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Prelits suck

Fri Apr 01, 2005 9:32 am

Pretty amusing site. Kinda wonderful how an entire site can be devoted to such a cause. Here's an excerpt to pique your interest:
A perfect example of this insidious threat is the idea of a "pre-lit" Christmas tree. One has to wonder what kind of person thought that this horror in green plastic would be a good idea. Sure, with it's garish appearance and plainly fake looks, it may appeal to a certain iconoclastic glee in the average city hipster. But, really, isn't Christmas worth a little bit more than a kitschy joke? Some would have you believe not. It is this sort of thing that appeals to the lowest common denominator in our society. Is it apathy or just sheer laziness that compels one to spend their hard earned money on a shoddy substitute for tradition? Some would argue that the pre-lit tree is perfect for the busy urban dweller that doesn't have time in their schedule for such frivolity as actually decorating a tree! What does that say about such people? Why not replace the traditional Christmas dinner with a can of spaghetti? Why not give everyone on your list the exact same gift? Sometimes, I question if convenience is a good thing.
What can you do to help put a stop to these dubious trade practices? Demand American made trees, or at least ones made in countries that respect the idea of simple human dignity. It's your money - where would you rather see it go; to a skilled American worker who takes pride in crafting a long lasting, quality product, or to some faceless conglomerate that deals with repressive Third World regimes? Sometimes your choices must be based not only on economics, but on ethics, as well. You, the consumer, have the right to make a stand against the continued erosion of ethical marketing and lowered standards presented by the profit-mongers of the corporate elite. Sometimes a "bargain" is no bargain, because the price has already been human misery.

Fri Apr 01, 2005 9:58 am

And they even took the time to make all those images, not to mention have a forum xD

Fri Apr 01, 2005 9:06 pm

Eh, I'd never buy a pre-lit tree. Putting the lights on can be quite a pain, but the end result is worth it. We have a fake tree, it's white, and we decorate it with blue lights, blue garland, blue ornaments, and a blue tree-topper with a silver snowflake painted on it. Very contemporary as opposed to traditional, but it looks good.
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