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Bunnies! (and kitty)

Tue Jan 04, 2005 3:48 am

I got a digital camera for christmas, so I just had to show off some pics^^;
Sammy the mini-lop-Sammy in all her cuteness. Notice the ears- Sometimes one ear goes up while the other stays lopped.
Here's a better pic of the ears. I love it when she does that. <3
Tink the dwarf-It was hard getting good pics of Tink because she's won't sit still. It's hard to see but she has a little ruff of fur around her cheeks that looks like a lion's mane.
Here's Tink again from the side.
Jerry the cat- It's hard getting good pics of a him.. He either looks overexposed or like a big blob. Then again, he IS a big blob :P

More pics:
Jerry under the tree
He's either sleepy or giving the evil eye
Sammy closeup
Sammy again
And again
Sniffing the camera
Sniffing the blanket
Sniffing each other
Getting a pet
Grooming(my fave)

Tue Jan 04, 2005 4:27 am

Awwww. Jerry is a cute kitty! :)

Your bunnies are really cute too! One of my bunnies sort of has Tink's hair-do. (In the first picture you can see that one tuff of hair around her forehead well. It's so cute!)

Tue Jan 04, 2005 5:50 am

awwwww! they are so cute! are these new additions (they look young) or have you had the bunnies for a while? sammy looks very similar to my rabbit, bunbun. it looks like tink is an angora, right? hehe, have fin grooming that one. anyways, they are both adorable.

Tue Jan 04, 2005 12:47 pm

Awww.... <3 Cute, cute, cute bunnies =^.^=. I wished I had a bunny when I was about 7 .....I asked my parents everyday but it didn't happen.

Tue Jan 04, 2005 12:53 pm

You have such adorable pets! hehe I want pets too but I'm not allowed for some reason :(

Awwww *steals them and pets them* :evil:

Tue Jan 04, 2005 2:32 pm

*snuggles Tink* Such a cute gray bunny.

Tue Jan 04, 2005 5:50 pm

Aww, I -so- love your bunnies! *steals* <3

Tue Jan 04, 2005 11:42 pm

awwww okay the kitty is cute but Tink, OMG SO adorable <3 . I want it :D!! I don't know what it is but it's my favorite. You have really cute bunnies, and I'm not much of a cat person but your cat is also adorable.

My sister bought a bunny as a gift for this one girl during the summer (she wanted one and had had bunnies before) and we ended up wanting to keep it before giving it to her...well that's before we had to do all the cleaning and stuff of the cage :P
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