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I need a hug...

Sun Jan 30, 2005 9:45 pm

I'm sick of my life... I'm sick of living in my house...

My parents abuse me, and they have since the stock market crashed around 9/11. Apparently we had around 1 million dollers in stocks, and after it crashed we had like 100 thousand, which is only 1 year's salary. And my parents couldn't take that.

I've been emotionally, verbally, and mentally abused since then, and I was physically abused for 1 year, until I learned how to fight back. My mother has a bad heart, and while I'm sorry that she has it, I'm so thankful for it because it keeps her from hitting me. My dad's not as bad anymore, because he only does it when he thinks I'm threatening Mom, but then I can get beat up pretty bad... They've never broken any bones, and they're always pretty good about not leaving bruises, but it still hurts...

The only reason I haven't turned them in to CPS is because I need the money for school... I go to an advanced school, but it's expensive, and in 3 years I'm going to college. I know if I turn them in, none of my relatives are going to pay for me to go to my school, though I could probably get scholarships to college...

Anyway, I'm just sick of it... My mother just grounded me for a week because I yelled at her to stop when she was hitting me... Heck, I just got yelled at because I have white towels in my bathroom, and they're gray from dirt and stuff... And I'm sick of her telling me I'm stupid, and I'm not allowed to think for myself, and I'll never make it in life... and all that stuff...

The only reason I haven't turned into those people who believe all that stuff is because I'm smart... I mean, seriously smart... I'm not bragging about it, but I have read enough and used the internet enough to know what kind of stuff is abuse, and what not to pay attention to when they say it...

Anyway, just incase anyone can do this, please don't track me down through my IP address or anything... I just need a big hug...

Sun Jan 30, 2005 9:48 pm

Is there anyone else you can tell IRL about this? I think you need help.

For now though: :hug: *biggest hug ever*

Sun Jan 30, 2005 9:59 pm

You need to tell someone. That's all I can say.


Sun Jan 30, 2005 10:03 pm

*hugs* I agree with those who say that you really need to tell someone. That is not a healthy situation to be in at all. :hug:

Sun Jan 30, 2005 10:12 pm

I hope the best for you, and I know it's hard to tell someone. My brother abused me mentally and pyscially and I never told anyone about it for a long time. *gigantic hug* But I agree that you should at least tell someone close to you and look into some help. I've seen my friend almost get killed by her abusive sister, and she lied to her mother and said she did it to herself. It's difficult, but it would probably be best in the end. Listen to your heart darling and good luck.

Sun Jan 30, 2005 10:47 pm

Don't take this wrong way, but seriously. School, and education in general, is important, but not at the cost of being verbally or physically abused. I think you need to get out of this situation as fast as you can, Jelly; if you continue going through this, more than likely you will be scarred for life, if you are already not.

It is unfortunate you must go through this. :hug:

Sun Jan 30, 2005 11:45 pm

It must take a lot of will to get through this, just hold out a little bit longer. I'm sure things will work out.


Mon Jan 31, 2005 12:11 am

If you are being abused by your parents, I really suggest that you get in touch with the authorites or at the least someone you can trust with this information (like a teacher or a neighbor.)

I know this situation must be horrible for you, but the best thing to do is to get out.
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