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Think You've Picked Up From Others

Sat Feb 12, 2005 1:14 am

Are there any things you've picked up from other people that you probably wouldn't have done before?

For me, when I type I go :O a lot.. Sunnie started that. :P And sometimes I try to put stress on words using the * symbols.. I got that from Jasujo and I don't even talk to her. :roflol:

Sat Feb 12, 2005 1:28 am

We-ell ... I started using "-"s instead of "*"s around my actions/whatever you call them (eg. -hides- / *hides* o.O) from a friend, but she isn't on PPT ...

And I just recently started using the "=" for smilies instead of ":" (so =), =D,) but that was from a various number of people :P

Sat Feb 12, 2005 1:51 am

Hmmm...*thinks deeply, crosses legs and rubs chin*

I've being saying cat "kee-at" lately and mad "mee-ad". My friend has an accent and I'm starting to pick up on it. I use actions in my topics a lot, that's probably from a bunch of online friends. We often do it through instant messaging a lot. The whole conversation would be *throws a pickle at your face* and then they would go *dances with the pickle and decides to take it to prom* It would just go like that for hours. O__O;;;

Oh yeah and that too. The little ;;;;'s after my smilies have been surfacing lately. I go online too much. Don't remember where I first saw it but I didn't get it at first. It took me YEARS to notice that the ;;;'s were sweatdrops. *blushes*

Sat Feb 12, 2005 1:55 am

Learned it from a friend of mine.
It's a contraction of "I am gonna"
Example: "Imma hurt you if you dont go make me a sandwich."

Sat Feb 12, 2005 2:50 am

Hmm...I got the small text in my sig and ;P from just having too many PM conversations with robot, and I picked up :B and >o (I use that on IMs sometimes) from Rikio and ScottNak respectively. Hehe.

Sat Feb 12, 2005 3:04 am

I never used emoticons when I typed. xD

Oh, and I picked up typing correctly from my mother, who decided to pass her perfectionist gene to me. :P

Sat Feb 12, 2005 3:26 am

All of a sudden one of my good online friends started using xD instead of XD and now I hardly ever use XD, I use xD O_o

Sat Feb 12, 2005 3:34 am

I used to use :D a lot, but then I picked up XD from someone, then someone else posted xD and I thought that was cooler than XD so I usually go xD instead of XD although I still sometimes post XD! :P

I also say good job sarcastically whenever someone does something wrong or something. I dont remember where I got that from though...

Sat Feb 12, 2005 4:07 am

I don't think there are many online things that I've picked up.

Offline though its become a habit for one of my groups of friends to just call each other "Dude" so now all e-mails, text messages, comments that would usually contain their name just contain "Dude".

"Dude, we really need to go shopping tomorrow!"
"Dude, I know! What time?"
"I don't know dude. Definately sometime after lunch I need to sleep in!"
etc etc etc

I've also spent too much time with American exchange students at University so I've started to pick up a twinge of an American accent, people (Australians) have a go at me about that one. Its a little odd though considering I live with people from Singapore and Japan one would have thought I'd have been more likely to pick something up from them.

Sat Feb 12, 2005 4:37 am

I say "Z0RZ" a lot because of Medli (examples: PIEZ0RZ, SUNNIEZ0RZ, STEVEZ0RZ).
I used to say "sauce" all the time from my brother, now I say it just a little bit-sauce.
Also from my brother, whenever someone drops something, I obnoxiously yell out "DROPPED SOMETHING!!!"
From Pokemon I say "Chu?" because that's what Pikachu says when he's confused.

There's probably other stuff I've picked up from people, but I can't think of them. :3

Sat Feb 12, 2005 6:33 am

Somebody here was saying something about how they said something like "I ahm the maj-i-strate" and other stuff in class (I believe in the "Weird things you do" thread) and I just randomly started using that phrase. My friend says w00t out loud when anything good happens, except he prounounces it short, sort of like hoot, and I've started doing that too. And I got so jealous that my other friend could raise one eyebrow that I taught myself to do it too. Took lots of practice.

Sat Feb 12, 2005 7:14 am

I wear clothes because other people do. I breathe because other people do.

Oh, that's not what you meant? =P

I laugh like an evil maniac because some of my online friends do. The habit stuck on me like a dinosaur to a tarpit.

I have a very bad, un-Grammar-Fairy-like habit of using just caps-lock, without periods at the ends of my sentences, in AIM. I also tend to use 'OMG' a lot, for some reason. I have no idea where I got this bad habit from, but I know it was one of my online friends, probably when they were overreacting to something, or whatever. OMG WATCH ME NOT BE A GRAMMAR FAIRY

Like many, many people online, I overuse emoticons. Not overuse as in fifty-seven smilies in one post, but still, I use them a lot.

And heh, I started a few of my friends on using >:] as a smily, as a substitute for >: ) (without the space - we started using it because >: ) (again, without the space) doesn't show up as an evil smile because most forums and instant messaging programs make it show up as >:) (see? That's why I used spaces.)). I now just use >=D.

Sat Feb 12, 2005 7:47 am

In the past year or so, I've picked up my best friend's dancing. It's embarrassing. Then again, I also picked up some of his anal retentiveness, so that's good.

Also, I tend to make =p smileys instead of :P ones now.

Sat Feb 12, 2005 8:15 am

Oooh, I have quite a few.


I picked up 'Eh?' from you guys. Still not sure whether its pronounce more of an 'uh' or a 'ey'. But I'll continue pronouncing it 'ey'. :P

Smilies. I almost never used to use them, now most of my posts have them in it. I do it on AIM and MSN, too... I guess its a security thing, because you can't see peoples faces. Haha. Sometimes I use the ones that will turn into cute little faces, may favorites of these are: :P, :roll: , :o, and ;). I use all of them except for the rolling eyes one in my chats. I also like these little guys: o.o ^.^ ^_^' and a few others as well. I think I'm starting to use this one more: -.^ I got it from Scott.

Random phrases. It comes from talking with Medli too much. :P Zorz, Piez... those are the more common ones. Sometimes I use Sunnie's Chu? and other things, rarely though. Whee! :D I do have phrases of my own, so I'm not copying off them completely. :P

Real Life:

My mom's laugh. Seriously. Most of the time when I laugh, it sounds just like hers. Of course, it depends what type of laugh it is, but... yeah.

Random phrases. Picked these up from people, or kids at school... whatever. I use Gerbil alot, that word is two years old now. :P But its fun to say!

Um... if I can think of anything more, I'll be sure to tell you!

Sat Feb 12, 2005 9:32 am

I used to say "I is" alot, which I got from a friend... But since she's been away latly, i'v pretty much stopped using it.
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