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Sat Aug 20, 2005 10:44 pm

Okay, so technically it's my brother's birthday present, but whatever. Anyway, I got a rabbit about two hours ago. Everyone, say hello to Maya!


We got her from the animal shelter, and we think she's about 8 months old. She's really sweet tempered and is settling into her new home very nicely :) We were kind of worried about how the cat would react (he has a history of killing small animals), but he seems to be okay with her. Maya's bigger than he is, anyway....


Sat Aug 20, 2005 10:49 pm

That is a big rabbit XD

Hope it doesn't eat your cat :P

Sat Aug 20, 2005 10:51 pm

She's cute!
I like bunnies.

Sat Aug 20, 2005 10:53 pm

Aww, it's adorable. I want a bunny, but my husband may or may not be allergic. He had issues with other rodents when he was a kid, but I think he was allergic to the wood shavings in the cage, not the hamster/guinea pig/whatever he had. But, we can't take the risk and get a bunny. :(

My mom had some beautiful angora rabbits for while. If I weren't so lazy, I'd upload the one picture I have of them. But I am, so I won't. ^_-

Sat Aug 20, 2005 11:00 pm

Awww, as I have said beforehand Ammy- I love that bunny! Have fun with sweet Maya!

Sat Aug 20, 2005 11:16 pm

It's cute! But it seems to have a mischievious glint in its eye...I'd be careful. ;)

Sat Aug 20, 2005 11:57 pm

We got her from the animal shelter


Congrats on your new family member. ^_^

Sun Aug 21, 2005 1:08 am

It is a big rabbit. And cute. *points to sig* I just hope that fact isnt true about it :D

Sun Aug 21, 2005 2:45 am

Aww. :) Cute. What kind of bunny is she? Since I am sheltered. :P

Make sure you read up on bunny care and give her lots of room to play. And socialize a lot, since, like, she has no friend. Our bunnies are in luv, so I wouldn't know how to entertain them myself.

Sun Aug 21, 2005 2:52 am

Awww, bunny. They're so cute and poofy. Congrats on getting one. I'd get one but I also want a cat and yeah, those two tend to not mix. *pokes bunny* Cuuuuuuute ^_^

MyleneFarmer wrote:I want a bunny, but my husband may or may not be allergic. He had issues with other rodents when he was a kid, but I think he was allergic to the wood shavings in the cage, not the hamster/guinea pig/whatever he had. But, we can't take the risk and get a bunny. :(

Go to a pet store and shove your husband's face into a bunny, that oughta prove if he's allergic or not :lol: Disclaimer: Don't take my advice seriously... unless you wanna o.O

Sun Aug 21, 2005 2:56 am

Sunnie wrote:
MyleneFarmer wrote:I want a bunny, but my husband may or may not be allergic. He had issues with other rodents when he was a kid, but I think he was allergic to the wood shavings in the cage, not the hamster/guinea pig/whatever he had. But, we can't take the risk and get a bunny. :(

Go to a pet store and shove your husband's face into a bunny, that oughta prove if he's allergic or not :lol: Disclaimer: Don't take my advice seriously... unless you wanna o.O

*lol* Great idea. And I would do that...except I'm afraid of pet stores. >_<; They always have a huge parrot sitting on a little stand near the entrance, and it's never in a cage. And then it's beady little eyes concentrate on me, and I know in that tiny little brain there is only one thought: "Kill the redhead."

Sun Aug 21, 2005 4:46 am

Wow! That looks just like my friends bunny! Congrats, so cute! ^^

On a do you pronounce 'Maya'?

Sun Aug 21, 2005 5:34 am

So cute!

I once kept a rabbit with my friend Cara. We kept it at our school because the nuns (the school was Catholic and private) were cool with it. When we got a new principal, though, her daughter left the cage open and a racoon (I think) got him. :(

Sun Aug 21, 2005 9:26 am

Ohhh, she's gorgeous!

I love huge small animals. My guinea pig is a giant. One of my friends refers to him as 'the giant guinea pig'.

Yay :D

Sun Aug 21, 2005 2:03 pm

She's very cute!

I really like her color too. :)
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