A large group of people enter the board room. Each one of them has signed up to be a journal keeper. Each one of them will recieve a book of writings from some one else at the table.
A man dressed in silks and velvet enters and sits at the head of the table.
"Very shortly, you will each pull from two hats. One hat contains a list of the names of everyone in this room. You will draw from this hat and find out who's journal you will be recieving. In the second hat is a list of roles. You can pull out one of five: ordinary passerby, silencer, author, role changer, and popular person. There will be 12 ordinary passersby, two silencers, three authors, one role changer, and two popular people, meaning twenty people in all will be playing this game."
Murmurs go around the room as the man continues.
"Ordinary passersby will be just as the title states- ordinary passersby. They have no special powers, nothing is special about them. The silencers work together and present a list of three people. The ones with special roles are silenced from using their roles for twenty-four hours, and the innocents are set free. The authors also work together. However, the authors are on the side of the bad people. If they see an elimination of a person on the bad side (we'll get to eliminations later), they have the ability to change the plot (being authors) of the game, and put up a new person for elimination. If they choose a bad person to eliminate instead, that person will be gone regardless. Authors can only change the plot of things THREE times. After using their abilities three times, they are morphed into normal innocents. The role changer is not on the side of either the good or bad. They have the ability to find out the roles of THREE people in the game (at any time of the game) and change them to any other role. After using up all of their powers, they too are morphed into an innocent. The two popular people are sent a random fact about the game each day. It could be a role reveal, such as "Soandso is the role changer". It could also be a useless fact, such as- "There are eleventy-two ordinary passersby left in the game". They get these facts every day."
Exitement begins to spread throughout the crowd.
"Now we come to the last aspect of the game- elimination. Every other day, two people will leave. What determines elimination is basically a pure guess. Whenever it become time for elimination, you must try to guess who has your journal. All those who guess incorrectly will have their name put onto a list, which will go into a hat. One person's name will be pulled and both them and the person who has their journal will be eliminated from the game. The last pair standing will be journal champions. It won't be an easy game, but good luck to you all. And remember- sacrificing yourself to get a person on the opposing side is bad for you... but not always for the people on your side."
And with that, the man leaves the room, and people begin lining up to take their chances at pulling out roles and journals.
So, there you have it. Take a pull, and see what you come out with.
Ordinary Passersby- Good (8)
Silencers- Good (2)
Authors- Bad (2)
Role Changer- Neutral (1)
Popular People- Neutral (1)
Number of People Being Allowed In This Time
What You Need to Do to Get In
Just post and send me one, very brief journal entry. Only have to make one.
When the Game Will Start
When all twenty players have joined and been sent their roles and partners.
1. Don't tell who's journal you have to anyone, or it could cause your death in the game.
2. You are allowed to say what your role is, but no forwarding my PM to you.
aero_ziggy- IN THE GAME
warxelo- IN THE GAME
Shadowfare- IN THE GAME
AutumnElf- IN THE GAME
Twinkle- IN THE GAME
Mr. Darkside-
NOTE: You are only put on the list if you have sent me a valid journal entry.

Ignore the letters, those are just for my reference.
Thanks, and have fun! Just ask if you have any questions.