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Who said the following?

Sun Feb 20, 2005 6:17 pm

"Compulsory voting makes about as much as sense as having the death penalty for attempted suicide."

I am, by no means, trying to stimulate a debate. The issue it addresses is besides the point.

I just want to know who originally stated the above quoted. Would anyone here happen to know?

Sun Feb 20, 2005 6:24 pm

I'd... google it. xD

Google always helps.

Sun Feb 20, 2005 6:24 pm

Civil rights activist Al Frederickson... umm, yeah.

Sun Feb 20, 2005 6:33 pm

After browsing a few pages, I don't think there's an answer. o_o

From what I've read, that quote was taken from the online game Nation States. You develop a country based on your perspectives and ideas.

That's part of one of the questions. The game uses some randomname command to randomly generate a name, which was used in that question. ... 45941.html and search for "Compulsory voting makes".

Sun Feb 20, 2005 7:06 pm

Baku: believe it or not, I already tried that. ^^;

Silja: you mean this seriously, right? I mean, I don't want to be giving credit to the wrong person.

Universal Senja: yeah -- I was actually just at Nationstates a few minutes ago after having just registered when I received that question. I know they make up names, though, so I don't think the person listed is the one who actually said it.

Sun Feb 20, 2005 7:40 pm

Hyperion wrote:Baku: believe it or not, I already tried that. ^^;

Silja: you mean this seriously, right? I mean, I don't want to be giving credit to the wrong person.

Universal Senja: yeah -- I was actually just at Nationstates a few minutes ago after having just registered when I received that question. I know they make up names, though, so I don't think the person listed is the one who actually said it.

It is at least what I have heard, but wether I am a good source of information or not is up to you really :P I suggest, as others, that you go and google for it and check many websites. If you're still uncertain you should add that to where ever you are going to write this (giving all possible names you have found).

Sun Feb 20, 2005 9:00 pm

I think it was civil rights activist Miranda Winters. That's who I'm going with. Thanks for the input, everyone. :)
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