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Re: ICE- In case of Emergency

Mon Jan 05, 2009 3:48 am

ICE is useful for me. It's my parents' home phone number, which I wouldn't have in my phone otherwise since I know it by heart. My parents don't answer their cell phones most of the time, and I don't have any other family titles (e.g. "Grandma" or "Aunt Joyce") in my phone. It's also good for them to know WHICH number you want them to call, so they don't have to flick through your phone and decide between "Home" and "Mom(work)" and "Mom(cell)" and all the other variations.

Re: ICE- In case of Emergency

Fri Jan 09, 2009 5:00 am

Its also handy if you don't want somebody panicking early - especially people with heart conditions and the like. Its a lot more stressful for a paramedic to call up somebody and say such and such has been in an accident etc than for such and such's ICE to call and explain or for such and such to call for themselves from the hospital.

Additionally, it makes it easier for divorced parents - there'd be no use calling my Dad in an emergency as he lives a fair chunk away, but if I were a paramedic I would probably ring a dad before a mum in an emergency.

Plus it just makes it easier for the paramedics - they've been taught to go Ice -> Mum/Dad -> Home etc. If you have an ICE it makes it quicker for them so they can concentrate on doing other stuff. Like juggling.

Re: ICE- In case of Emergency

Tue Jan 13, 2009 12:34 am

Katherine wrote:
TDG wrote:Mmm, after my last first aid course I updated my phone to have a few of these. I also told myself if I ever needed a medic alert bracelet I'd get one made of solid gold as its more likely to be noticed by the paramedics :P (our tutor mentioned that quite often they're not seen in the chaos of emergencies and aren't noticed until in the ambulance)

I'd personally get mine in lime green, so you can really see it.

I don't have a cell, but I know I will program some of these in when I get one.

My friends medic alert bracelette is lime green

Re: ICE- In case of Emergency

Tue Jan 13, 2009 1:02 am

TDG wrote:Mmm, after my last first aid course I updated my phone to have a few of these. I also told myself if I ever needed a medic alert bracelet I'd get one made of solid gold as its more likely to be noticed by the paramedics :P (our tutor mentioned that quite often they're not seen in the chaos of emergencies and aren't noticed until in the ambulance)

Why not have a medical alert cod piece? Made of solid gold? The paramedics will surely notice that one.

Re: ICE- In case of Emergency

Sun Jan 18, 2009 3:31 am

To add on top of this I just read an article in a local paper (Philadelphia Inquirer) that people were going into purses, stealing one credit card and the person's cellphone to text someone that was listed as "husband," or whatever, with a message to the effect of "I forgot our pin, what is it?" Apparently a lot of people didn't think much of this and just said the number. So, moral of the story. Program ICEs and not "Husband" etc? Or don't marry an idiot!
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