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Xanga... Anyone? (or blogger)

Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:52 am

I saw the topic for Livejournal, and thought 'cool'! But..since I don't have one... I was wondering if anyone had a xanga site! It's not as common as livejournal, I don't think, though.

I also have a blogger, but I don't use it QUITE as much.



Not the greatest layouts..heh. Too lazy to make my own for blogger, haha. And xanga...well, you gotta pay to get a nice layout. Oh well, heh.

And to let people know, xanga is not 'an asian thing' as some people like to say. I've heard that. I got so confused. Just because a lot of the people who use it are asian, doesn't mean it's an asian thing. Yeah, little rant :).
So, does anyone have it? o.O; heh.

Tue Jan 04, 2005 3:00 am

I have livejournal, but i am very lazy and dont update.

Hakr3l0vt or something. I forgot.

Tue Jan 04, 2005 3:55 am

I have a Xanga, but I've abandoned it for Livejournal.

All my friends who have online journals have Xangas, while none have Livejournals, so I'm the odd one out. And...I'm kinda happy with that. I made my Xanga long before any of them made theirs and abandonned it while it just started to get popular- I just got really tired of the chatspeak and silly stuff (apparently it's an "azn" thing) they threw in there.

Tue Jan 04, 2005 4:08 am

I have a Xanga, but I need to start using it more often and it's mainly for people I know in real life. I talk about too much stuff in there that most of you wouldn't understand.

Tue Jan 04, 2005 9:31 am

Oooh me me me!

Apparently my friend doesn't like me posting pictures of her, so I will not post pictures of her...but my other friends heh, that's ok, I mean anyone can look :) Mostly my RL friends but I do welcome you PPTers :)

Tue Jan 11, 2005 5:54 am

I signed up for it when it used to be a site for movie and book reviews. My registration date is way off, it shouldn't be October 11! Anyways, it's in my sig. Feel free to leave comments :)

Tue Jan 11, 2005 6:42 pm

Oo-I have a Xanga!

I update daily, but it's usually about little mundane daily events. I don't do much deep thinking.

Tue Jan 11, 2005 8:29 pm

I had a livejournal account then got bored with it after like three days,

Wed Jan 12, 2005 1:51 am

_jaye_ wrote:Oooh me me me!

Apparently my friend doesn't like me posting pictures of her, so I will not post pictures of her...but my other friends heh, that's ok, I mean anyone can look :) Mostly my RL friends but I do welcome you PPTers :)

Wow, your xanga is amazing!! I love the layout!!^__^ pwhee!

Wed Jan 12, 2005 3:01 am

I have a blogger, but it's only to update my website :P

Wed Jan 12, 2005 3:56 am

Wolven Spirits wrote:
_jaye_ wrote:Oooh me me me!

Apparently my friend doesn't like me posting pictures of her, so I will not post pictures of her...but my other friends heh, that's ok, I mean anyone can look :) Mostly my RL friends but I do welcome you PPTers :)

Wow, your xanga is amazing!! I love the layout!!^__^ pwhee!

Meepy >< Thank you! :) You know I used to have a cookie layout....(hehe)

I like the banner on your site! :D

Wed Jan 12, 2005 4:01 am

_jaye_ wrote:
Wolven Spirits wrote:
_jaye_ wrote:Oooh me me me!

Apparently my friend doesn't like me posting pictures of her, so I will not post pictures of her...but my other friends heh, that's ok, I mean anyone can look :) Mostly my RL friends but I do welcome you PPTers :)

Wow, your xanga is amazing!! I love the layout!!^__^ pwhee!

Meepy >< Thank you! :) You know I used to have a cookie layout....(hehe)

I like the banner on your site! :D

Teehee *shushes jaye* my sis made it for moi, cus I was too lazy ^_~ hehehe. *sneaks away*

Wed Jan 12, 2005 9:39 pm

I don't have a blog. I have an LJ account though, but I never use it. Is Xanga any good? Is it free?

Thu Jan 13, 2005 3:20 am

I've got no idea about how good xanga is, but I had a quick look at their site, and you can get free accounts. :)

Thu Jan 13, 2005 4:58 am

What I quite like is the comments and eprops system. Some people have super cool layouts, and I don't think they pay, hehe. Mine's nothing special, but I still like it^__^ especially since I know tons of people who use it, hehe.
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