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Sun Jul 23, 2006 6:47 pm

No. You will die, so you will find out then.

Sun Jul 23, 2006 7:27 pm

After the recent death of my father, I came to a conclusion. Would I really like there to be something after death? Well, yes I would. But I really don't think there is. Everything just shuts off, and you don't hurt anymore. I think it's slightly selfish on the parts of people to hope their loved ones are still kicking around somewhere. The most important thing is that you don't hurt anymore.

Mon Jul 24, 2006 2:12 am

But what about people's souls...?<_<

Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:04 am

Myself personally, I try to live my life with the least amount of regrets I can, that way while I'm living I won't feel the need to think "What if I die tomorrow?" but instead I will think "Hmm, you know, if I die tomorrow, I guess that'd be cool, because right now I'm doing what I truly want to do."

The whole soul thing could be a whole different debate I don't want to go into because my argument will really just take us off topic. Stuff with ghosts and all that.

Mon Jul 24, 2006 4:07 am

Some people don't believe in souls (or at least in an ethereal sense). A person has to believe in them to really bring that into their aspect of "death".

Mon Jul 24, 2006 12:39 pm

.:Blank Stare:. wrote:But what about people's souls...?<_<

It is my opinion that humans do not have souls.

Mon Jul 24, 2006 7:15 pm

Wow this is certainly a thinker. Its hard to explain exactly what you think. I don't believe in a god or anything of the kind. I believe that when we die, its darkness, sad but true. I mean what would we have after. Reincarnation is flawed in my opinion, the worlds population keeps increaing so there would have to be beings with no former life that come into play. How do they come about if there is reincarnation? I believe in spirits but I do not think thats where we go when we die. Billions and billions of people have died, that would make things crowded. So I believe in eternal darkness as crappy as that may be.

Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:16 pm

benladesh wrote: Reincarnation is flawed in my opinion, the worlds population keeps increaing so there would have to be beings with no former life that come into play. How do they come about if there is reincarnation?

No, because with reincarnation anything can become anything. What you become reincarnated into is based on your actions in your past life. An ant can become a human and a human can become a dog.

Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:33 pm

Ohh but we all had to start somewhere. As in not having a lot of each, which flaws the system. Unless you're saying the more animals we kill the more humans there can be on the earth. Which in my opinion is ridiculous

Mon Jul 24, 2006 8:53 pm

benladesh wrote:Unless you're saying the more animals we kill the more humans there can be on the earth. Which in my opinion is ridiculous.

And where did I say that? I said

Sugarinii wrote:anything can become anything

It doesn't necessarily mean that it will, only that it has the ability. Perhaps I should have used 'may' instead.

What is ridiculous is trying to contradict me when you can't bother summoning enough reading comprehension to properly understand what I said.

benladesh wrote:Ohh but we all had to start somewhere. As in not having a lot of each, which flaws the system.

Didn't we all start as millions of single cell ameobas? So there were have a lot of each.

(P.S. Ha ha it sounds like I hate you)

Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:01 pm

Ahh but you fail to understand what I said.

The human population keeps increasing. Therefore the animal population needs to decrease. I doubt there are an equal number of animals and humans in the world that die and the exact same number is born.

Reproduction is there to make a certain species "bigger". But following your logic each species cannot grow much. We started as millions of single cell ameobas as you said but because of reproduction there are many more living things on this earth then there were to start with. Reprodouction is there for species growth but following your logic species growth would be almost impossible.

Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:24 pm

Yes, but with re-incarnation, it is the belief that whatever happens to be reproduced is the re-incarnated soul.

There is also the belief that the soul can split up and divide in to different parts, so theroetically, there could be several beings each with a piece of one person's soul. We have the most complex souls because we are highest on the food chain, we have more pieces.

A lot of cultures that believe in re-incarnation also believe in the soul division theory, therefore, it works.

Though if the two beliefs are not intercrossed, then I admit that it won't work.

Besides, re-incarnation is based on the concept of karma, which is flawed in itself.
And by the way, everyone, I don't even believe in re-incarnation. I'm just bored and it's fun to annoy benladesh. XD

I've got no idea what happens when we die, and oddly enough, I don't really care.

Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:36 pm

I haven't quite come to the conclusion of what I believe.

People believe in things to soothe their thoughts and to relax and prepare themselves for death. There is no one to tell us what happens after death. It is what happens that happens. We can't predict such things.

Im an athiest, and i honestly don't know what happens. I just go with the flow and think we end up in the ground, and I think sould fly out and protect the weak.

MAYBE that's just me :P.

Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:37 pm

Moofy wrote:and I think sould fly out and protect the weak.

Like superhero ghosts?!

That would be SO. COOL! :D

Mon Jul 24, 2006 9:45 pm


that would totally pwn like woah. haha.

0:) + :evil: = ;)
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