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 Post subject: WW4 Gameplay
PostPosted: Thu Nov 25, 2004 2:01 am 
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Game Begins!
If you are not in this game, do not post.
WEREWOLF: Version 4.o

What is it?
Tis a simple game of strategy. Well, not really simple anymore. The basic rules are the same. Kill off the other teams before they do it to you. If a baddie team can get their numbers equal to the others, they automatically win. The innocents will win when all baddies are killed off.

Oh my... I seem to have forgotten my list. Oh well, you guys can make do with this right? Good.

We will still stay with the 1 game day = 1 real day schedule.

Because of player demand, executions have been moved to 6:00 PM (Pacific Time (NST)).

This game WILL overlap on Thanksgiving (American Holiday). We will MOST LIKELY be taking a break on this day.

1. Please remember that all roles are given RANDOMLY. Just because someone was werewolf last game, does not mean anything this game.

2. If you are dead, please refer to the dead rules near the bottom of this. It will also be posted on the commentary thread.

3. Never EVER forward/quote/screenshot/copy PMs in ANYWAY that I give you. This is a DIRECT violation of the rules and if I find out, you will be killed off.

4. No hints are anywhere in this game.

5. Activity is key in this game. The only exception I will give this game will be Thanksgiving, which we may just take a day off on. IF YOU ARE GOING ON VACATION OR GET GROUNDED DURING THE DURATION OF THIS GAME, YOU WILL BE KILLED OFF

6. Lying is an important part of this game. Do not get mad if you find out that someone has been duping you this whole game. Nor should you make someone "bet" anything or "swear" to anything. It is a game.

7. You may never vote for yourself. If you must leave the game, you may, but you will never be allowed back again.

8. As a reminder, times are determined by the PPT timestamp. 6:00+ votes are void, as well as 6:30+ lists. You may send lists to me at ANY TIME!

9. Have some fun.

10. If you are confused, just ask me. I'll answer you if I can.

11. Be nice to each other. Follow forum rules. No flaming, no insulting, no snide comments.

We'll be voting within the game thread once again. Keep it as normal. Just as refresher, this is how you do it:

Vote: Person A

If you want to CHANGE your vote, do the following:

Unvote: Person A
Vote: Person B


I'll make vote summaries when I can and when I feel it is necessary. You may make your own, but nothing is official unless I made it.

Votes must be in the gamethread before the timestamp reads 6:00PM. If it reads 6:00PM or later it is VOID. If you do not wish to vote, that's ok. However, failing to vote often without adequate activity will get you modkilled.

The person who has 50% of the amount of players playing will be executed. If 30 people are playing, 15 votes will be required to kill that person. If 23 people are playing, 12 are required... If no majority is reached, there will be another method to determine the tie.

Protections occur once night starts.
Killings and Maulings will then follow, in the order I recieve them. If you send me a list earlier, you will kill earlier.
Then all roles that have night-time activity will occur.

This is a very complicated subject.

1) You may NEVER tell anyone you HAVE this secret power before you use it. If you do, You will LOSE this power IMMEDIATELY!
2) Once you get the results of the power, you may reveal it. With the execption if you have a special power with multiple uses, then you can only reveal it once the LAST USE expires.
3) If you can discuss your powers with others, I will tell it to you personally.
4) If you get executed with an unused power, it will be recycled somehow.
5) If you get killed by a baddie with an unused power, they will recieve it.
6) ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS ask if you are unsure about what you are doing.
7) Breaking one of these rules results in the loss of your power or death, depending on the severity.

Rules for the Dead
1. Once you are dead, you must speculate things that only come from the GAME THREAD.
2. Any advise you have for those who are alive, must come in the commentary thread.
3. Do not communicate privately with those who are alive with strategic details.
4. For example, if you happen to know that Person A is innocent based on your role, unless you had said that somewhere in the game thread... you may not Assert in the commentary thread that Person A is (something).
5. If you have an unused special power, and know that a baddie now has it, you may NEVER accuse that person on the fact that he used that power.
6. Just be careful on what you say. Secret information that is not available on the game thread must STAY WITH YOU.
7. Yes I realize I've basically repeated the same thing over and over, but IF ITS SOMETHING YOU HAVE NOT SAID IN THE GAME THREAD, YOU MAY NOT TALK ABOUT IT!!!



6:00 PM-- Execution, Day ends.
6:30 PM-- Night ends with the killings. Day begins.


DM was on fire!

_jaye_ - Townfolk - Shot 4
Alex - Cherub - Killed at night by ?
Alisquid - Shaman - Shot 6
Ammer- Sibling - Shot 2
AutumnElf - EVIL Hole Digger - Knifed 1
Bno- Townsperson + Freeze - Execution 3
Caesara- Angry Sibling 2 - Stabbed 3
Dawn2- Cult Member - Shot 5
flatluigi- Mafia - Executed 7
gundam_kola01- Cherub - Executed 1
HoroHoro- Fruit Vendor- Mauled 3
Ixistant- Shaman- Executed 8
jellyoflight - Traveler - Mauled 5
Kidwaiy- Townsfolk- Executed 10
Kugetsu- Criminal - Stabbed 5

Lass - Mafia - Stabbed 4
luckystar101- ??? - Modkilled.
Matt- Bodyguard turned Werewolf - Shot 11
meowth1982- ???? - Left game.

