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Birthday Coincidence? I think not....

Tue Apr 12, 2005 4:06 am

Ok, I breezed through a number of older threads and I didn't see anything like this so I apologize if it's been done multiple times.

I have a NUMBER of interesting things regarding my birthday so I wanted to see if anyone else did.

My Date of Birth: 6/6/66 :o (No, I'm NOT Satan :evil: )
My Birth Weight: 6lbs 6 oz
My Length: 18 inches (3 x 6) (it's also 2 x 9 but work with me here!)
Number of babies born the same day in the same hospital as me: 6 (guess which one I was.... )

Luckily I was born at 1:21 or my mom said she would have left me there!!

Anyone else have anything or know someone with similiar things??

Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:24 am

My birthday is on 10/10/ which i find neat.

Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:40 am

The only birthday coincidences I know of are my brother's.

3/3, 3/10 (a week a part) and 6/18, which is also a cousin's birthday.

My birthday isn't special like that. ;)

Tue Apr 12, 2005 9:48 am

Mine's 12/7 being left out... A MOUNTH EARLIER I'D BE 12/6 THEN I'D FIT CURSES CURSES!

Tue Apr 12, 2005 10:29 am

How's this?

Dad's birthday: 08/13/56
Mum's birthday: 09/13/56
Cousin's birthday: 03/13/85
My birthday: 05/13/85

See a pattern there? The thirteens.


Grandmother's birthday: 08/14/26
Niece's birthday: 03/12/00

Both sides of 13. Yea, it's a stretch.

Thirteen has since managed to pop up everywhere in my life.

Tue Apr 12, 2005 10:54 am

Sapphire Faerie wrote:How's this?

Dad's birthday: 08/13/56
Mum's birthday: 09/13/56
Cousin's birthday: 03/13/85
My birthday: 05/13/85

See a pattern there? The thirteens.


Grandmother's birthday: 08/14/26
Niece's birthday: 03/12/00

Both sides of 13. Yea, it's a stretch.

Thirteen has since managed to pop up everywhere in my life.

OOOOOO 13's Unlucky too! *fears for Saph*

Note: I'm not just going around quoting you XD

Tue Apr 12, 2005 12:30 pm

.:Chronically Depressed:. wrote:
Sapphire Faerie wrote:How's this?

Dad's birthday: 08/13/56
Mum's birthday: 09/13/56
Cousin's birthday: 03/13/85
My birthday: 05/13/85

See a pattern there? The thirteens.


Grandmother's birthday: 08/14/26
Niece's birthday: 03/12/00

Both sides of 13. Yea, it's a stretch.

Thirteen has since managed to pop up everywhere in my life.

OOOOOO 13's Unlucky too! *fears for Saph*

Note: I'm not just going around quoting you XD

If I thought 13 was unlucky, I wouldn't have gotten it permanently inked in my skin (it's tattooed on my right hip, and I'd post a pic, but that woult take effort).

Note: Yes you are! **runs away**

Tue Apr 12, 2005 12:32 pm

Speaking of numbers appearing in people's lives, I'm insane enough that I even noted the ubiquity of the number 35 before I had any reason to. Now, of course, it's all the more ubiquitous, and if I don't face up to my triakontapentephobia soon, I'll be even more insane.

Tue Apr 12, 2005 12:33 pm

Um... I was born on 7/11... which is the name of a drugstore...

Tue Apr 12, 2005 12:35 pm

Dawn2 wrote:Um... I was born on 7/11... which is the name of a drugstore...

I do believe you must be a Slurpee.

Tue Apr 12, 2005 1:31 pm

Sapphire Faerie wrote:
.:Chronically Depressed:. wrote:
Sapphire Faerie wrote:How's this?

Dad's birthday: 08/13/56
Mum's birthday: 09/13/56
Cousin's birthday: 03/13/85
My birthday: 05/13/85

See a pattern there? The thirteens.


Grandmother's birthday: 08/14/26
Niece's birthday: 03/12/00

Both sides of 13. Yea, it's a stretch.

Thirteen has since managed to pop up everywhere in my life.

Note: I'm not just going around quoting you XD

Note: Yes you are! **runs away**

I KNOW MUHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAAAAAAAAAA *cough* *splutter* *splutter*...
Sapphire Faerie wrote:
Dawn2 wrote:Um... I was born on 7/11... which is the name of a drugstore...

I do believe you must be a Slurpee.

I'm going to quote you FOREVER!


Tue Apr 12, 2005 1:33 pm

All of my family's birthdays have 1s and 3s... My brother is born 1/13!

It is a lucky number for us though.

Dawn2, may I drink you? o_O You are a Slurpee....

Tue Apr 12, 2005 5:01 pm

My 25th birthday will be on 05/05/05 and interesting enough 5 x 5 = 25.

Tue Apr 12, 2005 6:57 pm

Me, my mom and dad all were born on years ending in "2". My mom was born in 1962, my dad was born in 1952, and I was born in 1992! And I think my grandmother was born in 1932, but I'm not entirely sure.

Tue Apr 12, 2005 8:00 pm

Sapphire Faerie wrote:How's this?

Dad's birthday: 08/13/56
Mum's birthday: 09/13/56
Cousin's birthday: 03/13/85
My birthday: 05/13/85

See a pattern there? The thirteens.


Grandmother's birthday: 08/14/26
Niece's birthday: 03/12/00

Both sides of 13. Yea, it's a stretch.

Thirteen has since managed to pop up everywhere in my life.

Plus I'm on the 13th :) See how much us 13th people rule the world?
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