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Some teachers...

Mon Feb 21, 2005 10:43 am

I'm really angry here. There's a teacher at school, and she's a real pain to tell the truth. I'm positive everyone here has or has had a teacher like this. I just need to vent some steam here.

Every time I pass her by, she complains about something regarding my uniform. Whether it be my tie, my top button, my shirt, my belt, whatever!

If truth be told, I am a bit lazy when it comes to the uniform though. For example, my top button accidentally got ripped off. Therefore, it's a pain keeping my tie neat. And after lunch and recess, my shirt is usually untucked.

But the truth is, most teachers are extremely lenient (sp?) when it comes to this. I mean, there are some teachers who would only remind me every now and then to pull up the tie, or tuck in the shirt, some don't even care at all. But this teacher is a bloody law upon herself. She sees fit to try and whip this school into shape, and force every studen to wear their top buttons (in 40*C weather)(Easy for her to say, she doesn't need to wear a tie), keep the ties up so tight it's hard to breath, and have the shirt tucked in.

Not only that, but she's also extra strict when it comes to the little rules not many other teachers care about, such as not walking in a certain direction after class (this rule is just made so that the outside of the classrooms aren't scrummed with people trying to move in 2 different directions). Although this rule is important, this teacehr sees fit to force EVERYONE to walk in the right direction, meaning that if your class is next door, you have to take the long way around. Most teachers don't care much for this rule, so long as there's not too much pushing and shoving. But again...

And then there's her attitude. She seems to almost put down other students. Humour is non-existant in her classrooms. I don't even think I've seen her smile once (except maybe in spite).
There was one comment which got my attention - "Just by looking at all of you, and your work, I can see how many of you have come from decent homes"
Then she stared in my direction! :x The nerve of her!

Now, make no mistake, I'm no trouble maker at school. And although I'm not the most timid kid at school, I don't make a fool of myself in class. I try and keep most common sense and safety rules. And I even try to keep the uniform tidiness rule. But this teaceher sees me as some kind of pest...

I think the only thing that's stopping me from breaking out and having a fit at her is the fact that if I get an afternoon detention, my parents would ground me for a month.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:50 am

My stand on this issue is this: adhere strictly to all rules and you'll be fine. If you think a rule is impractical or doesn't make sense, bring it up with the authorities. ;) The teacher is perfectly within her rights to reprimand students for breaking a rule, IMO.

Oh and if your shirt keeps coming out, I suggest you get a belt. :P

Mon Feb 21, 2005 11:55 am

Ah yes I teacher much like that. In the hall outside her classroom before first class we are allowed to talk and such as long as we get to our classes on time. She walked out of her classroom and told me that I wasn't supposted to be talking in the hall...when there was someone yelling not 4 feet away from me. Just try and be nice, its hard but I suck it up and manage to keep my temper in the class.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:01 pm

Sorry to sound blunt but rules are rules and they are there for a reason so I don't see anything wrong with the teacher actually enforcing them, even if she is particularly strict. Frankly, IMO the other teachers are probably the problems as they allow the students to do what they wish which then leads to the students thinking there is something wrong when a teacher does in fact try and enforce the rule. Maybe its just me.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:10 pm

I'd blatantly flaunt them, but not in such a way that could deserve any real punishment. Ah, the joy of a small mact of rebellion in the heart of a spurned teenager.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:10 pm

Medusa wrote:Sorry to sound blunt but rules are rules and they are there for a reason so I don't see anything wrong with the teacher actually enforcing them, even if she is particularly strict. Frankly, IMO the other teachers are probably the problems as they allow the students to do what they wish which then leads to the students thinking there is something wrong when a teacher does in fact try and enforce the rule. Maybe its just me.

Well said. Rules are meant to be enforced. If they are there but not enforced, you might as well not set them in the first place.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:12 pm

Qanda wrote:
Medusa wrote:Sorry to sound blunt but rules are rules and they are there for a reason so I don't see anything wrong with the teacher actually enforcing them, even if she is particularly strict. Frankly, IMO the other teachers are probably the problems as they allow the students to do what they wish which then leads to the students thinking there is something wrong when a teacher does in fact try and enforce the rule. Maybe its just me.

Well said. Rules are meant to be enforced. If they are there but not enforced, you might as well not set them in the first place.

In theory yes, but with the kinds of rules in question...they don't need to be strictly adhered to. For example, the walking in a certain direction out of a classroom. Makes sense, but if your next room's next door, most teachers will allow walking the other way, because it makes sense. And is hardly disruptive.
Some rules are there so that people will keep in line. But it's a broad line, let's say.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 1:28 pm

Igg wrote:In theory yes, but with the kinds of rules in question...they don't need to be strictly adhered to. For example, the walking in a certain direction out of a classroom. Makes sense, but if your next room's next door, most teachers will allow walking the other way, because it makes sense. And is hardly disruptive.
Some rules are there so that people will keep in line. But it's a broad line, let's say.

