Adam loves Hilary Duff: It doesn't look like you've done much to this picture at all, just added a color overlay and dot texture, then the text area and words. Oh, and a border I guess. There are various imperfections in the picture itself (the cut off corner being the most obvious), and you didn't even make an effort to fix those. Not to mention that this isn't very good in the ways of function, the contrast between the light stairs and her dark jeans, and especially her striped sleeve, are very distracting from whatever text might go in the box.
Adoration: As mentioned, the extraction around the guy's hair is very sloppy. I personally think the layout of this blog is a little bit boring, it's really just a background with a guy pasted on and the blog elements added. The purple tinting on the picture is a nice touch to make it more unified looking, though.
Amethyst: It's a pretty source image, but you didn't do much to it besides play with the levels and add a dot overlay and some swirly brushes... I like how you did the text area, though, the colors still show through, but all the details are blurred out so they're not distracting. I don't like how bold the black stars look at the corners of the text area, nor the dark text at the bottom, if they were less contrasted, they would look much better.
Apricus: This is very cute, it has a really dreamy, nostalgic look to it. The textures and patterns you added are very nice and not distracting at all. I do have some issues with the area where it looks like you retouched the picture, just below the top left corner. It's a little muddy looking, and it's building up a bit of a repeated pattern, and that's usually a dead giveaway of hasty clone-stamping. The best way to avoid that is to continually pick new target points to clone from.
Dawn2: I think the best part of this blog is the display text. I get the feeling that you put each letter on a separate layer and arranged them individually, that sort of random look works very well here. I'm not so fond of the background, it really looks like a bunch of scatterbrushing. Also, the large gap between the text and text area is very distracting, it's okay to overlap them just a little, as long as the bulk of the text area isn't disturbed.
DM was on fire!: Hm, this blog bears a really uncanny resemblance to Adoration's. Maybe it's just a coincidence, but it still stands that I think this type of layout is a bit boring. I'll also add, I think the particular font you used (which I notice you use a lot) looks quite ungraceful and doesn't match well with very many images.
Fizzy: I like how you desaturated the background and intensified the colors on the girl, it brings a lot of attention to her and it has a very interesting look. The borders of the text area are really hazy and undefined, it would look better if the lines were more clear. Lastly, the pure gray text looks really awkward with the pink-toned picture, it would look much better if you'd chosen a muted shade of pink.
Goldfish Lover: It's a cute source image, but you haven't done much with the image at all, the patterned dots are a very easy effect, and the border looks like you traced along the border of a number of filters. The display text is set in a font that doesn't match the icy theme you were trying to go for. The text area is in an awkward position, covering a central portion of the main picture, and there's too much contrast for any potential text to be easily readable.
InsanePlushie: I don't see anything done to the picture besides the bluer tint and scanlines. I do like the contrast between the picture and text area, the lightness really draws your eye to the functional area. I don't think the font you chose matches the look of the picture too well, a nice Gothic font would have looked very good.
Izzi: I've been to Enayla's site, and I know that all you did was convert the original picture to grayscale. After that, you simply added text and a text box, and the text box is rather busy so that text will be hard to read.
jasminech: This looks very simple and pretty, but like the others said, the borders look awkward and need some more work. There's some odd looking compression artifacts in the edges of the girl's hair in front, they'd probably disappear if you extracted it a little more carefully. There's really no unifying color scheme in this blog: the girl has a maroon tint, the background is a muted lavender, the large petal in the background is pink, the text looks like a true magenta, and the text area is a peach tone. More similar colors would help this blog look a lot more "together."
Jasujo: This is a very pretty blog, even if you did hardly anything with the original image. You kept the color scheme very simple and elegant, and all the elements you added keep up with the simple and pretty look. My only recommendation would be with the corner decorations you added, they look a little busy, simpler ones would have looked just as nice and less crowded. Overall though, this is a very sweet looking set-up, it really reminds me of a wedding invitation.
_jaye_: I recognize those brushes, and they look sort of awkward spherized so much. The rectangular text area looks very strange in the circle, and the brushes around the text are very very recognizeable. I'd recommend you try a different brush, or at least alternate the size of them as you go along so that there's some variation.
