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Your hair. Yesss...

Mon Jun 28, 2004 12:10 pm

Since my topic on talking about horrible past experiences sort of didn't go as fabulously as it could, lets talk about your hair.

What Colour? (Yes Colour you foriegn devils).
How Long?
What would you like different about it?

I have plain dark brown hair usually, but because I like to dye it blue during the holidays it has been bleeched several times leaving grey streaks in it. My hair is almost shoulder length and I wouldn't mind it longer, and as for style, its parted down the middle and then slicked back.

Mon Jun 28, 2004 12:27 pm

I have black hair and its short and spikey. :battar:

Mon Jun 28, 2004 12:33 pm

What Color? (Yes Colour you foriegn devils). Brown
How Long? Shoulder-blade
Style? Wavy-straight
What would you like different about it? I want it longer!

Mon Jun 28, 2004 12:35 pm

What Color? Brown. Just plain brown. Not dark brown, not light brown. Brown.
How Long? Shoulder-length.
Style? Wavyish-curlyish.
What would you like different about it? I want it straight. And black. Blue-tipped would be nice. Brown just isn't me.

Mon Jun 28, 2004 12:37 pm

Blondey brown.
Just past my shoulder blades.
Just normal straight.
I'd like it to be bright red ^_^ Like english phone box red.

Mon Jun 28, 2004 12:45 pm

Dark brown with bleched stripes on the side.
Although i'v died my hair a grand total of 17 times.

Its pretty long, and its wavy. Very frizzy too, and I hate it.

What i'd like different is to to streighten it... And maybe die the tips blond too.

Mon Jun 28, 2004 12:53 pm

What Colour? It is what can best be described as a Browny Black colour.
How Long? Short.
Style? Curly.
What would you like different about it? Nothing. I wouldn't change it one bit.

Mon Jun 28, 2004 1:40 pm

What Colour? Light brownish with blonde tips.

How Long? Shoulder-length (Just got a new cut!)

Style? Straight.

What would you like different about it? I'd make it blonder or dye it red. Not bright red- but maybe like... rust colored. Or maybe orange like Vitamin C's. Hmm...

Mon Jun 28, 2004 1:49 pm

Color: Brown
Long: Normal peoples hair.
Style: Combed.
Different: Nothing, maybe a little shorter (I like it short)

I likemy hair, especially when I wear glasses, I look good.

Mon Jun 28, 2004 2:26 pm

Color-Halfway between blonde and brown now, the top of my hair being brown and the bottom being blonde. The scariest thing is, that's natural. I've never died my hair, but it's just stayed that way for the longest time.

How long-About the very top of my waist. It's pretty long.

Style-Stick straight and parted down the middle. Except for a very brief time when I was a kid, my hair has never been messed with at all, it's always been the way it is now. The perm I did have, I have no idea what I was thinking. Probably the reason my hair has been the same for about 13 years.

What would I like different-Actually, I wish my hair was jet-black. Little more volume, my hair is increadibly flat. But, alas, being pasy white with thick eyebrows would make black hair look about as appealing as neon green on me.

Mon Jun 28, 2004 2:30 pm

What Colour? It's light brown now but I might be dying it to a blonidish colour laster on.
How Long? A little past my shoulders.
Style? Straight....ugh it's too damn straight.
What would you like different about it? A little more wavy or bounce to it..not just being so damn straight!

Mon Jun 28, 2004 2:36 pm

Colour (I live in the USA, but I like the U): Black, but it's getting a little bit brown because of all the sun. Yuck. I prefer it in the winter when it's completely black, almost blue.

Length: I guess you could call it armpit-length. Definitely longer than shoulder length, anyways.

Style: Either in a ponytail or down and parted in the sidish-middle. It's straight-I had it permed straight last summer, but some natural wavyness is coming back. I like it this way, actually.

What I'd like different: My hair is really, really, really, really thick. When hair people try to thin it, they tell me that they can't get it any thinner than how it is right now without me looking like a total mess, so I'd like my hair to either be less thick or more thinnable. I'd also prefer it it could be more supple-all my friends can use those big clips in the summer to keep cool. It looks really good on them because their hair fall down and over the sides of the clip, half-covering it. My hair just goes straight up and never comes down, making me look like a pine tree. I also can't have a "messy bun" or stuff like that.

Maybe a tiny streak of subtle blue would be nice too. :D

Mon Jun 28, 2004 2:44 pm

Black, average hair length, it's usually messy. I don't comb my hair since it's really hard, hope to soften it soon. If there's something I would like different about my hair, I just wish it wasn't that hard.

Mon Jun 28, 2004 2:50 pm

What Colour? Brown
How Long? Short
Style? Flat-top
What would you like different about it? Nothing really

Mon Jun 28, 2004 2:58 pm

What Colour? Light brown. (Well in the summer it is, gets darker in the winter)
How Long? Nearly down to my waist.
Style? It's just straight. I just wear it down a lot, with a parting in the middle.
What would you like different about it? I want different colour streaks in it. And it needs cutting.
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