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Live 8 tickets

Tue Jun 14, 2005 4:00 pm

Has anyone else seen all the tickets for the Live 8 concert being sold on Ebay. Does anyone else see this as completely wrong and downright disgusting? People trying to make money out of tickets that are for a charity event. Or is it just me? :x

Re: Live 8 tickets

Tue Jun 14, 2005 4:25 pm

Downright disgusting? Heh. It's a pop concert. Do you know where the "8" comes from? It comes from the G8 Summit being held in Scotland. A political summit where all the world leaders come together. It is a political-fueled propaganda fest.

Did you also hear that Bob Geldof is organizing a protest in Scotland to affect the world leaders to make them give more to the corrupt Governments in Africa?

It's moreso about politics than anything else, besides, Live 8 hosts a giant line up of U2, Madonna and maybe Pink Floyd, I heard. The lineup is magnificant in the London concert contrary to the other ones.

So, no. I don't find it disgusting. It's quite nice, actually, considering that not many people got a chance. Besides, Live 8 would've got quite a sum from rallying the tickets, what was it? £1.50 to enter? Millions of people would've entered.
Last edited by Paul on Tue Jun 14, 2005 4:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jun 14, 2005 4:46 pm

The tickets are selling for several HUNDRED pounds, if i'd won I'd certainly be selling them. And why not? I've given £1.50 to charity, I'd be happy to makea mint off it.

Tue Jun 14, 2005 5:22 pm

Hey, if you've got no moral conscience that's completely your business.

Tue Jun 14, 2005 5:44 pm

I don't even know what Live 8 is. Well, I didn't until I read Paul's post.

Tue Jun 14, 2005 6:07 pm

Heheh, I personally wouldn't have sold them *flashes Make Poverty History wristband* but I wouldn't point and preach at someone who did.

Tue Jun 14, 2005 6:19 pm

Ebay is removing all lots with live 8 tickets in them from the site after overwhelming customer complaints about how disgusting it was. All's well that ends well I guess.

Tue Jun 14, 2005 6:26 pm

I wouldn't have sold it because I doubt I'd go, I'd just give it to someone who wants to see it I guess.

Tue Jun 14, 2005 6:35 pm

I think they should have sold a portion of them on eBay to begin with, and put the money to charity. Sure, you end up with a lot of rich ...smurfs... going, but you make a good chunk of money to a good cause... ::shrugs::

I agree with Igg other than that, though.

Re: Live 8 tickets

Tue Jun 14, 2005 6:44 pm

Paul wrote:Downright disgusting? Heh. It's a pop concert. Do you know where the "8" comes from? It comes from the G8 Summit being held in Scotland. A political summit where all the world leaders come together. It is a political-fueled propaganda fest.

Did you also hear that Bob Geldof is organizing a protest in Scotland to affect the world leaders to make them give more to the corrupt Governments in Africa?

Right now Paul, I really have no way to express my frustration at your comment. I think I should leave it like this before I end up flaming or something.

Re: Live 8 tickets

Tue Jun 14, 2005 6:59 pm

.:Chronically Depressed:. wrote:
Paul wrote:Downright disgusting? Heh. It's a pop concert. Do you know where the "8" comes from? It comes from the G8 Summit being held in Scotland. A political summit where all the world leaders come together. It is a political-fueled propaganda fest.

Did you also hear that Bob Geldof is organizing a protest in Scotland to affect the world leaders to make them give more to the corrupt Governments in Africa?

Right now Paul, I really have no way to express my frustration at your comment. I think I should leave it like this before I end up flaming or something.

I think you should too. My thoughts weren't intending to cause annoyance at all. So you know, maybe we could talk on AIM or something if you wish to discuss the matters of Live 8 privately. Besides, flaming is messy and not smooth. Not at all.

Also, I wouldn't like to have another mark on my record, nor would you, I hope.
Last edited by Paul on Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:02 pm, edited 1 time in total.

Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:01 pm

I don't think the sellers have a particularly well-developed sense of morality, but Bob Geldof's continual pontificating is beginning to grate. Inviting people to hack eBay seems a bit over the top, eBay isn't selling the tickets - just providing a means to do it. As they said, selling these tickets is no different to selling anything else won as a prize from their point of view. Banning the auctions isn't going to stop people selling the tickets - they'll still be sold down the pub, through classified ads, by touts, etc. Maybe only issuing named, non-transferrable tickets would have been a better solution (as happens with football matches, music festivals etc)? But as long as Geldof's happy that's all that matters, it seems - I lost a lot of respect for him today.

Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:23 pm

If you have a ticket, don't want to go, or can't, might as well sell it, and earn some money! Charity or not.

Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:31 pm

Stijn wrote:If you have a ticket, don't want to go, or can't, might as well sell it, and earn some money! Charity or not.

Yeah.. Sell it... AND GIVE IT TO CHARITY?! Oh, wait, we're not allowed to sell it for £200. Oh, nevermind.

Tue Jun 14, 2005 7:48 pm

sparkygoesforth wrote:I don't think the sellers have a particularly well-developed sense of morality, but Bob Geldof's continual pontificating is beginning to grate. Inviting people to hack eBay seems a bit over the top, eBay isn't selling the tickets - just providing a means to do it. As they said, selling these tickets is no different to selling anything else won as a prize from their point of view. Banning the auctions isn't going to stop people selling the tickets - they'll still be sold down the pub, through classified ads, by touts, etc. Maybe only issuing named, non-transferrable tickets would have been a better solution (as happens with football matches, music festivals etc)? But as long as Geldof's happy that's all that matters, it seems - I lost a lot of respect for him today.

Issuing non-transferrable tickets would have been the smart thing to do, my bf was incredulous that they could even be sold on ebay in the first place. Complete nonsense for them not to have done that. Like you I've lost a lot of respect for Bob Geldof recently, yes it's all in a good cause but no that's no excuse to act like a petulant child. When he yelled for 1 million people to descend on Edinburgh I couldn't believe it. Edinburgh has a population less than 450,000 - can you imagine what will happen if upwards of 1 million people descend on that city? Total carnage. People being crushed and stampeded, assaults and vandalism - is that what people want to remember about this endevour?

I'm all for giving to charity and I have nothing but admiration for Gordon Brown in his plans for Africa and all that he has said recently. He agreed that people should be able to protest peacefully and no sooner had he said that than Geldof grabbed the spotlight back by demanding all those people descend on Edinburgh. The man is on one serious ego trip and is in danger of turning this campaign on it's head and the only people that would be hurt by that is those in Africa. Has he even listened to what Gordon Brown is trying to do in stamping out the corruption in Africa rather than handing out cash willy nilly that helps nobody? Just argh *rants into the distance*
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