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Life inside the box.

Wed Mar 02, 2005 11:49 pm

Have you ever done something completly wierd and acted like it was totally normal? Tell about those times here...

One of them is my Life inside the box...Complete with pictures!!!

I was at my friend's house and we were playing Halo 2 (Which I completly suck at if you were wondering). There was an empty DELL box that caught my eye. Slowly I crawled in there and sat inside looking around.

As you can imagine, it was pretty dark in there. Conviently I had my digital camera with me and I took pictures to see the spots, then deleted them. The two pictures I kept are...

Warning: I am not responsible if your eyes burn out. ... hebox1.jpg ... hebox2.jpg

If you look, you can see the box background and you can see the hand slot in the side which through I took pictures of the "Outside world".

Slowly, I noticed there was a tiny crack at the top of the box. I started hitting it with my head, and when I was getting a headache soon after that, I used my hands and slowly pried it open.

Soon, I got it unstuck and BURST out of the box, shouting, "I AM FREE, I AM FREE!!!"

My friend just stared.

So what are your wierd stories?

Re: Life inside the box.

Thu Mar 03, 2005 12:31 am

Zega wrote: ... hebox1.jpg ... hebox2.jpg

Do you have any idea how much that scared me?
No, not that way. Your not ugly, I don't mean that but...
I clicked the first picture, and forgot about it. Then, 10 minutes later, I say... Hey, whats this? Click it... and I thought someone was spying on me because... You look almost exactly like me.

But um.. When I was little I acted like the chair with arms was a jail cell, if that counts.

Thu Mar 03, 2005 12:47 am

I climbed around in a box before too! I even cut a window in it and gave it curtains. :P

Many of my friends enjoy how I often say random stuff at random times. It amuses them greatly, and I don't even realize I'm doing it.

Thu Mar 03, 2005 12:55 am

well, 76% of my personality is eccentricity so... you can imagine :evil:

Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:21 am

I refused to say anything at all for about an hour once because my friends were getting on my nerves. They were arguing and following me at the same time. I wished they would leave me alone, so I told them that I was taking a vow of silence until they shut up. Eventually I got bored because it wasn't working.

Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:25 am

You could've just put your hand in the hand slot and started to break the box from there...

But that'd hurt.

Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:28 am

Base wrote:I refused to say anything at all for about an hour once because my friends were getting on my nerves. They were arguing and following me at the same time. I wished they would leave me alone, so I told them that I was taking a vow of silence until they shut up. Eventually I got bored because it wasn't working.

augh! silence never seems to work. i keep trying, but you're right. it gets boring, and becomes more of a punishment for me than for them.

Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:32 am

I use the exact opposite! Randomness!

It's like everyone's talking about grades and biology and I suddenly start saying somehting like Technological by Daft Punk or something.

"Blah blah biology blah grades"
"Scan it Fax it Mail it"

Thu Mar 03, 2005 3:18 am

I terrorise my little brothers with boxes.

Thu Mar 03, 2005 4:54 am

Hahah. Yes, I'm a very "weird" person in general.

Let's start off by saying, I'm VERY twitchy. I'm a mentally sound, and calm person, but I'm always moving. Always. That seems weird to most people.

And secondly, I'm astounded by humans. ASTOUNDED!. I find myself just staring at people, and observing their behavior, because it interests me to no end. Needless to say, that can be seen as VERY creepy.

Thu Mar 03, 2005 5:24 am

I'm a good theif. I always secretly sneak stuff from my friends and they always wonder where it goes. I act so casual and apathetic they don't suspect me at first, and some of them don't even notice. I always give the stuff back though. :P And sometimes, if I feel like it, I act crazy during my last few periods. (6th is lunch, 7th is french ((blowoff class :P)) and 8th is w. geography which is easy and I have a 105 in). But then I get bad conduct grades. o_O

Thu Mar 03, 2005 7:21 am

I threw the badminton birdie up to serve and it ended up clonking me on the head. What else was I supposed to do then fall over in dead shock (hehe...not really)?

At least the opposing team had a good laugh...

Then there was the time that I began saying a stream of confusing words about confusion :oops: Hehe...the girl I was talking to just kind of stared like the world was coming to an end because of confusion (my purpose in life!!!)

Thu Mar 03, 2005 7:34 am

Awww, Zega is purdy! :P

Anyway. I don't think I've done anything too weird.

'Cept running into a wall. That was the most recent one. Though it wasn't my fault!

Thu Mar 03, 2005 3:25 pm

My friend have this whole little sailing thing going on. I told him about how i want to learn to sail and so he started called me Captain, so I made him first mate. Then he said something disloyal (I forget what) so I made him cabin boy. So now we get hyper on jelly beans and pretend to raid French merchant vessels generally cause meyhem.

Thu Mar 03, 2005 3:48 pm

I pretend as if I have an alter ego/split personality which is very evil (maybe I really have one... :evil: ). Suddenly I will switch from friendly and nice to very wicked, narrowing my eyes and grinning evilly, making comments about killing babies and such.
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