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Wed Jun 02, 2004 12:00 am

Our school is different, we don't have averages, so I'll just guess for this semester...

Maths: Probably a B+, or an A if I do well on my semester exam.
French: Probably an A or an A+ depending on how my exam goes.
Photography: I'll probably just pass, considering I'm currently borderline failing...
Legal Studies: I think at the moment it's around about an A.
Leadership: o.O You know, I don't think this class actually has grades...
English: A B+ or an A, depending on how much rubbish I can make up about a poem for my exam.

Eh, it could be worse.

Wed Jun 02, 2004 2:47 pm

Ap human geography- A
English- A or maybe a B+
BST(Buisness systems technology)- A+
LMS(Life managment skills)- A+
Art I- A
Geometry- C/C-

Geomety killed me as you can see, but 9th grade was a bad year for me.

Wed Jun 02, 2004 2:55 pm

I have a week left of school and most teachers arent bothering telling our grades so here are mine predictions:

English: A or A-
Art: A or A- or B+ (I don't think I will get an A because I don't try hard, or at least that's what my teacher thinks.)
P.E: A
Algebra: A- or B+ (I hope it's an A)
History: A or A-
Digital art: B+ or A (My teacher doesn't grade on quality, she grades on how much different stuff can you do in a quater :? )
Science: A (I really really hope I get an A)

edit: just fixing some typos
Last edited by kiay on Wed Jun 02, 2004 4:18 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Jun 02, 2004 3:32 pm

All A's. I always get all A's, or like, two B's. :P

Wed Jun 02, 2004 3:40 pm


English- most likely an A
French 3- A
History- A, depending on the final
Creative Writing- better be an A, or I'm going to kick some butt!
Band, PE- easy As!
Chemistry- A- I saw this one
Adv. Math- A/A-, I hope

I haven't gotten my final grades yet, these are guesses. Educated, but still guesses.

Wed Jun 02, 2004 3:42 pm

2 more days left of finals. My predictions:

Honors Biology: B
Algebra 2/Trigonometry: A
Life Skills: A
Honors English: A-
P.E.: A
Spanish 2: A

I'm in 9th grade, by the case anybody suspected I was a Senior taking Honors Bio. XD

Wed Jun 02, 2004 9:48 pm

We don't have averages or GPAs, which I'm glad because one little mistake won't drag my overall school grade down. Maybe that's not how GPAs work and I'm sorry if I've got it wrong. It merely sounds terrifying from reading what people say about it.

For each subject I am assessed in different areas through any number of methods the teacher decides to use. They don't tell you. The tests count, the homeworks count, the exams count, the behaviour counts, the classwork, the oral, the writing, whatever it is. It depends on the subject. The assessed areas are not consistent. For example, I am not assessed in "Application of Maths" in anywhere other than Maths. Some subjects I get grades for 3 areas, some 8, it's a range.

Overall it means I get about 30 - 40 grades a year depending on what subjects I get. It's an improvement to previously when we got about 60 grades. ^___^

I got my report in March for some odd reason. Since it's impossible to really say how well I did as not many other people seem to use this system, I'll hazard a guess that I didn't do too badly. The people I hang around with mostly get As and Bs. (No +s or -s.) Exam-wise school does quite well compared to UK.
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