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Letters to magazines and such

Mon Aug 22, 2005 9:58 pm

First I apologize if it's a repeated thread/in the wrong forum/whatnot (you never know with me :roll: )

Anyway I just noticed my letter got published on the last HunterxHunter comic (no good looking for it unless you're Italian, though)
I had forgot I wrote it, it was like, March? I read it and though, hey, this girl has got the same name as me. I'm sooo dumb.
Of course I didn't expect it to be published, it was just two lines to explain how to pronounce the title. Which makes it a bit unfair, cause I've written best stuff to a lot of magazines and it's never been published.
All the same.

Has any of you written to a magazine and got the letter published?
Do you believe to the stuff people say in their letters? I mean those "Heart Advice", "Write to Sally", etc. Most of those seem a bit far-fetched to me, it's probably the reader having fun at writing crap.

Mon Aug 22, 2005 10:33 pm

I wonder how many people say Hunter "ex" Hunter, or Hunter times Hunter.

I've even heard people say Hunter squared. o.0

Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:08 pm

When I was little, I was a member of the Wishbone Fan Club. There was a newsletter that came every month or so, and I got my letter answered in it. ;o

Mon Aug 22, 2005 11:17 pm

Mm... I had a joke published in the L.A. Times Kids' Section when I was a lot younger. When I was a few years older (okay, fine, like 13), there was a prompt of "What would the world be like if there were no adults?" and I was feeling snarky and bored, so I wrote a page-long essay, and part of it ended up getting published.

More seriously, I got an editorial published a few weeks ago in the L.A. Daily News, and I wrote a feature article that should be coming out soon for the first issue of a local paper.

(How is "HunterxHunter" supposed to be pronounced? I've never even heard of it.)

Tue Aug 23, 2005 4:12 am

If you thinkabout how many millions of different horoscopes for your sign or whatever are written each day, at least one of them should be true :P

Ok, enough of that randomness, I've written to things occasionally but never gotten published.

Tue Aug 23, 2005 12:09 pm

I did once send in something to the West Australian once, you know those pages where people can send in their opinions and they publish some of them? Well I sent something into that (REally long) and I got a call from some newspaper person and they turned it into an article :)

(twas also on 60minutes, current affair, several other newspapers, chanel 10,9,7 news and loads of radios, but thats pishposh :P)

I've never gotten something with my name in it published though :) Thats pretty cool, If i ever enter compettions to win something I always try and gloss it up so it'll be more likely to be chosen (heh, won a john marsden book that way) so yeh I dont reckon all of the things people write in are true :)

Tue Aug 23, 2005 1:23 pm

I once sent a comic to a Dutch magazine (VPRO-gids, for those who know it) and it got in :D I was about 7 or 8 I guess, so I was very proud.

(I always have troubles pronouncing xxxHolic :oops: )

Tue Aug 23, 2005 1:32 pm

Starchaser wrote:(How is "HunterxHunter" supposed to be pronounced? I've never even heard of it.)

Hunter x Hunter is a Japanese manga comic xP And it's just pronounced Hunter Hunter ... or more accurately, "Hanta Hanta" o.O

Tue Aug 23, 2005 4:39 pm

(HunterHunter's going USA now, but I wouldn't mind getting a codec and start torrenting some of the anime.)

Tue Aug 23, 2005 5:12 pm

_jade_em_ wrote:
Starchaser wrote:(How is "HunterxHunter" supposed to be pronounced? I've never even heard of it.)

Hunter x Hunter is a Japanese manga comic xP And it's just pronounced Hunter Hunter ... or more accurately, "Hanta Hanta" o.O

Precisely :P And it says so on the japanese cover (if you can read kana) *puts out geek face*

About the horoscopes, yeah, that's true, but 99.99% of them are false so why bother?

Tue Aug 23, 2005 6:27 pm

Wind wrote:
_jade_em_ wrote:
Starchaser wrote:(How is "HunterxHunter" supposed to be pronounced? I've never even heard of it.)

Hunter x Hunter is a Japanese manga comic xP And it's just pronounced Hunter Hunter ... or more accurately, "Hanta Hanta" o.O

Precisely :P And it says so on the japanese cover (if you can read kana) *puts out geek face*

About the horoscopes, yeah, that's true, but 99.99% of them are false so why bother?

Because if you believe in horoscopes, then you can believe that fate will lead you to the correct one XD

Tue Aug 23, 2005 7:21 pm

Never had a letter published, but when I was in fourth grade, I drew a picture of an elephant that was printed in the city's newspaper. :)

Tue Aug 23, 2005 8:29 pm

Starchaser wrote:Mm... I had a joke published in the L.A. Times Kids' Section when I was a lot younger.

Heyyy, me too! :P

Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:04 pm

I once got a high score in Pokemon Snap printed in an issue of Nintendo Power. I have no idea what issue it was in though anymore.

Wed Aug 24, 2005 11:44 pm

When I was younger I got the "funfax" magazine. There was a competition to appear in a comic strip, and I won it, so it was a comic strip with my head dubbed on top of it

I was the "Triangle Mouth Kid" lol
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