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The Many Faces of Fiddelysquat (NEW ONES! O.O)

Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:40 pm

I was watching Martha Stewart's television show when the topic of "time management" came up. I thought to myself, "Well, now, a whole lot of my time is wasted typing. How can I remedy this problem to leave room for more constructive activities, such as needlepoint and scrapbooking?"

And, of course, because I know everything, I came up with the perfect solution!

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, and since I only type around 100 words per minute, it'd take me ten whole minutes to express myself. Why would I want to do that when I can simply post....


There is currently a wide selection of images, but feel free to make requests! It is imperative that I come up with an image for every occasion, lest I be forced to waste my precious time doing something other than making pastries or sponge-painting flower pots.

Here they are, for your viewing displeasure:




(Yes, that is a meat cleaver.)




(Requested by sir-michael)

(Requested by JellyFish72)

(Requested by ShyShy)

(Requested by Angus Young)

(Requested by Nani!)

(Requested by Fishblade_Bluestream)

(Requested by _jaye)

(Requested by hellyer)

(Requested by Khristian)


And in case you're not convinced...

... WE ADDED TO THE PEER PRESSURE! O.O Blondie is my friend Amanda, you know what I look like, and the other lovely young lady is my sister.

(Requested by my friend Amanda. Lol.)

It's me and Amanda looking like trendy snobs.

Remember, YOUR valuable input can provide time for me to read touching, heroic, paperback autobiographies and learn how to crochet! Thank you for your valuable input!
Last edited by Fiddelysquat on Wed Apr 06, 2005 12:59 am, edited 6 times in total.

Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:47 pm

So we can request an emoticon, if so...

"Thinking EVIL thoughts"

"Happy as a school girl"

"Computer CRASH!"

I dunno, but this is a good idea! It is cool.

Edit: Got another one,


Re: The Many Faces of Fiddelysquat

Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:49 pm

Fiddelysquat wrote:Image
(Yes, that is a meat cleaver.)

*spits water all over laptop* I cracked up at that one!!! Anyway, you're so pretty!

You should have ones that say, "Insert useless spam here" and some sort of "Welcome to PPT" saying!

Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:51 pm


Only one per customer! I only have so much awesome to go around!

Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:55 pm

omg... lol that's hilairious... Let me provide a running commentary :)

ohh u scrapbook?
lol go ahead... spam some more looks hilarious
lol you look like a movie star in OH NO YOU DIDNT!!!

Anyway, here's the story.

One fine sunny day, a new member who-didn't-really-read-the-rules posted about how her dog's friend's auntie's uncle's really really close friend-in-law baked a cake in EYNTKAPPT. There was a big halabaloo and when Fidds saw the thread, she rolled her very cool eyes at it thinking "OH, GO CRY IN YOUR LJ ABOUT IT." Momentarily confused because I misread the caption thinking it said "OH, GO WRITE ABOUT IT IN YOUR LJ..." I'll still continue this story none-the-less and pretend it was somehow twisted into the story.

Well this said-person didn't really get the message. So just to get her point across... she posted the thread again 1,000 times in various miscellaneous forum categories while all the time thinking that her threads looked very pretty. Fidds seeing this slapped her pretty arm with her LIVESTRONG band to her forehead... thinking "AYAYAYAYAYAYAYA!!!!" There was a strong sudden urge to ban this she-member-who-posts-lots... but maybe we should give her the benefit of the doubt... maybe she really was enthusiastic!

After Fiddeh told her about her errors and persuaded her to amend her ways... she lent a lengthy apologetic note to Fidds. Just to get her message across, she sent this note six thousand times. You can only imagine the expression Fidds had.. "I'M DAYDREAMING ABOUT BEATING YOU OVER THE HEAD WITH A CHAIR"

Fidds of course grinned and beared it... challenging her to "GO AHEAD, SPAM SOME MORE!!!" which she of course did under the premise of overt enthusiam!

This made baby Fidds cry. The party really just wasn't happening here and real Fidds was quite upset (THANKS FOR INVITING ME TO YOUR PITY PARTY). After all, the said-girl, in an attempt to gather support for her cause created a story about how her little baby brother was born without a head, arms and legs and in order to save it's life, she had to post a lot because she received one dollar for every post she made and the money would be sent to her by Bill Gates, who is after all very, very rich.

This shocked Fidds to no end. Plastering on her OH NO YOU DIDN'T!!! face, Fidds look of open mouthed horror was an echoed sentiment through all of PPTdom. To think that a person could make up such a story. A headless baby brother after all is not something one posts about... This girl in question eventually got locked in a smelly tiolet for the next 24 hours and then kindly shown the door.

There was celebration that day and Fidds plastered on her YOU MAKE THE MONKEY HAPPY face! Another day, another adventure solved!

Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:56 pm


That was a beautiful story, and it just goes to show that the most recent addition to my topic is quite accurate.

Wed Mar 30, 2005 9:57 pm

How about angry tantrum?

Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:04 pm

obsession over a female/male o.0

Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:05 pm

Fiddelysquat wrote:Image

Only one per customer! I only have so much awesome to go around!

Awesome? :roll:

I'm just kidding, that pic is funny though! This is a good idea.

And only per customer, darn. Oh well, I will just have to "persuade" some people to request some of mine... :P

Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:07 pm

ShyShy wrote:How about angry tantrum?



Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:09 pm

that's so cool. How about pulling a face that makes you look like a snapshot of an axe murderer on death row? Now THAT would be cool. I imagine you'd pull it off nicely. You've got the face for it ;)

Just kidding. I envy you, you're very pretty :)

Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:10 pm

"Excuse me, how many emoticons was that?"
I know I can do better... give me time.

Best laugh of the day, Fidds. :lol:
"Go ahead, spam some more" being the best.
Last edited by Nani on Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:12 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:12 pm

Fiddelysquat wrote:Image
(Yes, that is a meat cleaver.)

:roflol: :roflol: That one's fantastic!!!

Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:13 pm

That was really cool, but... STOP STEALING MY POUTING FACE!!!

Wed Mar 30, 2005 10:17 pm


For Angus. :D

That's been my pouty face since I was born, ShyShy. I should know. I pout often.
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