Anything and everything goes in here... within reason.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:23 pm
I know I read really slowly (except when it's Harry Potter), and I have a friend who goes through about eight books a week. I go through a book in about eight weeks.
So, how fast do you read?
Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:32 pm
I'm a speed reader.
*shrugs* I take pride in the fact that I am a speed reader, but I have to be careful. Sometimes I go beyond my normal limits and I mis-read. Ah well.
I'm not a page reader though. Those people freak me out. I can't imagine being able to read that fast. My friend Chigbos one... terrifies me. It's flipping phenomonal how fast he can read.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:51 pm
When I actually want to read, and don't distract myself (I do that often o.o) I can read a book a day, depending on the length.
I read fast, but not too fast. I don't skim, I read. I can tell when I skim, because I confuse myself if I do that.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:54 pm
I know, I get so confused if I skim, and I always end up just going back. The only way I can get through books quickly is if I read all the time, like, during school.
Last edited by
Base on Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:55 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:54 pm
Hm. I can read one 250 page book in a day if I sit down for a few hours. Or I can read that same 250 page book within two weeks. I read fast. But how quickly I get through a book depends on my time, my patience, and my interest in the subject I'm reading on.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:55 pm
Normally I can finish a book in anywhere from a day to about four days. It depends on time, length of the book, and my interest in it. For example if it is a book from English that I really am not interested in reading it could take me three days, while if it is a fantasy book or a series I like, I can finish it in a day.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 10:58 pm
I fall under the first category.
When I read I can ignore just about anything around me.
I almost missed a class in school once because I didn't notice that everyone left when I was reading.
The teacher even turned out the lights and I still didn't notice.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 11:03 pm
I read relatively fast, but I guess not as fast as a speed reader. If I'm engrossed in the book, usually it takes a week maximum, but usually much less. I tried one of those page/photo reading things a few years ago. I can't get the hang of it, but I want to someday. Come on, remembering at least 70% of all material and taking only 1-2 seconds per page has to come in handy sometime. :P
Wed Apr 13, 2005 11:06 pm
I would say I fall under the first category, depending on my interest, the length of the book, how much time I have, and the difficulty of the book. I read a maybe 250 page book in 30-40 minutes during English class. I amazed myself. The last Harry Potter book would take me most of the day. Uninterrupted. Like I said, it all depends on how busy I am.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 11:06 pm
I read really fast^^ It took me 14 hours to read HP: OotP, and then I had to wait for my friend to finish it so I could talk to her about it:p
Wed Apr 13, 2005 11:30 pm
When I really need to read, for like school or something, I can read a book in about an hour or two, but I never read during my free time, so I can't really vote fairly.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 11:38 pm
Depends what book it is. My 200 page series I read in a day (sometimes two a day if I buy more than one). In depth books take a while, espicially if there's a difficult plot or some sort of "hidden meaning". I'd say I read pretty fast, I've always noticed that I read passages in school during tests a bit faster than everyone else.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 11:41 pm
When I'm in the mood to read I can read an average lengthed novel in a few hours. When I was younger and bored I could end up reading two or three books a day as I preferred reading to the tv and I didn't have a computer back then - shock horror, hehe =) Nowadays I don't have the time to read really, I can only squeeze in a couple of chapters a day. I did read the last harry potter book pretty quick though, I don't remember how long it took though...a few hours I guess, maybe 6 or 8 *shrug* My teachers used to tut tut and tell me not to skim read - until they asked me about the book and I could tell them absolutely everything hehe. If I was just skim reading I think it would get a bit ridiculous to be honest, heh.
Funny really considering my mum never reads ever, and neither does my bf really. My grandad on the other hand used to be able to read even faster than me and it was him that got me started reading and spelling so young. Now that I'm at uni it's an extremely handy skill - would be nice if I had the time to read more fun stuff though
Last edited by
Trick on Thu Apr 14, 2005 12:26 am, edited 1 time in total.
Wed Apr 13, 2005 11:42 pm
I can actually read the words quite fast, but I'm not one of those people who can read for long periods of time because it always gives me headache. I tend to read for an hour at night. Sometimes I go through phases of not reading anything for a couple of months, but then I'm suddenly book mad and will read whenever I can providing I take regular breaks. I'm weird like that.
Thu Apr 14, 2005 12:24 am
I took speed reading as a semester course because I love to read so much and I read pretty darn fast anyway. When they tested the class to see what everyone's starting speed reading "speed" was, most of the class was between 100 - 200 words a minute. I started at 800+ per minute. When I finished the course I was reading over 1100 words a minute.
I can finish a 600 - 800 page book (even WITH interruptions) in about 6-8 hours. You could give me a quiz and I'd probably get 90% or better because I retain pretty much everything my eyes "see". The trick is when you skim a page your eyes really DO see all the words. When they tested us in class the Prof said that we should choose the answer that we intimctively thought (or felt) was right because our eyes saw it even though we may not remember it.
I loved that course and I got over a 4.0 (a 4.0 is a perfect A for those who aren't familiar with that grading system) in the class. (sheesh! I wonder why?).
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