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Advice Required

Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:00 pm

OK. I need some advice. I am currently quite sick and I was wondering if all you lovely members could help me. Now, under normal circumstances I wouldn't post something like this as I know the usual procedure for this. I would be given the advice to "Go to the doctors", "drink lots of fluid", "get plenty of bed rest" and then a mod would lock the topic. But the reason I'm posting this topic is because I have been drinking lots of fluid, I have been geting bed rest and my mum is adament that she's not taking me to the doctors, no matter how much I beg. Well, I suppose I should tell you everything.


I would just like to say that I first started developing these symptoms on the monday night. Well, my ears feel like they do when you're on an aeroplane; blocked up. My nose is very runny and yesterday I was sneezing about once every five minutes. My throat is KILLING me! It hurts normally and ther pain gets worse when I swallow anything, including fluids. My mum has looked at my tonsils and she says they look fine. My voice sounds very strange and it hurts an afwul lot to talk so I'm really reduced to using an etchasketch to communicate. I'm coughing a lot and it hurts to cough.

What I've been doing

Well, I have been getting plenty of bed rest. I'm currently off school (which is a bonus) and I'm drinking lots of fluids. Every 4 hours I'm taking a "Lemsip©" and I'm using cough medecine, although that doesn't seem to do anything to stop the coughing. Like I already mentioned, my mum will not take me to see the doctor as we have a 2 week waiting list and she argues that it will have cleared up by then. I am currently confined to drinking hot drinks which does get rather annoying although the heat seems to relieve the pain in my throught a bit. And I'm using Tyrozets which also help to numb the pain.

So, What say you all. Do I have a common cold or the plague?

Thu Mar 03, 2005 1:27 pm

you have a wonderful nasty cold where your head (ears blocked) are congested, a doctor can't do much to help so your mom is right there. what you're doing so far is good, you can take tylenol sinus (make sure you're not taking any allergy meds as it's pretty well the same thing) to help the fluid in your ears drain(that's why they hurt).

But best you can do is ride it out and hope you start feeling much better soon. a warmed towel from a dryer on your ears might help relieve some of the pain temporarly.

Thu Mar 03, 2005 3:00 pm

I don't know what tylenol sinus is... I looked it up on google and it looks like it are tablets against allergies. I'm sorry if I just repeat what BeDeviled said.

Have you tried a nose spray? I always use a spray that contains xylometazoline. It helps "shrink" the tissues in your nose and clears the stuffiness. This is also very helpful for clearing up the blocked ears. As you know your ears and nose are connected and clearing the pathway with a nose spay helps the fluids behind your eardrums get out.
A disadvantage of xylometazoline however is that with some colds it can really irritate your nasal glands and your throat. This isn't harmful, but after using the spray it will hurt a lot for a few minutes. Since you already have a really sore throat, maybe your mom can get you some other nosespray instead...

For your throat, I recommed buying some tablets that contain a substance that numbs your throat for a while. I don't know what they are called, but I know they exist.
It can also help to take some aspirin or other painkiller, although you probably do that already.

I hope this will help you a little :)

Thu Mar 03, 2005 3:14 pm

And then once you take the medicine bribe someone in your family to make you jello (or if you don't like that, something else that might be cool and easy on the throat) and then kick everyone out of the living room to watch your favorite movie. Always makes me feel better when I'm sick.

Thu Mar 03, 2005 3:45 pm

Yar, it sounds like a head cold to me. Try any one of a number of decongestants. Eat lots of chicken soup, drink lots of fluids, get plenty of rest, and be a general jerk about how sick you are.

Works for me ;)

Thu Mar 03, 2005 4:10 pm

Just make sure you're taking a decongestant, as shapu said. Beyond that, the usual drink lots of fluids rubbish. =)

Thu Mar 03, 2005 4:15 pm

BeDeviled wrote:But best you can do is ride it out and hope you start feeling much better soon. a warmed towel from a dryer on your ears might help relieve some of the pain temporarly.

Yea, but my ears aren't sore. There is no pain whatsoever. It just feels blocked up. And I'm getting to stay off school tomorrow too. It's such a pity that I'll miss a spanish exam and a biology exam (they aren't qualification exams, just exams our teachers like to spring on us to see how we're doing). I've convinced my mum to get some Covonia (stroung cough medecine) and lots of lucozade.

And I'm not sure if this helps, but earlier I was salivating an awful lot and I started to feel slightly sick (which I am certain is linked to all the saliva I was producing).

Thu Mar 03, 2005 4:36 pm

*looks at newspaper headline* Well, just be glad you don't have bird-flu. 50,000 people are apparently going to die when it hits Scotland :roll:
My dad is already stocking up on food so we can lock ourselves in the house. . .

Thu Mar 03, 2005 4:44 pm

Shadowfare wrote: *looks at newspaper headline* Well, just be glad you don't have bird-flu. 50,000 people are apparently going to die when it hits Scotland :roll:
My dad is already stocking up on food so we can lock ourselves in the house. . .

Erm, yay? Anyway, you know the newspapers always exxagerate the headlines. If 50,000 people died, that would probably be the worst disater in the history of scotland.

Thu Mar 03, 2005 5:07 pm

Tylenol sinus Is a decongestant, and I about the allergy meds is the one I'm specifically on is also a decongestant so I couldn't take them both. It's what the doctor recommends when my colds plug up mine or my daughters ears.

but whatever, good luck with the cold and missed school if it started monday you should start feeling a bit better soon.

Thu Mar 03, 2005 5:14 pm

Ixistant wrote:
Shadowfare wrote: *looks at newspaper headline* Well, just be glad you don't have bird-flu. 50,000 people are apparently going to die when it hits Scotland :roll:
My dad is already stocking up on food so we can lock ourselves in the house. . .

Erm, yay? Anyway, you know the newspapers always exxagerate the headlines. If 50,000 people died, that would probably be the worst disater in the history of scotland.

They said that we should expect the worse. It was estimated originally 5000, dunno how they managed to get 50,000 from the original estimate.

Thu Mar 03, 2005 10:28 pm

Well, Mucinex is good, but make sure it's for that kind of stuff... Robitussin Flu is good too, but again, check that it's for your symptoms... Try boiling some water in a pot, then standing over it and inhaling the steam... or have some hot tea with honey and lemon in it...

Thu Mar 03, 2005 10:56 pm

If I was as ill and suffering as you apparantly are, and my mum was refusing to take me to a doctors (although thats fair enough, its not as if a doctors job is to cure sick people or anything is it?) I'd call her an unreasonable, imcompassionate female dog and demand to be taken to the doctors, or I would call the doctor to come visit me whilst she was at work.

Of course, I wouldn't want to go to the doctors.

When I get sick, which is maybe once a year, I collapse, hallucinate, and am violently sick! 2004 was 'that' free year, but who knows what 2k5 will bring!
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