That is due to ill-defined rules. Rules should be spelt out clearly. Also, impractical rules should not be there anyway.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 2:09 pm

We have a subtitute that comes by every once in a while, and quite frankly- we all hate her. No one bothers to remember her name, we just call her the red haired sub.

The last time we had her was the worst. See, there's this girl in our homeroom, LeAnn. She just had knee surgery, so she walks slower and different from the rest of us. Not to mention her locker, unlike the rest of us, was put in a completely different hallway. So she has to make twice the trip the rest of us do, with her bad leg and all. The day the sub was here, she walked in right as the first bell rang, to signify everyone not in their seats was tardy. She does this everyday, and I know for a fact that she always comes in as early as the school will let her. She doesn't sit and dawdle, she walks right the classroom every time. The sub marks her tardy for walking in as the bell rings. Nearly everyone in the homeroom class raises their hands to explain why she's late, but the teacher won't hear any of it, after actually seeing how slow LeAnn really walks.

Fastforward to fourth period science. We were watching a movie. The movie ends. The sub tells us we can talk. This guy named Ben was fixing his mechanical pencil, because we had to answer a question sheet before while we were watching the movie, and it broke. His led fell on the floor. Now, Ben's a short guy with a big chair. I doubt he could just reach down and pick it up. So he was sort of leaning over to pick it up, and the teacher marked him for lying down in his seat, regardless of what the oh, ten eyewitnesses said he was doing.

I feel sorry for you, since your teacher is all year long. Just try to behave especially well when you know she's going to be around, and hopefully things will be better. :)

Mon Feb 21, 2005 2:12 pm

Dawn2 wrote:We have a subtitute that comes by every once in a while, and quite frankly- we all hate her. No one bothers to remember her name, we just call her the red haired sub.

The last time we had her was the worst. See, there's this girl in our homeroom, LeAnn. She just had knee surgery, so she walks slower and different from the rest of us. Not to mention her locker, unlike the rest of us, was put in a completely different hallway. So she has to make twice the trip the rest of us do, with her bad leg and all. The day the sub was here, she walked in right as the first bell rang, to signify everyone not in their seats was tardy. She does this everyday, and I know for a fact that she always comes in as early as the school will let her. She doesn't sit and dawdle, she walks right the classroom every time. The sub marks her tardy for walking in as the bell rings. Nearly everyone in the homeroom class raises their hands to explain why she's late, but the teacher won't hear any of it, after actually seeing how slow LeAnn really walks.

Fastforward to fourth period science. We were watching a movie. The movie ends. The sub tells us we can talk. This guy named Ben was fixing his mechanical pencil, because we had to answer a question sheet before while we were watching the movie, and it broke. His led fell on the floor. Now, Ben's a short guy with a big chair. I doubt he could just reach down and pick it up. So he was sort of leaning over to pick it up, and the teacher marked him for lying down in his seat, regardless of what the oh, ten eyewitnesses said he was doing.

I feel sorry for you, since your teacher is all year long. Just try to behave especially well when you know she's going to be around, and hopefully things will be better. :)

Now that is a truly terrible teacher.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 2:23 pm

To be honest, you've got no reason to moan as they are the rules, as petty as they seem. If the teacher's unreasonable or won't listen to a genuine explanation to why your uniform is a bit skew-iff, then you'd have a small reason to get slightly annoyed.

She's just doing her job.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 3:25 pm

Surely that teacher could be a little nicer, that comment about those who come from decent homes was out of line.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 3:28 pm

Okay, I agree with you on that point but some teachers are snobs. I've heard many teachers make those sort of comments. You just have to deal with it and try not to take it personally when it happens.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:19 pm

Hmm. That reminds me of our old french teacher.


Her: "SOMEONE" *glares at me* "HAS LEFT RUBBISH ON THE FLOOR" *points to miniscule piece of paper* "NO-ONE SHALL LEAVE UNTIL IT IS PICKED UP" *glares at me again*

Bear in mind that this was her first lesson in the school?

Tch :P I know they're pains, but eventually they settle down a little and stop being such meanieheads.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:25 pm

I remember my first day in Year 7 with my geography teacher. He literally just stalked around the room, glaring at everyone and blinking in this really odd way. Seriously intimidating. He made one chap stand up for the entirety of the lesson for talking when he was.

We were all pretty scared and none of really wanted to go to the second lesson. We turned up and the teacher was way more relaxed, funny and told these really dry, droll jokes. He was superficially strict. Now I'm coming up to Year 13, I asked him why he'd been so horrible on that first day and he said it was nothing more than an initiation process, he was just trying to figure out which of us were trouble makers and which of us had sences of humour.... :roll:
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