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Those weird things you do...

Tue Feb 08, 2005 8:32 am

Just want a thread where we can all share the weird things we do so we can see that others are just as crazy :D heh

Me... No matter where I go.. I always think to myself if that place would be a good place to hold up if zombies were real.
No kidding...
If I'm anywhere for a long period of time (like home or at my bf's family's house), I'll start thinking about what I would use to cover the windows and where I would go if they broke in somehow.

So yep.. there's one of my weird things (only one I can think of atm.. I'm sure I have others).

So share away! :D

Tue Feb 08, 2005 8:39 am

I do loads of weird things, most of which I won't even begin to explain here because they'd scare you all :P

Anyway, I think I have the spirit of a cat because you know how cat's rub their faces on things? I do that sometimes.

I think aloud a lot too and talk to myself when I'm alone. Well no one's going to think I'm crazy if no one can see me, will they? So it's all good! :D Just as long as I don't do that when out and about, then I'll be alright XD

Tue Feb 08, 2005 1:32 pm

I have the ability to turn every set I make into complete and total crap. I think the sig I have now is the only I've ever personally liked. O.o

Tue Feb 08, 2005 1:32 pm

I wake up In Character, as young Oak.
In my sleep during an overnight field trip, I said, "Smurf off, Christopher."
... eeexcept I didn't say... 'Smurf'. :P

(Christopher's someone Young Oak respects, but he's been pretty dang mean to her lately.)

At Sir_Isaac's birthday party, I arrived with Oak's markings and scars facepainted all over me, and said --
"I haven't Roleplayed in two hours. Let's go."

The scars were so fun to make! But half of em melted in the car. I also walked into Barnes and Noble with the paint and costume on.

Tue Feb 08, 2005 1:35 pm

Dawn2 wrote:I have the ability to turn every set I make into complete and total crap. I think the sig I have now is the only I've ever personally liked. O.o

Thats not true, you have made some very beautiful ones.

Weird things I do...

I still have my christmas tree up because I think it is pretty! Right now I'm calling it my Valentines day tree!

Tue Feb 08, 2005 2:34 pm

Wird things I do:

I all of a sudden get hyper sometimes. (I live my life on cartoons and sugar.)
I sometimes do weird stuff like pick my nose and make weird noises sometimes. :oops:
Sometimes I get wired on cartoons, sugar and Video Games.
My family still have their christmas decorations up. I guess my dad's too busy to put away the stuff.
I call my friend O-B-1 Knoeley (Pronounced Kanoleey)

Tue Feb 08, 2005 2:51 pm

Actually Shollia, I do the same thing, of course, I'm weird like that. XD

I also think about what I would hide behind or on if the mafia or some killer were to enter my house. I've got plenty of hiding spots now.

I do some strange things in my mind as well, but I can't really describe those, except that I take the tiles of ceilings, divide them into smaller non-square sections, and then try to find the measure of triangles in them. They are pointless, really, but they entertain me. :P

Tue Feb 08, 2005 3:03 pm

Ok, lesse here.

I tend to type the same as I speak, so I usually wind up with things like ya instead of yes, saying heh (short laugh) at the beginning of most things I say, and stuff like that.

I tend to say "Ya know" at the end of most of my sentences.

When up late, many people have thought I was high (maybe that's why it's so easy for me to stay off of drugs)

Despite technically being an adult (I'm 18 ), I'm going into it kicking and screaming. Nothing will tear me from my love of sugar frosted cereal and old cartoons!

Despite the above comment, some of my favorite people to talk to are adults. There was a chat on the neoboards a few days ago asking how many adults were playing, and while people occasionally popped in to say things like "Hi, I'm 25" or "Hi, I'm 40", it wound up mostly being a conversation between me and about 3 other adults. Come to think of it, it was the same day as the search for the sidebar and the Mr. Chipper BTY (went between them)

Plenty of times, I've had no greater desire in the world than to be my character. Mainly because of the magic and technological skills I've given him, although the whole "different species" thing would be a hassle. I've never woken up as him, but I have had dreams where I'm him if I've spent some heavy RPing time before sleeping.

Like Kugetsu and Shollia, I do something regarding zombies, but not looking for hiding spots. I try to see just what I'd use for a weapon (easy around my house. Hmm, katana, or huge broadsword...), whether it be a chair, a knife, a pipe, or even the belt in the pocket of my trenchcoat. I guess I'm just a tad more proactive :P

Tue Feb 08, 2005 5:56 pm

I talk to myself constantly and have one-sided conversations with people who aren't there (except I'm not crazy because I do know that the people aren't really there)

When I'm on vacation and bored, I wander through the hotel scouting out places I would hide if I was a spy.

I still have tea parties with my stuffed animals despite being a high school student (that's more childish than weird)

I often whimper, giggle, or cry in my sleep all without waking up or even remembering why (I know about it because either my pillow is damp from crying or at sleepovers someone hears me and tells me the next morning).

Tue Feb 08, 2005 6:05 pm

I have a fascination by color and texture.
That may not seem weird... but when it comes to the point that if i'm driving along, and I see a tree... that has a neat look to it. I have to stop (my mother doesn't like it, dad just laughs), get out and examine why the tree is so interesting.
I frustrate myself very quickly, whilst doing art, because I can see what I want in my head, but I can't complete it on paper, or wherever. It will agitate me to the point where on a few occasions, i've given myself anxiety attacks.
I'm also incredibly shy IRL. I've been known to get physically ill before talking infront of the class, and I clam right up. It's a big problem when i'm in critiques. Especially now, since I don't really trust everyone in my class. Yup. *shrug* I feel thats weird.

Tue Feb 08, 2005 6:13 pm

I laugh at nothing.


...Sorry :P

It gets me into trouble, because when a teacher or someone's screaming, I randomly snort and dissolve into hysterics XD

Tue Feb 08, 2005 6:15 pm

Hmmmmmm I talk to myself and do lots of random things hehe

Tue Feb 08, 2005 6:26 pm

ahoteinrun wrote:I frustrate myself very quickly, whilst doing art, because I can see what I want in my head, but I can't complete it on paper, or wherever. It will agitate me to the point where on a few occasions, i've given myself anxiety attacks.

I do that too. Most of the time when it happens I'll scream into my pillow, hit the sketchbook and I'll either feel like crying or will cry.

More weird things I do... most of these involving "monsters"... heh

If I'm feeling extra paranoid (specially if my dogs decide to randomly start barking like they do... grrr)... I must fall asleep on my back. That way.. if there is some sort of "monster" in the room I'll be able to see it coming from all angles.
And I'm sure alot of ppl do this... but I can not have any part of my body hanging off the bed.
That childhood fear of being grabbed and pulled under the bed kicks in every time. Same with having any part of me besides my head poking out of the covers... everything has got to be covered up :D

Tue Feb 08, 2005 6:56 pm

Shollia wrote:I do that too. Most of the time when it happens I'll scream into my pillow, hit the sketchbook and I'll either feel like crying or will cry.

I don't hit my sketchbook... it's too precious to me (well the 13 I have in my room currently... are precious to me.) I'll cry too. Artist blocks are the worst for me though. It's like physical pain, it just aches... and it hurts. And I can draw, but it's never right... it's just... crud. *shrug*
*eyes current chalk drawing* Like right now. Absolute crud.

Tue Feb 08, 2005 7:02 pm

I tilt my head to the side slightly if I'm looking at something I don't understand, or (this really annoys people) I do it when I don't understand what they're saying.
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