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Fri Jul 15, 2005 7:19 pm

Many topics in one so....

Yeah. I'm back. :D I'm pretty sure *MOST* of you remember me (most of the oldies at least :)). I've been busy with things, and I just remembered about PPT so yeah. :P

ANyways......... so..... hmm......

Well, I'm off to Ozzfest in a week. :D Off to pre-band camp that same week of Ozzfest, and the week after is band camp. (Haha, American Pie) So as you can see my summer is basically gone in a week or so. :S

I got this sweet MP3 player, holds 20 gigs, and I already have 1/8 of it full. :P Goldfinger, Jimi Hendrix (which I'm listening to now), MCR, Suicide Machines (Ska, not the death metal you'd intrepret from the name), etc.

I'm now a sophomore in High School. What fun. *rolls eyes* And I learned how to make grilled cheese yesterday. :P

Hmm..... I'm having a brain fart and can't think of anything else. :P So, don't expect my crazy posting spurts like in the old days. :P It's great to be back. :)

Fri Jul 15, 2005 8:13 pm

Welcome backie! :) I remember you, yepyep. You probably don't remember me though, haha.

Yay for Ozzfest! Lucky you. Wish I could go. >.>

Hehe, and yay for learning how to make a grilled cheese sandwich. Those are yummy. I can't make them though, sadly. I'm scared of the stove. :D

Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:17 pm

No, I don't remember you. :P Did you change your name?

Yep. Ozzfest tickets were $18 a pop. (The Live 8 thing, if you bought tix on the 4th of July weekend they're $18 each) :D

Mine aren't as good as my moms sandwiches. :S Mine aren't salty enough. I heart salt. :P

Fri Jul 15, 2005 9:28 pm

Hey, welcome back, and by the way Goldfinger and Suicide Machines are awesome. :) I make a mean grilled cheese sandwich too. Much better than my dad who puts like, seven slices of cheese on it and then doesn't cook it enough. It's a cheese overload, I'm sure it could clog my lungs with cheese.
Anyway, have fun at Ozzfest!

Sat Jul 16, 2005 4:48 am

Ahh, yes, grilled cheese. Truly one of the greatest sandwiches ever made. I myself prefer to make grilled ham and cheese, but, hey, whatever floats your boat.

Welcome back, and have fun at Ozzfest!

Sat Jul 16, 2005 6:08 am

Destinyte wrote:No, I don't remember you. :P Did you change your name?

Nope, I've been Apricus since forever. Haha, knew you wouldn't.

Sun Jul 17, 2005 5:34 pm

I swear it wasn't Apricus when I replied to your post :P I remember you know though.

Sun Jul 17, 2005 6:14 pm

I remember you, dude. :) Welcome back! :D

If you don't recognize me, I was the ever-changing username lady. XD [DM]igotmadcow[2], DM! I'm on Fire!, FyreFox, Luminance, and Renegade Angel, just to name a few.

Sun Jul 17, 2005 7:41 pm

I vaguely remember you. Welcome back. =)

As for grilled cheese, the easiest way to make it is on a George Foreman grill. Gets a bit squashed, but stick it on for 4 minutes and it's done. =)
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