Nelly- Prophesizer - Mauled 10
Nikita- Cult Leader - Killed at Night by ?

o_0- Night Watchman- Day Killed by Mafia
okamotosan18- Cult Member + 10% Reflect - Executed 2
Puppylover- Wolf - Shot 9

Puck102701- Psychologist - Killed at Night by ?
Raze- Townsfolk- Shot 13

Shadowfare - Werewolf - Stabbed 6
Squinchy- Assassin- Outnumbered
ste_is_back- Selfish Healer- Arrowed!
Stephanie - Townsfolk - Mauled 6
Twinkle- Celebrity - Mauled 11
Twizzler0171- Traveler- Arrowed!

Urthdigger- ArchAngel - Killed at night by ?
Warxelo- Hypnotist - Mauled 2
White_Wolf- President - Avenging Sibling Kill
Wind- Werewolf - Celeb Kill

Xil- Archangel - Knifed 2
YesItIsh- Stalker - Mauled 4

Last edited by ScottNak on Mon Dec 06, 2004 2:04 am, edited 15 times in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Tue Nov 30, 2004 11:04 pm 
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Before I look back through the votes and start counting... i'm giving EVERYONE a stern warning.

Let us remember this is only a game. A fun one. But one that can be easily banned forever from being played. This has been the SECOND time in FOUR games. That is ridiculous. You do NOT attack other people by saying EXTREMELY rude things.

No matter how much I love this game, I will not HESITATE to ban this game from the forums forever if this behavior goes on any longer. This is supposed to be fun... escaping from the craziness that we go through in real life. But once you start attacking people this way, it just crumbles completely.

Respect others and what they say. Yes, they might be lying, but again its part of the game.


With some sad news however, Meowth1982 has left the game. Any roles or powers she has LEAVES WITH HER. Meowth1982 is no longer playing in this game.

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 2:01 am 
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No majority was reached.

However, the Vice-President role is no longer in play. Therefore there is no-one to make the decision for who will get executed. So tonight will be ending without an execution.

Night ends at 6:30

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 2:37 am 
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Okay... no execution is better than getting rid of a really good role...

I have to tell you something that's really cute. We're waiting for our dad to come home with our dinner (Pizza!), and my little brother gets impatient. So he opens the door, and yells out 'Hurry up with the pizzaaa!'

Okay, you probably don't care, or think its funny. I guess its one of those things that you have to be there for. But I thought it was cute.

Oh! And Meowth, get better soon please.

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 2:42 am 
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Sorry about the lateness... I've been having some troubles with my College Apps, which i finally took care of...

Scott walks into the main hall and addresses the crowd, "Well, we didn't have an execution again... but that doesn't stop the bad guys from making their kills. Lets take a look at what happened"

Scott walks back down the corridor and sees another person's room ajar. He peers in to see the room completely riddled with bullet holes all around the room. As scott walks over to the bed to uncover the identity of the dead, large violent twitches are seen coming from the bed. The blanket explodes into pieces.

What is left, is the shot body of a werewolf. Scott takes a closer look and looks at the body. "Ah. This is the body of Puppylover."

Scott searches the castle high and low and then returns back to the main hall. "There was only a mafia killing this night. No signs of a wolf mauling tonight."

Day 10 begins

10 alive
5 majority

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 5:24 am 
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Yes! A wolf is dead! What's that one song the Three Little Piggies sing? Oh, wait... never mind. They aren't all dead yet.

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 8:30 am 
PPT Toddler
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gah its getting harder and harder to choose who to vote for so i think i might just not vote tonight


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 8:35 am 
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And have no execution? That's even worse- it gives the baddies a free kill. We don't have any more healers or protectors that I know of that work for people other than themselves.

Vote: Matt

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 11:31 am 
PPT Toddler
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Yay, another werewolf is gone. :) I'm sorry to hear about Meowth though.

Last edited by ste_is_back on Wed Dec 01, 2004 1:20 pm, edited 1 time in total.

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 12:26 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Well, another wolf down, and this brings us to 1 wolf, 1 mafia and 8 innocents (yay!)
I'm sorry about Meowth, I really didn't imagine that it could have ended like this :(

I still don't know about Matt, I don't think there's something against him. Twizzler, you seem certain of your vote though, if you know something we don't please tell us.
I really don't think we can afford to lose another innocent...

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 4:34 pm 
Beyond Godly
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I'm glad we got a werewolf but I'm so sorry it's all had to kick off like this. Anyway, I'm still suspecting Matt so....

Vote: Matt

It's coming...

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PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 5:16 pm 
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People, I don't want to blab my role out to everyone - But it's really not someone you want to execute, I could help you a lot late game.

And that's good, there's one werewolf left - We've got a converting cult; I woudn't imagine Scott would have two converting roles in the the game :)

I think that I am going to go with my 'suspicions'

Vote: Kidwaiy


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 5:44 pm 
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No particular reason, except Meowth was voting for him and I'm pretty sure she was the President. That has to have some credit, right? I dunno... I may change my vote later on.

Set by WIS (I think XD), awesome fader by Bangel!

 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 6:47 pm 
Way Beyond Godly
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Vote: Kidwaiy

Another gut feeling. My gut proved me right before, perhaps maybe it'll do it again.


 Post subject:
PostPosted: Wed Dec 01, 2004 6:49 pm 
Beyond Godly
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Vote: Kidwaiy
Seems the only alternative to Matt... I'm still unconvinced about Meowth, after all there had been conversions and the president might have been someone else.

EDIT: to Meowth.
Maybe I said it wrong, I meant to say the it's possible for all I know that the cult converted the vice president before being defeated... However ok, it's just a thought and I'm probably wrong.

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Last edited by Wind on Wed Dec 01, 2004 7:34 pm, edited 1 time in total.

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