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Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:16 am

As an interesting poll, here are some questions concerning lego. I'm sure some of you know that I like lego. Ever so much.

Do you have, have you ever had lego? Yes.

From what age? Duplo from early childhood, lego from about age 6/7.

Are you infact aware that the plural of lego is lego? Yes

What is your favourite themeset? My favourite themesets are Star Wars and Medieval, I've actually collected the majority of all the star wars sets barring the particulaly large ones like the Star Destroyer. As for medieval I have a castle that is about a cubic foot big (made from the many medieval releases throughout the years) with like 50-100 men running around (in the night).

Do you keep models, or destroy them/build something else? I try to keep all my stuff intact, especially the star wars, as for the medieval, I find that the individual castles are shoddy and thus make better castles out of several of them.

Any other thoughts?

Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:37 am

Do you have, have you ever had lego? Yes!

From what age? Since about 6 to maybe 12. Wait that seems kind of old, I honestly don't know.

Are you infact aware that the plural of lego is lego? lol no, I always said legos.

What is your favourite themeset? I got this cool space station one once. Yet I think I still just like the basic ones with the different colours and stuff. That way I could be more creative. Actually wait, I take that back because I'm not creative! My favourite was this lego house one I got. It was this cute pink house and I loved it.

Do you keep models, or destroy them/build something else? I used to keep the models for a while, but honestly it gets boring just staring at them, so I always wanted to just try something new and build something different. It's really sad taking it all down though. *tear*

Any other thoughts? Not really, but this whole poll kind of make me want to go play with my old lego. I wonder where it is?!

Sun Aug 28, 2005 6:42 am

Do you have, have you ever had lego? Yes.

From what age? Umm, I was quite small. Four or five maybe? I wanted them so bad, and then I got them for some special occasion, Christmas or a birthday.

Are you infact aware that the plural of lego is lego? Thanks to you, yes. But I refuse to accept it.

What is your favourite themeset? I never had any themesets! I just had the boring old rectangular legos, and I was perfectly happy with them! Some of the kids I babysat for when I was a teenager had some kind of zoo set though. The animals were cool.

Do you keep models, or destroy them/build something else? If I make something particularly neat, I might leave it around for a few days. But that's it. In the end it all comes apart.

Sun Aug 28, 2005 7:47 am

Do you have, have you ever had lego? Yes.

From what age? I'm not sure ... around 5 - 8? o.O

Are you infact aware that the plural of lego is lego? Yes

What is your favourite themeset? I didn't notice there were seperate themesets. *twitch* I just used whatever pieces I had and mashed them all together.

Do you keep models, or destroy them/build something else? *twitches again* I didn't even have the patience to finish a model. So, um, yeah. I usually just got the flat pieces as ground and built houses and stuff.

Sun Aug 28, 2005 8:02 am

Do you have, have you ever had lego?
Well, not at home, no.

From what age?
No idea ...I think about the only time I played with it was in school in ...first grade or something.

Are you infact aware that the plural of lego is lego?
Now I do. XD
What is your favourite themeset?
I don't believe I have one. O.o;

Do you keep models, or destroy them/build something else?
I destroyed other peoples models, too. :evil:

Re: Lego...

Sun Aug 28, 2005 8:44 am

Do you have, have you ever had lego? Yes.

From what age? Not sure, probably from age 5.

Are you infact aware that the plural of lego is lego?Now I am... Never thought about it though.

What is your favourite themeset? Dont have a favorite theme set.
Do you keep models, or destroy them/build something else? I'm a little old for lego now, but back when I did play with them, I did try to keep them intact.

Re: Lego...

Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:20 am

Do you have, have you ever had lego? Yes.

From what age? 5 or 6ish.

Are you infact aware that the plural of lego is lego? Yes

What is your favourite themeset? Not sure if this counts as a theme, but Lego Technic.

Do you keep models, or destroy them/build something else? When I still "played with it", a bit of both. Nowadays I just keep a couple of built models on bookshelves. As I type this, I can see a 6-wheeled JCB style machine complete with claw, and a Racing Off-Road Motorbike behind me.

Re: Lego...

Sun Aug 28, 2005 11:23 am

Do you have, have you ever had lego? Yes.

From what age? uplo when I was younger, but my brother's Lego when I was six or seven. >=]

Are you infact aware that the plural of lego is lego? Yes, I am.

