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Avatar High

Sun Jun 20, 2004 4:41 pm

Avatar High

Hey. This is a really good little game. I like it.

I've called mine PPT High and the Students are:

Lillie Wise
Jim Admin
Runevalkyrie Admin
Christopher Mad
Cheese Mad
Sunnie Zero
Stuart Ixistant
and Igg Cobain (I bet she likes that name!)

Why don't you post your own schools and students!

Sun Jun 20, 2004 4:47 pm

What? No DM? Shame on you! :lol: Just kidding. :P I signed up just so I could play. I'm KariKamiya (darn character limit. I wanted a underscore on it.)

EDIT- Mine's Pink Poogle HIgh (yeah, captain originality.) Student 2 of 8.

EDIT 2- Oh no! PPTer Ixistant is unhappy because PPTer Jill won't talk to him! :lol:

EDIT 3- redid my high. Still got Ixistant and Adam in it. And I stink at basketball whether I'm virtual or not!
Last edited by DM was on fire! on Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:07 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Sun Jun 20, 2004 4:57 pm

Mines Hogwarts School

Students...well....8 real hogwarts students


Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:17 pm

My IRL friends found that a while ago.. My current school is full of IRL-people, you guys wouldn't know any of them. Especially since they're in by their code names. XD

Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:17 pm

:lol: You said to name your students. o.o

PPTer DM (what?)
PPTer Adam
PPTer Dawn
PPTer Ixistant
PPTer Shadowfare
PPTer Rikku
PPTer Xil

OMG...this is weird. OK... why did Shadowfare say I dissed her? And why can't I go to the prom with Adam?! Whoops...sorry. Wait..I AM going with Adam! Another sign of destiny! *falls over* What?

PPTer Xil is going with PPTer DM


PPTer Adam is going with PPTer DM
PPTer DM is going with PPTer Adam

PPTer DM (Avatar High) wrote:I broke up with PPTer Adam.Suffice it to say that any friendship between me and PPTer Adam is officially 100% cancelled, end of story.

NO! Oh, well. Glad things aren't like that in RL.

Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:37 pm

That's an awesome game! :P

My students:

PPTer Jim
PPTer Dawn
PPTer Jill
PPTer Tyma
PPTer Yukio
PPTer Ixistant

And somebody else... I forget who. :P

Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:37 pm

Mines CCC High school

Students -

CCCer Cheese
CCCer Christopher
CCCer Me
CCCer wanderer
CCCer Combusken
CCCer Dawn
CCCer Dragonfire
CCCer Isabella

CCCer me dumped Dawn :P
Last edited by T.M.W.A.C.H.N on Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:40 pm

DM was on fire! wrote::lol: You said to name your students. o.o

PPTer DM (what?)
PPTer Adam
PPTer Dawn
PPTer Ixistant
PPTer Shadowfare
PPTer Rikku
PPTer Xil

OMG...this is weird. OK... why did Shadowfare say I dissed her? And why can't I go to the prom with Adam?! Whoops...sorry. Wait..I AM going with Adam! Another sign of destiny! *falls over* What?

PPTer Xil is going with PPTer DM


PPTer Adam is going with PPTer DM
PPTer DM is going with PPTer Adam

PPTer DM (Avatar High) wrote:I broke up with PPTer Adam.Suffice it to say that any friendship between me and PPTer Adam is officially 100% cancelled, end of story.

NO! Oh, well. Glad things aren't like that in RL.

What? huh? I feel confused and kind of afraid. I went to the PPT prom with nyssa though..all the way back in November. oO Whats going on?

Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:45 pm

Xil wrote:
DM was on fire! wrote::lol: You said to name your students. o.o

PPTer DM (what?)
PPTer Adam
PPTer Dawn
PPTer Ixistant
PPTer Shadowfare
PPTer Rikku
PPTer Xil

OMG...this is weird. OK... why did Shadowfare say I dissed her? And why can't I go to the prom with Adam?! Whoops...sorry. Wait..I AM going with Adam! Another sign of destiny! *falls over* What?

PPTer Xil is going with PPTer DM


PPTer Adam is going with PPTer DM
PPTer DM is going with PPTer Adam

PPTer DM (Avatar High) wrote:I broke up with PPTer Adam.Suffice it to say that any friendship between me and PPTer Adam is officially 100% cancelled, end of story.

NO! Oh, well. Glad things aren't like that in RL.

What? huh? I feel confused and kind of afraid. I went to the PPT prom with nyssa though..all the way back in November. oO Whats going on?

I scheduled a prom in my school, and I got dissed. Bad. Besides, I wasn't around in November of 02. I was around in 03, but not 02.

Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:49 pm

T.M.W.A.C.H.N wrote:Mines CCC High school

Students -

CCCer Cheese
CCCer Christopher
CCCer Me
CCCer wanderer
CCCer Combusken
CCCer Dawn
CCCer Dragonfire
CCCer Isabella

CCCer me dumped Dawn :P

I'm in CCC too, shame on you T.M. *thwacks T.M. with a iron*

Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:50 pm

:( There was no more room sowwy :( Plus we dont have alist so i just went through our topic and picked people :(

CCCer Cheese never goes to lunch lol

I like CCCer Me so much I think my insides might fall out. And then I might slip on them, and then even after I bang my head on the floor I'll still be grinning like an idiot.

^From CCCer Dawn
Last edited by T.M.W.A.C.H.N on Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:57 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Re: Avatar High

Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:57 pm

Ixistant wrote:Avatar High

Hey. This is a really good little game. I like it.

I've called mine PPT High and the Students are:

Lillie Wise
Jim Admin
Runevalkyrie Admin
Christopher Mad
Cheese Mad
Sunnie Zero
Stuart Ixistant
and Igg Cobain (I bet she likes that name!)

Why don't you post your own schools and students!

Oh no...Now I'm related to him too?!?!

Sun Jun 20, 2004 5:58 pm

Nah I was just kidding. Thought you didn't know I was there to begin with :D

Sun Jun 20, 2004 6:01 pm

Articfox wrote:Nah I was just kidding. Thought you didn't know I was there to begin with :D

I remember .. you think all those iron pans didnt remind me lol ....

CCCer Dragonfire just dumped CCCer Combusken!

Arent they both guys, if im not mistaken?

Sun Jun 20, 2004 6:31 pm

T.M.W.A.C.H.N wrote:
Articfox wrote:Nah I was just kidding. Thought you didn't know I was there to begin with :D

I remember .. you think all those iron pans didnt remind me lol ....

CCCer Dragonfire just dumped CCCer Combusken!

Arent they both guys, if im not mistaken?

is there something wrong with that? :evil:
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