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Random/Odd Things You've Done (Split 1)

Sat May 21, 2005 6:10 am

Keep posting those weird, random, and odd things you've done recently.

Like when my sister and I barked at passing cars while taking a walk. And even got one motorist to bark back at us XD

Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:12 am

I was saying something to my mom, and I meant to say 'hat rack', but I was all .'..Cat rack..... I mean hat rack' And I burst out laughing. xDD

Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:15 am

if Im on a street corner walking somewhere or whatever, and a song I like is on in a car nearby, I'll point up to get them to turn it up, and dance with whomever Im with.

Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:19 am

I have never done anything odd.

Fri Jun 24, 2005 1:27 am

Once me and two friends went to Wal-Mart and one of my friends had about 75 cents in pennies (along with dollars and larger amounts). We decided to buy some junk as always, and we even took the "Self-Check" line. When we got up there and it was time to pay, we spent about 10 minutes just putting pennies in to get rid of them (and to pay). We had an extra dollar bill we could have used. If anyone has used those self-check lanes before, you know you have to wait about 5 seconds before you can put another coin in, or else it just goes straight through. We ended up spending half of the time making sure not to put them in too quickly. People gave us strange looks (even the "monitor" or the lines), but there was no one behind us so we weren't exactly holding anyone up. :))

I wouldn't say it's random, but I'm not the type to do things to make me stand out in public, so it was a bit odd for me.

Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:05 am

I start laughing for no reason whatsoever. Seriously, I ran down a flight of stairs really fast and was in stitches about it for five minutes. And then my friend Stef was talking about how she hates people who marry other people because their names rhyme, and I was trying to say "Yeah, then you'd end up marrying some guy named Jeff," and I couldn't stop laughing, even though it really wasn't that funny.




Fri Jun 24, 2005 2:51 am

I once went walking in my neighborhood with my friend and, just for kicks, I faked my own death...three times. I'd scream really loud (and trust me, I can scream) and collapse on the, road.

I got some really weird looks from one family. :P

Fri Jun 24, 2005 9:49 am

A few day ago, my friends and I were walking shouting things like
'Hi Random Person', and 'You're so random' to random people who walk by...

Also my friend, when he gets married, he wants to have a chocolate cake, as opposed to a normal wedding cake, and wants to do his reception at McDonalds, and the guests have to order Happy Meals. :D

Fri Jun 24, 2005 10:06 am

My friend and I were discussing how to kill a guy. 0:)

And we made some really..."interesting" dialogues. We're so good at dialogue making :D We'd make a business writing transcripts for movies. :D:D

For example, we killed the guy (gruesome way that you don't want to know :))...
"I didn't kill him! He plunged in and killed himself!"
"SURE it was suicide...why are you grinning then?"
""'cause he wanted to see me smile before he goes. He said he didn't want to see my tears..."
...and it goes on.

Fri Jun 24, 2005 11:55 am

When my friends and I used to carpool to and from school, we would always name random people we saw on the street. Then, much to the consternation of the driver, we would shout, "Hey, Anne!" (or whatever we'd named them) "I haven't seen you in ages!"

I've done many other strange things, but that's all I can remember at the moment.

Edit - oh yeah, and the time Base and Helen and I staged a war at our school's spring fair. We had Helen's face painted yellow, and Base's painted red, and we coreographed this whole movie-style fight. We were going to get the horses from the pony rides, but we figured their handlers might not be too pleased with our large sticks.

Fri Jun 24, 2005 12:46 pm

Dive headfirst into a pole.

Fri Jun 24, 2005 12:48 pm

Getting out of a car and screaming, "LAND! SWEET LAND!"

Fri Jun 24, 2005 12:58 pm

i have the unique ability to trip over nothing.
totally flat surface, no obstacles as far as the eye can see (well, atleast a couple meters) and i trip, fall, and cut my leg.

if i see a bin or strut i will try my best to avoid it, knowing full well that i will walk into it.
and usually end up hitting one on the other side fo the corridor.

Often have semi-serious discussions on my plan for universal domination (because i just dont care about ol Terra)
mostly involving red Squirrels in battlesuits (with phased-plasma cannons) Kull warriors (of stargate fame, the dudes in the jet-black enclosed armour)
Turning the moon into Unicron
and the element Pipollium.
a metal that i will discover in the crash site of an alien race that will grant me god-hood in exchange for immunity from my all-encompasing wrath and malice.
that, and my vast army of evil utterly expunging all life from this universe
in a wave of hatred, malice and general nastiness, shortly before i take my loved one to another reality (to claim as our own, and to shape to our designs) and leave anyone who survived to fend for themselves.

ive had a long time to think about that one.

Fri Jun 24, 2005 5:27 pm

I began to skip around the Living Room today...

Fri Jun 24, 2005 6:01 pm

Setekh wrote:Often have semi-serious discussions on my plan for universal domination (because i just dont care about ol Terra)
mostly involving red Squirrels in battlesuits (with phased-plasma cannons) Kull warriors (of stargate fame, the dudes in the jet-black enclosed armour)
Turning the moon into Unicron
and the element Pipollium.
a metal that i will discover in the crash site of an alien race that will grant me god-hood in exchange for immunity from my all-encompasing wrath and malice.
that, and my vast army of evil utterly expunging all life from this universe
in a wave of hatred, malice and general nastiness, shortly before i take my loved one to another reality (to claim as our own, and to shape to our designs) and leave anyone who survived to fend for themselves.

Mind you don't trip up on your way there. :)
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