What is your favourite themeset? I never really knew, as I'd watch my brother build them and would occasionally play with the horses from some of the sets. He used to buy Star Wars, though.

Do you keep models, or destroy them/build something else? Um, I don't really know, as we don't play with Lego anymore, as I'm the youngest in the family and my brother is four years older than me, but I think we used to keep them intact.

Sun Aug 28, 2005 12:30 pm

Do you have, have you ever had lego? Yes.

From what age?
Duplo since I was 3-4, then Lego when I was like 7...

Are you infact aware that the plural of lego is lego? Yes... what's the alternative?

What is your favourite themeset? I never had a favourite... I liked (ok, still like) cars and helicopters.

Do you keep models, or destroy them/build something else? I used to keep models, occasionally dismountling them to build something else. My brother and sister lost a lot of pieces, and this bugs me. Maybe that's why I don't play with it anymore :P

Sun Aug 28, 2005 12:54 pm

Do you have, have you ever had lego? Yes.

From what age? Duplo from early childhood, lego from about age 6/7.

Are you infact aware that the plural of lego is lego? LEGO does not even have a plural, because it's not singular. It's the name given to the brand of toys.

What is your favourite themeset? None really. I don't and never have collected a single themset because the LEGO theme boxes are all way overpriced.

Do you keep models, or destroy them/build something else? I used to toss all my LEGO and DUPLO in a big pile, then build a town out of it. Every kid in the neighbourhood would at times be in my room working on their house and their lego character. We'd have real currency, jobs, and a full-blown economy. Fun times. Or I'd toss it all in a pile and build random stuff out of it. Huge towers (2m high!), a fleet of battleships (with duplo you can make huge things, and combined with lego you can give them details and make them look cool), and more. Then my parents gave the duplo away..

Sun Aug 28, 2005 3:25 pm

Do you have, have you ever had lego? Yes.

From what age? Well, seeing as I have a five-year-old brother who begs me to play with him every time he plays with the legos... I guess I still have them.

Are you infact aware that the plural of lego is lego? Not until you told me, no. But, like Chass, I will continue to say legos... because it makes more sense to me. o-O

What is your favourite themeset? We never got any themesets. o-O Or if we did, we just threw 'em into the same box as the regular ones. But I don't think we ever got any... or played with them... so... none, I guess.

Do you keep models, or destroy them/build something else? Alas, mother made us take everything apart and put them away when we were finished playing with them.

Sun Aug 28, 2005 3:37 pm

Do you have, have you ever had lego? Yes.

From what age? Early childhood, my brother is about 3 years older than me, and we used to play with them. They're in my attic now.

Are you infact aware that the plural of lego is lego? Yes.

What is your favourite themeset? Hehe, I remember we had the Egyptian, Jungle and Samuri sets. Me always used to throw them in a box, so once we took the model apart we could never find the peices we wanted to remake it.

Do you keep models, or destroy them/build something else? We used to destroy them, then make something else. We should have kept the peices seperate so we could reconstruct the model into what we wanted it to be... instead of missing half the wall or the trapdoor.

Sun Aug 28, 2005 4:08 pm

Do you have, have you ever had lego? Yep!

From what age? Oh, 8-ish I think.

Are you infact aware that the plural of lego is lego? No.

What is your favourite themeset? Bionicles. Back when they weren't confusing and they had the basic storyline with the normal Toa and the normal Makuta and Takua not being overly special. Yeah. Now it doesn't even have a plotline anymore, they're just trying to make more money. It's gone the way of Star Wars.

Do you keep models, or destroy them/build something else? I have all my models in perfect condition on a shelf....It's in my brother's room, though, 'cause....y'know....

Sun Aug 28, 2005 4:24 pm

I like Lego.

Sun Aug 28, 2005 4:26 pm

Do you have, have you ever had lego? Yes!

From what age? Hm, probably around when I was 7 or 8. They're still somewhere in the back of my closet, actually.

Are you infact aware that the plural of lego is lego? No! Wow, that's interesting.

What is your favourite themeset? Hm, I just got this huge pack of legos. I never really had a themeset.

Do you keep models, or destroy them/build something else? Actually I made this huge model once that I really liked, wouldn't let anyone dismantle it.
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