Day 17 votes: (Majority reached first) Hansy (13) -- Pickles, Anvil, averly, Chipper, Bruces galore, Dyl, Syrill, Byakuya San, machinedreams, Pixa, Christopher, ckillor, Jasujo ckillor (12) -- Pickles, malibu, Anvil, averly, Bruces galore, Dyl, Syrill, Byakuya San, machinedreams, Pixa, Christopher, Jasujo Chipper (1) -- Miyu averly (1) -- Miyu Miyu (1) -- Chipper
Number of players 19, majority 10, 75% 14.
Before execution -- Everyone arrived in the orchard safely, except for those members of party two – who were, admittedly, a little tired from having to walk there. But when they saw each other, the members of each group grinned and waved. And then stared in confusion as the sound of galloping was heard. And then the snick! as two arrows were fired – one right after each other – both landing squarely on their targets, ckillor and Hansy. ckillor gave a cry of pain, and then fell to the ground, dead. A few moments later, a red dragon came out and hissed at everyone before returning to the Book of Myths. Erwit Mayesti blinked. “Kingu, if I'm correct... he was related to Tiamat in some way and follwed in her footsteps after she died. Or something. I really should reread the Book of Myths...” Everyone then turned to Hansy to see how he was faring. He just stood there – not even moving to try to remove the arrow. Erwit Mayesti shrugged. “Oh well, leave it in. I think he enjoys it in there.” At that moment, the group noticed something odd. Mongrel seemed to be hovering there – flickering in and out. She flickered for a few moments, and then disappeared.
ckillor was attacked by an arrow, and killed. He was Kingu. Hansy was attacked by an arrow, but survived. Someone tried to resurrect Mongrel, but failed.
Execution, Day 17-- “Hansy today, is it?” Erwit Mayesti said, examining the still figure. The group nodded. “Okay then. This will be easy, neh? After all, it's not like he'll try to defend himself,” Erwit Mayesti mused to herself. She glanced around her, and then picked an apple off the ground. Then she turned towards Hansy, and used the apple to shove the arrow in further. Anvil blinked. “...why didn't you just push it in with your hands?” “Um! Gross! There's blood all over that arrow!” Erwit Mayesti protested. “Besides, I had to make it have -something- to do with apples. That's my trademark, eh?” Anvil shrugged, and then pointed at Hansy. “Whatever. But hey, look – it seems to have finished him off!” A cherubic figure was rising out of Hansy's still body. It seemed to be wearing a diaper and a quiver of arrows. Erwit Mayesti shuddered. “Darn Cupid. I'm sure glad he didn't try to make -me- fall in love again. If he had, why I'd...” She then turned around and walked off in a storm.
Hansy was put up for execution, and was killed. He was Cupid.