This game works like normal musical chairs, except of course, you cant see the chairs and you cant hear the music

Once the game starts, I will post *starts music*. Everyone playing then walks(you dont have to post that you are walking, but you can if you want). After a period of time has passed ranged for 5 minutes to 2 days(it will be pretty random). I will post *stops music*. Everyone still playing must then post *sits x/y*. Where x is the seat you take and y is the number of seats avalible. During each round, there is one less seat than the number of people playing. If all the seats are taken and you havent sat, you are out of the game.
For example. Suppose there are twelve people playing.
I post "*stops music* There are 11 seats up for grabs"
The first person to sit, person a. Will post " *sits 1/11* "
Person B will post " *sits 2/11* " ect
Person K will post " *sits 11/11 *"
At that time, person L is out, as all 11 seats are taken.
If the game is large enough at the start, there will be more than one missing seat for the first few rounds.
The game continuse until there are two people left. When I stop the music, the first person to sit is the winner.
BTW, as I live in only one timezone and need some sleep, I will probably never end a round between 8 PM and 4 AM NST. Other than that, you might see a round end at anytime, but if you can only get on during that time frame, I wouldnt segguest playing.
Only active people can post in the game thread.
To play post:
"I want to play"
Your time zone:
What type of seats you want(e.g. wodden benches, lether recliners, ect..)