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Re: Happy 2009!!!

Thu Jan 01, 2009 8:17 am

Happy new year everyone! Finally, I have reached the year I graduate! Class of 2009!!! :D

My resolutions for 2008 wrote:1. Seriously get more fit and start exercising. Like Asthaloth, I'm also pretty thin, I just can't run more than five feet or do a sit up. My body won't physically sit itself up. :x

2. Find a new job. After my job closed down in September, I haven't been able [read: not trying] to get a new one.

3. Stay together with my boyfriend in a good, healthy, loving relationship. I've finally found a guy that is handsome, respectable, hard working, and treats me like a princess. I don't want to mess it up.

4. Get my grades up to at least an 85 average. My mom says if I want to go to Hofstra, I need at least 10,000 in scholarships. Which means I have to get my 83 to an 85.

5. Live life for me first, and worry about taking care of others later. Enjoy it, and don't let anyone walk all over me.

6. Prove my self to them.

That's all! :D

I have completed 2, 3, 4, and I guess 5. 6 doesn't really apply any more, and 1 hasn't happened yet hahaha. 4, I got a 12,000 dollar scholarship to St. Rose, which is my number one. While I applied to Hofstra, I don't really care about it much anymore.

My New Year's resolutions for 2009

1. Stay with Alfie, stop fighting, and be happy.

2. Find a way to improve my pain and conquer my Fibromyalgia.


4. Lose 10 pounds?

5. Sell my car

6. Graduate!

7. Be satisfied with this year, there will be troubles and hardships, but I want to be happy with how I do it.

Re: Happy 2009!!!

Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:00 pm

Happy New Year to everyone! I hope that good things happen for each and every one of you :)

Re: Happy 2009!!!

Thu Jan 01, 2009 5:05 pm

Happy New Year to all of you, and may this year be only half as bad as the last one!

(as a semi-related aside: Hibiscus flowers soaked in champagne taste EXACTLY like raspberry fruit roll-ups).

Re: Happy 2009!!!

Thu Jan 01, 2009 6:12 pm

Happy New Year's! I figure I may as well make some New Year's resolutions this year, since there's a lot I'd like to get done. Here are my SMART goals for 2009:

1. Finish my thesis and graduate in May.
2. Find a job in public health that starts in May or June.
3. Get rid of at least 50% of my books, clothes, and my other earthly possessions (in preparation for moving after 1 and before 2) by May.
4. Begin writing again, and then incorporating it into my routine (by June).
5. Start weight-lifting again (in January) -- and aim for at least 3x/week.
6. Practice dancing at least 1 time per week outside of class (again, starting in January).
7. Start running again (when the weather's warm enough, which could be January in Atlanta).
8. Go on at least 1 date (my last one was 2 years ago, when I realized that graduate school and dating did not mix for me) (by December).
9. Read at least 1 book for fun per month.

I'm highly motivated to accomplish 1-3. Numbers 5 through 7 should be relatively easy for me -- they were part of my routine until I had to give them up in September because this semester was too busy. And numbers 4, 8, and 9 should be fun.

Re: Happy 2009!!! What are your New Years Resolutions?

Fri Jan 02, 2009 1:22 am

Ammistletoe from 2007 wrote:New Year's goals:
  • Whiten teeth more (I want pearl white baby!)
  • Get better grades
  • Go to the gym

Check, check and kinda check!

This year, I want to make my teeth even more whiter, get better grades and gain some muscle mass.

Re: Happy 2009!!! What are your New Years Resolutions?

Fri Jan 02, 2009 1:48 am

I should prolly make some resolutions just so I can respond to them next year. :P Hmm. This is hard...

1. Write something and like it.
2. Draw something and like it.
3. Move out of the house. More like a dream than a goal.
4. Get some self-esteem.
5. Stop picking my nose. Not gonna happen, I'm afraid.
6. Get back to my old standard in school.
7. Think of more tomorrow.

Re: Happy 2009!!! What are your New Years Resolutions?

Fri Jan 02, 2009 9:29 pm

Happy New Year!

1. Write out thoughts instead of rants.
2. Build a computer.
3. Regain old foot hold in school.
4. Practice my music more.

Re: Happy 2009!!! What are your New Years Resolutions?

Sat Jan 03, 2009 12:44 am

Meh I only have one small new years resolution.

1. Get a honda crt250. (In my favourite color)

Re: Happy 2009!!! What are your New Years Resolutions?

Sat Jan 03, 2009 1:06 am

Hrmm. I haven't really thought about resolutions this year. Perhaps I should just resolve to try to be less socially awkward while refraining from doing anything that I'll regret in a few years?

Re: Happy 2009!!! What are your New Years Resolutions?

Mon Jan 05, 2009 6:46 pm

Oooh, I forgot to post mine.

Here's last year's:
Pickles from 2008 wrote:The ones I made were:
1. Exercise more to get healthier
2. Continue becoming a better wife
3. Not kill bridezilla (sibling) before she gets married
4. Get back into playing piano more - I miss it
5. Be more willing to try new things

ah yes. And 6. Finish putting together and host my HP WW game.
Results: 1- kinda
3-check! (barely)
4-didn't do. :(

Resolutions for this year...
1. Get my MSCA certification
2. Continue becoming a better wife
3. Seriously exercise more and lose some weight to be healthy
4. Don't fight with my 'new' brother-in-law

Re: Happy 2009!!!

Mon Jan 05, 2009 7:42 pm

Jenna! wrote:2. Find a way to improve my pain and conquer my Fibromyalgia.

Eesh you poor girl. I have myo which could develop into fibromyalgia and that's bad enough! *hugs* Hope it improves for you this year anyway.

Anyway, bit late but Happy New Year! This year I want to learn to drive, find a better job and move out. Big, big goals!

Re: Happy 2009!!! What are your New Years Resolutions?

Tue Jan 06, 2009 4:42 am

I resolve to get my lazy behind back to running a good five miles or so on an almost-daily basis.

I also resolve to be more of a pessimist (aka a realist), because everyone loves a good killjoy.

Re: Happy 2009!!! What are your New Years Resolutions?

Tue Jan 06, 2009 5:41 am

Survive college and get a new job.

Re: Happy 2009!!! What are your New Years Resolutions?

Tue Jan 06, 2009 9:53 pm

Ski wrote:I also resolve to be more of a pessimist (aka a realist), because everyone loves a good killjoy.

Sounds exactly like me. I could train you...

Re: Happy 2009!!! What are your New Years Resolutions?

Fri Jan 09, 2009 12:52 am

My resolution is to read 20+ books in 2009. This'll be pretty difficult considering I'm going to be heading off to college, but I'm determined! If it goes well this year my 2010 resolution will be 40+.
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