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Chicken Soup for the PPTer's Soul

Wed Jun 08, 2005 1:32 am

So I was reading the PPT Secrets thread, and I came up with this idea. You know all those Chicken Soup for the _____'s Soul? We should have one for PPTers. On our real life experiences, and our real life stories that we want to share with the rest of the community. My plan is to make a website with all of our stories, and the link will be kept on the PPT forums and only on the PPT forums. Your submitted stories are for the forum ONLY, not for random strangers- so you don't have to worry about strangers seeing your personal stories.

So here's the deal. In the real books, the books are divided into sections, and stories of certain natures are put into the sections they belong to. Our sections are:

On Death and Dying
On Friendship
On Losses
On Tears
On Joy
On Everything Else

Other sections are always open to discussion. If you have a story for anything, you can PM it to me on PPT or email it to me on Submissions can be anonymous or signed. All submissions should be TRUE! Don't post submissions here!

There's no due date for this to be finished. I think once we have enough stories we'll just know it, but until then there is no limit to stories accepted and no limit to how long you have to submit them.

So... get submitting?

Wed Jun 08, 2005 1:34 am

I have one I'll probably right. I'll try to work on it as soon as finals and all that junk is over.

Great idea by the way... :)

I think the secrets thread has already made us really close.

Wed Jun 08, 2005 2:23 am

Oh, Dawn, that is such a great idea!

Wed Jun 08, 2005 2:27 am

Oh I have a great story to tell. But I'm far too tired to type it right now, so I'll get stared on that tomorrow. :)
Are we allowed to write more than one? I have two that are both really close to me that I'd like to share.

Wed Jun 08, 2005 2:29 am

Write as many as you want. :)

And Morningstar- alas, I can't take full credit for this. I got the idea from the PPT Secrets board and tweaked it to be applicable. :)

Wed Jun 08, 2005 2:37 am

Oh, this is a marvellous idea! (Even if you won't take full credit for it. :P)

Now if only I had a profound story to share. *grimaces*

Wed Jun 08, 2005 2:46 am

Dawn2 wrote:Write as many as you want. :)

And Morningstar- alas, I can't take full credit for this. I got the idea from the PPT Secrets board and tweaked it to be applicable. :)

Still and all, you found an idea and are running with it. Therefore, you deserve bucketloads of credit. I am covered almost head to toe in poison ivy rash right now (seriously--I am), but as soon as the itching subsides and the benadryl wears off, I will submit a few stories. And, no, not about my poison ivy experience. But, everyone should be forewarned: that mysterious vining plant in your garden just might be trying to do you in!

Wed Jun 08, 2005 2:56 am

This is a great idea. I think I have a few things that I could submit, I jsut gotta remember them. :P

Wed Jun 08, 2005 5:10 am

Ooh! I've got some... that MIGHT work... I'll write them up on the plane Thursday. Look foward to... bunches!

Wed Jun 08, 2005 7:46 am

I love this idea! It's really great. I have a few stories that I would like to share.

Wed Jun 08, 2005 9:02 pm

This is a cool idea. I will try to think of a couple of stories, and hopefully submit them if they arn't totaly crap :P

Wed Jun 08, 2005 9:16 pm

I could submit my memoir project I did for English class (each of the four chapters would fall into either "On Friendship" or "On Everything Else"), but it's 13 pages long (that's double-spaced size 14 font), so you probably don't want it.

Fri Jun 10, 2005 10:41 am

Ditto everyone above.

Jellyoflight submitted the article '25 Serving Suggestions for Arrow' and in it she wrote:15. Boil him.

Why not Arrow soup? :D

Fri Jun 10, 2005 10:08 pm

Alright, I sent mine in. :) It's not that long, only two pages. And it was sort of rushed, but you was hard to put it into words without it becoming a novel. Ah, you'll see once you read it.
I might write another one over the weekend. I'll think about it.

Fri Jun 10, 2005 10:18 pm

CWisgood wrote:Ditto everyone above.

Jellyoflight submitted the article '25 Serving Suggestions for Arrow' and in it she wrote:15. Boil him.

Why not Arrow soup? :D

I didn't think this was a particularly funny topic.
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