mazil wrote:
Yours is very sweet, Morningstar. It sounds beautiful (though... tiring!).
Well, I am a teensy bit older than most of the people here.

I just hope that some of you will be able to experience the same feelings I did. The nurse I had was just the best. Not only did she listen and help me through my pain (I have a weird backbone and my husband was useless at the end--she was the one grabbing my hand and yelling push), but she grabbed my husband's camera and took pictures of the birth. As it was happening. Seconds apart. Discreet (no private parts shown), but close enough to go wow, that is just amazing.
Inrun, I know what you mean. The relationship with my German Shepherd, Flash, would definitely be my second best moment. She was my former boyfriend's dog and hated me at first (would toss my shoes up in the air as if saying get the heck out of here). And, at the time, I was terrified of Shepherds. Bad experience as a kid. But, in time, we ended up falling in love with each other. I think I got her to love me by sneaking her 1/2 of my ham sandwiches from time to time and taking her for long walks every day. 8 years later, I held her in my arms when she had to be put to sleep due to a massive stroke. Sad. Gosh, she was the best dog I ever had. The two knuckleheads I have now are sweet, but just can't compare. She was truly a lady. 16 years later, I still miss the heck out of her.
Tested made this fabulous set for me!!! Isn't it great?