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Re: Let's Talk About Rick Astley.

Sat Jul 19, 2008 12:58 pm

My boyfriend rickrolled me countless times before I'm sure any of you even knew what it was :P.

And wow. I was at my bank opening a checking account and I got rickrolled. They played the song overhead while I was sitting with the bank representative.

But there's a guy I work with who makes mix CDs of all this techno music....mostly European stuff. I've liked the stuff her puts together. But one of his CDs began and ended with Rick Astley and he didn't tell us. I popped the disc into my car's CD player and five seconds later I was cursing his name.

:lol: I did that to my boyfriend once too. I burned him a CD with all these cute love songs and ended with a rickroll XD

Re: Let's Talk About Rick Astley.

Sat Jul 19, 2008 9:46 pm

Probably at least 20 times by the kid who sat next to me in math. And once on the announcements at school. Yeaup.

Re: Let's Talk About Rick Astley.

Sun Jul 20, 2008 8:46 pm

Dozens, probably hundreds of times.

My favorite rickroll recently was a few days ago: I was at a camp, and we had a poetry night. One of the people there announced he was reading The Road Not Taken... and then read the lyrics to Never Gonna Give You Up.

Re: Let's Talk About Rick Astley.

Fri Jul 25, 2008 5:42 pm


I think I have the Rickroll to end all Rickrolls, however.

2:15 AM.
My dad is a late night person.
I kinda am too, I just do it in bed. XD
He also frequents many forums (now I see where I get it). I was *just* starting to get to sleep, when he clicked a link on one of the forums and it was a Rickroll.
He has a kick butt stereo system, so it was nice and loud.

I screamed into my comforter when it happened. XD

Re: Let's Talk About Rick Astley.

Fri Jul 25, 2008 10:35 pm

- How many times have you Rickrolled someone I plan to put it in my neosig, and possibly in my shop, lol.
- How many times have you been Rickrolled Quite a few, mostly by fellow PPTers. I'd say atleast ten.
- Rickrolling techniques I have none. OHOHOH Use your neosig for it! *goes to do*

Re: Let's Talk About Rick Astley.

Sun Jul 27, 2008 9:08 pm

I just thought of the Awesome Idea to End All Awesome Ideas.


Re: Let's Talk About Rick Astley.

Mon Jul 28, 2008 1:53 am

dragon wrote:Use your neosig for it! *goes to do*

Copier :P I put the lyrics in my neoHTML a few week ago :P

Re: Let's Talk About Rick Astley.

Mon Jul 28, 2008 2:24 am

Jebes Christ. Rick Astley is going to be an Internet music song hit thing... I can see it now.

Re: Let's Talk About Rick Astley.

Mon Jul 28, 2008 4:22 am

Byakuya San wrote:I just thought of the Awesome Idea to End All Awesome Ideas.


that is it I'm actually going to go buy that damn song off iTunes and make it the ringtone on my phone.

Re: Let's Talk About Rick Astley.

Mon Jul 28, 2008 11:06 pm

1) Two. Every other time, I was counting on it.
2) Easily over 20.
3) Tinyurl is your friend.

Re: Let's Talk About Rick Astley.

Wed Jul 30, 2008 10:40 pm

I've been rickrolled twice, in one night.

It was both irritating and hilarious.

Re: Let's Talk About Rick Astley.

Wed Jul 30, 2008 11:52 pm

3lla wrote:
Byakuya San wrote:I just thought of the Awesome Idea to End All Awesome Ideas.


that is it I'm actually going to go buy that damn song off iTunes and make it the ringtone on my phone.

I will personally hunt down anyone who uses it as their ring tone ¬_¬

Re: Let's Talk About Rick Astley.

Fri Aug 01, 2008 6:50 pm

May is smart.
She just rickrolled anyone who looks at her AIM away message. Because it's a rickroll.

Please tell me that it can't be downloaded to cell phones as a ringtone. That would be dreadful.

Re: Let's Talk About Rick Astley.

Fri Aug 01, 2008 7:03 pm

Pickles wrote:Please tell me that it can't be downloaded to cell phones as a ringtone. That would be dreadful.

Fine then...
It can't be downloaded to cell phones as a ringtone.

No one tell Pickles I'm lying to her, ok?

That would be the single most epic idea, ever. I'd do it, but no one here understands the concept of a rickroll. HELP!

Re: Let's Talk About Rick Astley.

Fri Aug 01, 2008 7:29 pm

Pickles wrote:May is smart.
She just rickrolled anyone who looks at her AIM away message. Because it's a rickroll.

What's even funnier is that I didn't plan it as a rickroll - I just had the song in my head. I have rickrolled my cat quite a few times today as she had to listen to me sing the song all afternoon :P
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