JellyFish72: Since you only shared the thumbnail, I can't do an overlay to check if you actually did anything with the original image, but it definitely doesn't appear that you did much, if anything. It's a very cute blog though, and the text area works well, which is nice to see. The text really gets lost against the bright pink towels, try a different color, or a stroke around it.
jellyoflight: I like how you added the dramatic lighting to the background, it looks very natural. The sepia-toning has a nice oldies feel to it, but the rest of the colors are kind of questionable. The light text area really sticks out, and the contrast between the dark background and darker jacket is very distracting from any text that might go there. Your choice of fonts don't match too well, the rounded and scattering font for "it's a beautiful day" is way too cutesy looking for the image, and the "welcome" is just an awkward color.
Kandice: I'm going to disagree with moogie and Yoshi here, I think the blending is average, the feathered edges are rather noticeable. The part that really sticks out the most to me is the pixel text at the bottom, the sharp edges really stand out against the rest of the soft transitions in the blog.
Kitten Medli: I think the way you extended the background is very awkward looking, that look is typical of stretching a small strip of the original background. I see you tried to cover any pixellated distortion by blurring it. I think it would have been just as easy to erase the background and redraw it yourself.
Koku: I like the washed out look of the picture, it's very dreamy looking. To be honest, I would never have noticed that the text area was grayscale, since all the colors in this picture are very faint. The text area is rather busy with the lineart behind it, I'd definitely soften it a bit so that it's not as distracting.
LAQ: This blog looks so abstract that I didn't really understand it until I looked at your source image. I think "loved in life" would look nicer if if followed the contour of the girl's body, I don't know if Gimp can make text on a path, but another easy way to do it would be to separate each word onto its own layer.
Lauren.: One thing that I really dislike in graphics making is using other's graphics as a base for your own. You may not be aware, but your original image is a wallpaper that used
this picture as a source. That said, you haven't done much with it, I see you darkened it a very little bit and added some sparkles and mirrored a faded copy of the image.
mazil: I like this one quite a lot, it's very fun and cute. I'd suggest you do some minor color corrections on the picture, the colors look a little drab, especially next to the vibrant colors you used in the background.
Neko: I like the hazy/dreamy look of this blog, it's very pretty. There's a lot of little distractions in the text area, I'd recommend you tone them down a bit. Other than that, thoug, very nice.
Neopets Addict: The colors are very nice, I actually like how you made everything shades of yellow to keep focus on the Pteri. I agree with the others that the text box looks awkward, but I think it's more of a consistency problem: the text box almost touches the right and left edges, and is extremely far from the bottom. If you had a more balanced width between those three edges, I think it would look much better.
rachel: It's a cute source image, but you didn't do much with it besides add some grid overlays. I'm not too fond of the font you chose, it's rather illegible, especially the small part with the poem.
Scholastic: This is a very fun blog, the colors and theme go together extremely well, and it's always nice to see something that's more fun and quirky rather than more elegant stuff. The whole blog would look more balanced if you had some dark stuff in the top half too, rather than lumped together in one silhouette at the bottom.
Sunnie: The sky you reconstructed looks very fake behind the smooth CG'ed characters. The color is very awkward too, you might have kept the more muted tone of the original sky in the picture. There's a lot of empty space in the picture, it's really framed by the characters and textbox near the bottom, and the stars and galaxy textures don't do anything to fill it, really. The font you chose is very distracting, not only because of it's elaborateness, but because of its shocking color.
timkhj: The composite is a little bit sloppy, there are a lot of compression artifacts in the resized background, you could have blurred it a little bit to hide them and give a sense of distance. The text is very lively and fitting, but it's very jagged.
Twisted Sanity: It's a nice overall effect, even if you didn't do much with the original image. All the elements come together for a nice grungy organic look, my only suggestion would be not to capitalize the first letters in "The Revolution," the font is designed for the letters to have the appearance of all caps, and the uppercase letters have a very distracting bright white box around them.
watericesage: I really like the background on this blog, it's not distracting, but it's not at all boring with all the text and pictures hidden in there. The text at the bottom looks a little boring though, despite that it's slightly angled. I'd recommend mixing and matching fonts and sizes to make it more eye-catching.
I vote out Adam loves Hilary Duff, Goldfish Lover, Izzi, and Lauren..