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Things We Don't Know About You (Split 1)

Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:00 pm

First split!

I tend to bite my nails a lot...yeah.

Sun Apr 17, 2005 2:15 pm

I like to jump off cliffs. :D

Into water.. of course.. XD


Sun Apr 17, 2005 3:31 pm

ohohohohoh! i like to constantley weird people out 8) ...and make people laugh... :cry: i mean... :roflol:

Sun Apr 17, 2005 4:04 pm

I enjoy listening to classical music...mmhmm. Same person who loves Christian rap.
I have braces
I also enjoy dying my hair
I have 2 dogs. A Dauchsund (sp?) named Shotzie (yes...named after the one on That's 70s Show) and a little sister named Madison. :lol:

Sun Apr 17, 2005 4:17 pm

I love coffee, espicially with French Vanilla.
I adore music that isn't in English.
I sing, but I'll deny that up in down if you ask me again. :P
I cry very easily, espicially while reading books or watching anime.
I love swimming, but I hate the beach.
I don't like cell phones.
I have a pink Poogle toy on top of my computer
I wear a necklace that says Jessica, and my name is Sarah.
I'm terrified of heights.

Sun Apr 17, 2005 5:29 pm

AFI_Sorrow wrote:I wear a necklace that says Jessica, and my name is Sarah.

o_O That's just so confusing it's unbelievable! Erm... dare I ask why?

Sun Apr 17, 2005 5:37 pm

I hate coffee
I bite my nails, yet have beasutiful hands and nails
I, like AFI, love non-English music
I'm very sensitive
I have a blue poogle toy
I <3 swimming
I've lived on a tropical island for 1/3 of my life, and in Florida 1/4 of my life
I lurve singing
I have fears of heights(if there's any sort of gap, especially), climbing trees, spiders, and bees/wasps/hornets/yellow jackets

Sun Apr 17, 2005 5:37 pm

Um..well I love coffee um...I live in the country. and I own two parakeets and two orange cats.

Sun Apr 17, 2005 5:50 pm

shortin wrote:Um..well I love coffee um...I live in the country. and I own two parakeets and two orange cats.

Just curious, but how do you keep the orange cats from snacking on the parakeets?

I had a canary when I was a kid--Petey. Such a great bird--always singing and really ever caged. My mom let him fly all over the place. Once he landed on the edge of the fish tank and got so darned curious, he fell in. Anyway, he got seriously wounded when my sister decided to let a stray cat into our house. Darned cat went right for the bird and gouged a hole in him. The vet fixed him up but he was never quite the same after that. Needless to say, no more cats allowed in the house.

Sun Apr 17, 2005 5:57 pm

Morningstar wrote:
shortin wrote:Um..well I love coffee um...I live in the country. and I own two parakeets and two orange cats.

Just curious, but how do you keep the orange cats from snacking on the parakeets?

I had a canary when I was a kid--Petey. Such a great bird--always singing and really ever caged. My mom let him fly all over the place. Once he landed on the edge of the fish tank and got so darned curious, he fell in. Anyway, he got seriously wounded when my sister decided to let a stray cat into our house. Darned cat went right for the bird and gouged a hole in him. The vet fixed him up but he was never quite the same after that. Needless to say, no more cats allowed in the house.

lol...the cats don't even pay attention to the birds surprisingly

Sun Apr 17, 2005 6:30 pm

Here are some more things about me...

-I had a pet chicken when I was little. (We live in the city)

-I had a parakeet and I named him Billy.

-When I was little I asked my parents with we were republicans or democrats and they thought it was the funniest thing they'd ever heard. I still don't really understand why... :oops:

-My friend and I used to pretend we were animals. :P

Sun Apr 17, 2005 7:27 pm

I suck at writing poetry
I've bit my nails so low it turned purple once :thinking:
I listen to sad music alot, and it brings me down real easily.
I've been down latley.
I have an OCD
I havn't been professionaly diagnosed with the afformentioned OCD
I only drink coffee if it has about 15 table-spoons of french vanilla creamer in it.
I LOVE french vanilla ice cream,cappichino and probably anything lse french vanilla.

Sun Apr 17, 2005 7:36 pm

My favourite movie is Alice in wonderland.
Brown is my favourite colour.

Sun Apr 17, 2005 7:38 pm

Tinkerbell wrote:My favourite movie is Alice in wonderland.
Brown is my favourite colour.

I have a AIW fetish almsot :p

Sun Apr 17, 2005 7:39 pm

-I've worn glasses since 3rd grade (I'm in 8th now.)
-My parents are from Belarus and I was born in Minsk, but when I was a year old I moved to Ohio.
-I've played piano for about three years. I hate it.
-I've been dancing for about the same amount of time. I hate it even more.
-I enjoy foreign music quite a bit. Especially cavity-inducing japanese pop. :)
-I like Math and Ancient History.
-I can speak Russian (not very well), and I'm trying to learn how to read it.
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