Please keep this thread open! Don't reply to it!
The Suppository Continues!!!
Chapter 7's "deleted scene"
Ruki team's first scrapped project
Ruki team's second scrapped project
Foreman vs. Red Pteri
The Desert Scarabs' Map
The Dark Side of Kreludor
Death of a Foreman
Ed meets Ed
Ed meets Ed--The Bori Version
The Forman's Future Careers
What's the Foreman to do? He lost his job as a slave driver at the repository, and soon he will be out of his chef job. Guess he'll have to go to the Neopets temp agency. But what possible jobs could the Foreman have in the future.....?
Fireman Foreman, Officer Foreman, and Teacher Foreman
Altador Plot Constellation Templates
These templates are for Darkfire's Ye Olde Star Mapper at 50%
To use these, get your map from DF's Mapper, Alt-Prt Scr it, paste it on Paint, copy the template, paste the template, make it transparent, and move it around until you see all the stars in the holes.
The Sleeper
The Dreamer
The First to Rise
(Please note that it is senseless to search for these now because their locations change with each update, but they're here for when they are released)
The Farmer
The Gladiator
The Dancer
The Wave
Just for Fun
The Chicken
Not sure if anyone will see these here, but heh, well, if you see these, then congrats on finding my easter eggs!
I noticed that someone was talking about the Alchemy Club. I thought it was a mistake, so I went to check it out:
Heh, wish I'd joined that club instead!