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Re: So long, farewell, Auf wiedersehen, good night.

Fri Dec 05, 2008 5:16 pm

Tymaporer wrote:*late response* Well, I'm definitely with the "but you're a staple!" crowd. It's like, when did you join, anyway? :P

Join? I thought Fidds was a foundling that came with the forum software.

Re: So long, farewell, Auf wiedersehen, good night.

Fri Dec 05, 2008 9:25 pm

Tymaporer wrote:*late response* Well, I'm definitely with the "but you're a staple!" crowd. It's like, when did you join, anyway? :P I wish I had some way to contact you if I ever wanted to. I'm not gonna stalk you...I just like to have reference contact for people who I'm really gonna miss. :( I would go into a whole memory thingie, but there's way too much I remember about you. :P Especially from back when I was scared to death of you...seems like we just stopped talking after that disappeared. :( Can I hugglecling you? *huggleclings*

My AIM is fiddelysquat for anyone who wants to know. And ahahah I remember the stupid feud or whatever. But yeah, bygones and all that. Don't be a stranger.


I'm not that scary.


Most times.

Re: So long, farewell, Auf wiedersehen, good night.

Sun Dec 07, 2008 12:50 am

She lies.

Re: So long, farewell, Auf wiedersehen, good night.

Wed Dec 17, 2008 12:41 am

Oh blarg. I'm out for 2 weeks and this happens.

We're still doing Otakon this summer right? RIGHT?!

Re: So long, farewell, Auf wiedersehen, good night.

Sun Dec 21, 2008 3:40 am

Cyanna wrote:Oh blarg. I'm out for 2 weeks and this happens.

We're still doing Otakon this summer right? RIGHT?!

Of course! I also plan to dress up like Artie: Strongest Man in the World AND Mary Catherine Gallagher, so be prepared to be really embarassed to be in my company.


Re: So long, farewell, Auf wiedersehen, good night.

Mon Dec 22, 2008 6:28 am

I always thought you were one of the good ones. You're a cool kid - good luck in your life outside of PPT. We'll miss ya.

Re: So long, farewell, Auf wiedersehen, good night.

Sun Dec 28, 2008 1:49 pm

I know you never met me, at all, but from three years of not posting and just stalking everyone you will be sorely missed, atleast by me.

Re: So long, farewell, Auf wiedersehen, good night. (UPDATE)

Fri Jan 23, 2009 4:34 am

Posted an update for you all.
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