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Blast from the Past

Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:35 pm

If you were born in the 80's or 90's, you probably might remember some of the old TV shows and even toys of the time. I have noticed many toys being resurrected from the past:
    Rainbow Bright (80's)
    Sky Dancers (90's)
    My Little Pony (80's & 90's)
    He-Man (80's)
    Popples (80's)
    Tamagotchi (90's)
    Mortal Kombat (90's)
    Carebears (80's)
    Angelina Ballerina (80's)

Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:39 pm

I've still got my old sky dancer. My three year old cousin finds great delight in firing it at people. :P

My tamagotchi's always used to break after about a week. :oops:

I loved the old TV shows. Sesame Street (sig!), Playdays, DangerMouse, Poddington Peas, Paddington Bear.... ahhhh nostalgia...

Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:43 pm

Bellbottom jeans and yo-yos were out of fashion for awhile and came back. Knitting is ancient, but thanks to many of the flashy, crazy yarns they have now it came back.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:43 pm

I still have my Sky Dancer...whom is very smelly and brownish. I still have all my Tamagotchi's and Gigi-Pets too.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:44 pm

Oo wow yo-yo's! They were banned in some parts of England because some idiot managed to half strangle himself. I loved my pro-yo. :cry:

Mon Feb 21, 2005 4:46 pm

I used to love Sky Dancers... though mine have all gone up to the great big toy box in the sky. :P

Mon Feb 21, 2005 5:52 pm

I have both a female skydancer and a cheap male ripoff wth fangs!

Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:20 pm

What the heck is Sky Dancers and Popples? :roll: I'd probaly recognize them if I saw a pic though.

I used to love Rainbow Bright. I always wanted her horse but I only had a big doll of her which I adored.
Also went absolutely bonkers for My Little Pony. I used to have a ton of those toys. I looooooved it when they brought out the "teen" ones and then the little faerie ones with the pretty butterfly or dragonfly wings and long hair.... and the cute wittle baby ones <3
The very first My Little Pony I ever got was one with rainbow colored hair and a pink body. Can't remember what the symbol was on it though.
My Little Pony used to be the bomb... now the toys look like crap.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:23 pm

if anyone here remembers both pinwheel and the letter people, you will be my best friend forever. i loved those shows.

don't get me started on the resurrection of care bears. i still have all my old ones from the '80s, and they are far superior.

Shollia wrote:My Little Pony used to be the bomb... now the toys look like crap.

i disagree. i even bought one of the new my little ponies because i appreciated how much they looked like the old ones.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 6:43 pm

skizzy the wonder lizard wrote:if anyone here remembers the letter

Is that with Munching Mike and Annie Apple and Clever Cat? I always used to wonder why Kissing Cousins represented X. Now I know it's because xxxx are another symbol for kisses. I can't help getting the disturbing feeling that Letter Land were promoting incest... :lol:

Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:33 pm

Shollia wrote:What the heck is Sky Dancers and Popples? :roll: I'd probaly recognize them if I saw a pic though.

there's a picture at where they're talking about how dangerous they are because
The hard plastic Sky Dancers® dolls can fly rapidly in unpredictable directions, and can hit and injure both children and adults.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:40 pm

Hey what about Littlest Pet Shop? I used to love those things! They're trying to bring those back too, but gosh they're horribly ugly.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:40 pm

But that was the fun part about them... 0:) (Skydancers I mean)
Last edited by Twinkle on Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:52 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Mon Feb 21, 2005 7:47 pm

The old ones were cute and actually vaguely looked like the pet they were trying to represent. These new ones all look like ET the extraterrestrial :cry:

Mon Feb 21, 2005 8:38 pm

Oh, I just remembered something else too! The Pound Puppies! They came in that little pink and purple bus playset!
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