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New car :)

Sun Jun 26, 2005 12:49 am

We're getting a new car. It's a silver Toyota Avensis (I think that's how you spell it lol). A Toyota. How cool is that? We can get it Thursday and I'll take some pics of it and post it here. I'm going to miss the car we've got at the minute though, we had it for three years :( You've served us well, friend.

But yay, we're getting a Toyota. It's a Japanese company and me and my brother think Japan is cool :D

Sun Jun 26, 2005 2:37 am

Ginger, for the past 20 some years, I have almost always driven a Japanese car. Honda, Toyota, Nissan, I have driven them all. They are the best--so much better than the two American clunkers I was stuck driving for a year or so. They are extremely reliable and economical.

Hope you have fun with your new car!

Sun Jun 26, 2005 9:03 am

Ahh, Japanese cars - they may all look the same, but they go on forever!

Hope it has air conditioning, then it will be cool ;)

Malaysian cars, on the other hand.... *kicks his rustbucket*

Sun Jun 26, 2005 9:20 am

Urgh- MorningStar. Nissans are horrible.
Absolutely no credibility, them cars. Hondas and Toyotas are alright, but Toyotas have some of the worst adverts ever that makes me feel a loathing towards their PR people.

My mate Kirsten and I do a thing sometimes where we note the make of each car that we walk past and if it's good it gets cheer if not if gets a 'urgh'.
Nissans get urghs. So do Fords. And Rovers. And Ladas.

Sun Jun 26, 2005 11:00 am

my cars getting on a bit (its a blue... car. im bad with stuff like this :P )
still, runs quite well considering it looks like one swift kick would break it.

Sun Jun 26, 2005 2:12 pm

Igg wrote:Urgh- MorningStar. Nissans are horrible.

Oh, you must have gotten a bad one.

I had a little yellow Datsun (prior to the name change to Nissan) that ran forever. It literally did not die until the motor rusted out. And maintenance was next to nothing. I loved that car!!!!

And, the Nissan Maxima that I used to drive. Ah, such a luxurious car. I do miss that car.

Sun Jun 26, 2005 2:16 pm

I'm not sure if Isuzu is Japanese or not, but they're very durable. I have an Isuzu Rodeo which my dad bought in 1994 or '95, so it's 10 years old. When he got his Toyota Tacoma, he gave the Rodeo to my grandpa, then he took it away from him and gave it to me. It needs some fixing up, but it's still in good shape. I just hope the only problem with the A/C is that it needs more Freon. ;_;

Sun Jun 26, 2005 2:22 pm

Oh, I'm absolutely no good with car names. The only car I think I can recongnize on sight are Volkswagon Golfs and Monte Carlos. (Because my brother owns one of each, one to show off and one for practicality. :roll: )
Good luck with your new car!
I can't wait untill I get my own car. (Most likely next year...woot!) I want this crazy car I saw once before. It was huge and this ugly shade of green. I call it the Picklemobile. <3

Sun Jun 26, 2005 3:19 pm


For us Americans out there, it's the basis for the Scion tC.

Sun Jun 26, 2005 3:21 pm

We used to have a really really old Mazda a couple of years ago. I think it was a C registration, that's incredibly old. It was a very good car though and we had hardly any problems with it. It was a Japanese car.

Sun Jun 26, 2005 3:37 pm

I have a Lexus RX330 Bamboo Pearl and a Blue Mica one. I think Lexus is related to Toyota or something...

:P I just like how good Lexus is with customer service.

Sun Jun 26, 2005 6:36 pm

Yep, Lexus is Toyota's 'luxury car' department - set up to compete with the likes of BMW, Mercedes Benz etc. Er...hold on a have two Lexuses?!? Or should that be Lexi? :P

Isuzu is Japanese, and makes some stonkingly good 4x4's (or SUVs)

Igg...not all Nissans are horrible - Skyline, anyone? (admittedly, the only Nissan I've ever owned has been a stonking pile of poo)

Sun Jun 26, 2005 6:40 pm

sparkygoesforth wrote:Yep, Lexus is Toyota's 'luxury car' department - set up to compete with the likes of BMW, Mercedes Benz etc. Er...hold on a have two Lexuses?!? Or should that be Lexi? :P

Isuzu is Japanese, and makes some stonkingly good 4x4's (or SUVs)

Igg...not all Nissans are horrible - Skyline, anyone? (admittedly, the only Nissan I've ever owned has been a stonking pile of poo)

I asked a lady once and she said she didn't know. :P And then I asked the guy in the office next door and he just laughed.

Yes, I have two. My dad has three, my sister three, and my mom one. Well, my mom doesn't really count, because hers is a junky old Mercury van, because she doesn't believe in material values. o.o
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