story telling competition, Stephanie achieved the best plotline and recieved the HOH position as her prize. In response, she nominated both Tested and Divine. For the Veto competition, Kugetsu won and used his power on Divine. Out of options, Stephanie nominated Monique and now the Houseguest's must evict either Monique or Tested. Who will be evicted this week? Monique or Tested?
"It has been an interesting week for all of the Houseguest's, let's see how they're doing,"
Ammer turned towards a screen which showed the Houseguest's sitting in the living room, both Stephanie and Nikita were in their red, couch seats.
"Hello Houseguests," greeted Ammer.
"Hi Ammer!" they yelled back.
"It looks like we're back here tonight, and to think, you all entered just twelve weeks ago," Ammer stated as the Houseguests nodded their heads in agreement, "However, we're running things a bit different. Because it's getting down to the wire, I'm going to announce the votes now," stated Ammer as he watched the slightly shocked faces.
"By a unanimous vote, Tested, you have been evicted from the Big Brother house,"
Tested nodded and stood up, he walked towards the door. The Houseguest's followed and he began to hug each of them; he walked to her bag and yelled the phrase, "Goodbye!" and walked out the door. The Houseguest's looked at the icon's displayed on a wall in the house and saw Tested's icon turn gray, some Houseguest's let out a gasp while others ignored it.
HOH Competition #13
This week's competition is called, "X's and Y's". Every Houseguest will start off with $20.00. You must choose either X and Y for each choice. If for one choice, one Houseguest chooses X while the other 3 choose Y, the Houseguest who selected X will win $3.00 where the Houseguest's who chose Y will lose $1.00. The same situation occurs when one person chooses a Y and the rest choose a X. If two choose Y and two choose X, both will lose $1.00. The Houseguest who has the largest amount of cash at the end of this competition will win HOH! Everyone is allowed to participate.
X Y x 3 (Meaning, whatever the result is multiplied by 3)
X Y x 10 (Meaning, whatever the result is multiplied by 10)
This winner will be announced tomorrow night.
Set by Medli