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Rant: Sister...

Sat Apr 16, 2005 8:54 pm

Urgh...So, I'm in my sisters bathroo, talking to her about random stuff. I open up a cabenet. She quickly closes it. I give her the "what the hecks up with YOU!" look. I open it again, a few minutes later. She closes it quickly. She calls me nosy. I do it again. SHE DOES IT AGAIN! I say, "I'm not be nosy, just wnated to see what beauty products you have."

I bet she has something liek brithcontrol, oh dear goodness. Now, I have to puke.

Sat Apr 16, 2005 9:10 pm

whats wrong with birth control?? Either leave her alone or spy when she leaves the bathroom, which ever suits your purpose. I can not be held responsible for your findings though, so beware.

Sat Apr 16, 2005 9:15 pm

krisgp wrote:whats wrong with birth control?? Either leave her alone or spy when she leaves the bathroom, which ever suits your purpose. I can not be held responsible for your findings though, so beware.

I'm against having sex for anything but procreating. Besides, its traumtizing for a ten year old (me) to see something like that belonged to her sister.
Its bad enough when I found those thongs and playboys...
Besdies, I woud have to alert my mom or my OCD would drive me crazy. So now I have suspence, am offended by my sister, and am...bored (though that has nothing to do with anything.)

Sat Apr 16, 2005 9:24 pm

I'm against having sex for anything but procreating.
Well, she's probably not. I'm strongly tempted to insert a large piece of wank about how you shouldn't impose your views on others, but I'll stick with saying it's none of your business.

I understand that it's disturbing to know your sister is having sex, but if you don't want to know the details of your sister's private life, don't snoop where she asks you not to.

Sat Apr 16, 2005 9:29 pm

How old is your sister?

Sat Apr 16, 2005 9:29 pm

Miss Padfoot wrote:
I'm against having sex for anything but procreating.
Well, she's probably not. I'm strongly tempted to insert a large piece of wank about how you shouldn't impose your views on others, but I'll stick with saying it's none of your business.

I understand that it's disturbing to know your sister is having sex, but if you don't want to know the details of your sister's private life, don't snoop where she asks you not to.

I WASN'T SNOOPING! I was looking at her diffrent body sprays and shampoo! :o

When did I impose anything on anybody O_o

Sat Apr 16, 2005 9:40 pm

Sorry, but some of this is not really appropiate for this forum.
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