I'm always sad when I lose a friend. I miss everyone. haha
I've lost a lot of friends because of my parents. They wouldn't let me go out and do a lot of things. Maybe it was because I was the oldest/first child, or they thought I was imcompetant and couldn't take care of myself, or whatever, but they definitely let me do tons less than my younger brother and sister. After a while, when my high school friends kept asking me to go hang out or invite me to a party and I had to keep turning them down or I'd plan my birthday parties to have them cancelled at the last minute, a lot of my friends just moved on. They'd go on to the more popular crowd and I had to hang back because I wasn't allowed to do anything. That really sucked. :/ The friends I kept, I had to usually sneak out to be with or pull something like go right to their house after school and call my parents for a ride home later, which didn't amuse them. haha
I also lost a lot of friends because my dad had this thing about me hanging out with younger people. He'd get really mad when I hung out with younger friends (talking a couple years or so here) and say "Why can't you hang out with people your own age?" lol Maybe because you wouldn't let me hang out with them and they moved on?

So, then I couldn't hang out with my younger friends, either.
A couple of my friends here and there, I had to stop hanging out with them because my sister was friends with them. She'd accuse me of trying to steal her friends and then run to my parents and I'd get in trouble. Then she'd purposely keep her friends from hanging out with me, even if they were people who used to be in my grade and got held back or such. (She was a grade lower than me.) That got a bit easier when she went to a different school (my parents put her and my brother in Catholic school and I stayed in public). Even then when I started being friendly with her friends, she'd pull them away. lol
After high school, everyone just drifted their seperate ways. A group of my closest friends were into things I'd rather not get into and they knew it. Instead of pushing me into those things, they'd do them without me and then hung out to do those things more and more. When I went to college and met Tim, it gave me a reason to get away from those things. Even my college friends, I couldn't hang out with, until my parents let me get my driver's license at 18. Even then they were strict, though. Luckily, Tim had a car and took me everywhere. haha Morgan, my eldest, was conceived second semester of college, and I had a lot of trouble mixing calculus and morning sickness, so I had to dropout. lol So, then my college friends moved on because there was a lot I had to deal with (mostly with my parents and moving/getting kicked out and such) and I didn't have time to hang out with them anymore.
I still have most of my online friends because they are the most awesome people in the world. I still can't believe how long I've known most of them.

The ones I don't speak to anymore usually just drifted off to do other things.
All in all, I love my friends and miss the ones that moved on. I just had my 10-year high school reunion last November and several of my close friends searched me out. That really surprised me, but it was great. We've talked a few times, but it was still nice to know how things were doing. At my reunion, even the "popular kids" came up to me and hugged me and we all laughed and talked about what we've been up to. It was really cool. It was surprising how much nicer and friendlier a lot of people got. haha I'd recommend everyone go to their reunions. So many people grew up and matured into fine adults. I was very proud of a lot of my classmates.
Haha. That was a lot longer than I had intended.

I *think* I stayed on topic?