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Good luck on Finals!

Fri Dec 10, 2004 8:02 am

Oh, for many folks in college, this time of year means several things: the end of semester, the Holidays and..... the dreaded end of Term Finals. Just wanted to say good luck on your finals! Studying is a drag, and tests are ebil, but it's one of those ebils you are never rid of.

Fri Dec 10, 2004 9:28 am

I am going to say something that you might not like it.

All the kids in my country are on holiday now. They have completed their exams. :D


Fri Dec 10, 2004 10:03 am

IT really does feel good to be Australian. Exams are over, and holidays start in less than a week. Life is good.

Fri Dec 10, 2004 11:58 am

Yeah, but Australians have Christmas in the summer. Which doesn't really fit any Christmas songs, cuz all of them mention snow at one point :P And Chistmas in the summer just sounds weird...

And I don't have finals till the end of the year. I have history mid-terms though :(

Fri Dec 10, 2004 12:26 pm

Bah High school has finals too. I've got so many reviews I don't know what one to do first! I finished my english one, my science one and I have to do my math, world geography, study the general orders for my JROTC class, and learn my region music so I can get a good grade on finals for band. I have so much homework O_O

Fri Dec 10, 2004 12:31 pm

Thanks, I have finals coming up. It's part of the reason I haven't been on much lately. -_- The strange thing is, I'll probably be on a ton during finals week.

Sat Dec 11, 2004 5:43 am

Thanks a lot. I take Dual Enrollment classes at our local community college and I finished my last exam today. So, I guess I should be wishing ya'll good luck. Teehee! I can't wait to get my scores on Wednesday. Eeeekkk!

Sat Dec 11, 2004 5:51 am

I finished my two exams yesterday. And i've gotten my portfolios back.

Printmaking A-
Sculpture B+
Drawing B (I had issues with my prof)
Art history either a B+ or a very high B
Classics i'm hoping for a B-. Who knows. Probably a C, C+ (I hate history courses)

Sat Dec 11, 2004 6:58 am

Thank you :) I have finals next week, it's CRAM WEEKEND :D

Sat Dec 11, 2004 11:55 pm

Thanks... except that I had my finals this last week. :(
I took three easy classes though, so it should be all right. Just my first year taking college courses so I'm not used to the grading system.
And umm... the Robinson-Patman Act was also known as the chain-store law, just in case anyone needed to know. I missed that on my written portion of microecon. Mlar.

Sun Dec 12, 2004 3:04 am

Hehe....I don't have to worry until the end of January for final exams. :P

Sun Dec 12, 2004 3:32 am

Ugh. This was a horrid set of finals for myself.
Still one essay left.


Sun Dec 12, 2004 3:59 am

I've got an essay to write for US Congress, a portfolio to finish for Intro to Poetry, and final exams to take for US Congress and Intro to Music before I can go home on Wednesday.

Oh least I finally got my final paper for European Union finished...and thanks for the kind thoughts.

Sun Dec 12, 2004 4:14 am

Thanks so much. I also have mid-terms this next week, and I am DREADING my AP US History, Pre-AP Physics, and AP English III exams. Other than that, I only have one other exam which should be fine (Pre-AP Algebra II). My AP US History review is 168 vocab words I have to define, which is why I dread that one the most. Oh, and the review itself is part of the exam: 10 points.

Sun Dec 12, 2004 5:30 am

High school finals starting Tuesday here...

Gah, I'm going to die. All the stress is seriously getting to me. :cry:
My schedule:

Honors English
AP Physics
AP Euro History
Honors French
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