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High School...

Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:08 pm

Well, my first day of highschool is on Wednesday. I had the orientation last Wednesday, and if anything it made me more afraid.

First of all...

Why do like the upperclassmen really really despise the freshman. I mean, when I entered 6th grade it wasn't this bad.

And is there really a freshman friday?

Lastly, any tips to surviving high school?

Thanks. =]

Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:25 pm

Freshman/First years are intolerable brats that need to grow up, atleast, that's how it is at my school. They have egos that need deflating; that's my job.

However, I'm not calling you a brat, or any other firsties brats. 'Cause you're/they're cool. Ones at my school, aren't. :D

Fri Sep 02, 2005 4:32 pm

The Freshman are the new kids. They're treading on the territory of the upperclassmen. And most importantly of all, the upperclassmen want to get even for what was done to them as Freshman. It's a never-ending saga (that often is spoken about more than acted upon).

Personally, there wasn't much of a class division at my school, unless it was during a pep rally competition. Everyone pretty much hung out with any age group, as long as they fell into their particular group of people. And the groups didn't really collide all that often either.

I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about when you use the term Freshman Friday though. What's it supposed to be? It's likely a myth, regardless though.

As for surviving high school...I didn't really find it any different than middle school, except that by the second semester of my sophmore year I could stop riding the bus and drive myself to school.

Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:09 pm

The number one thing you have to remember as a freshman is not to get a big ego. Respect the upperclassmen, and in most cases they'll respect you back.

I'm a freshie too, so I'm in the same boat. :D

Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:51 pm

Freshmen aren't really "hated". It's more of a tradition to "hate" the freshmen.

You don't get disliked by anyone if you don't walk in their way, or be annoying in general.

Fri Sep 02, 2005 5:54 pm

This is when I say the word "anticonformity". Anticonformity is about being what you want to be, not what the world wants you to be. :)

I'm in 7th grade, so I'm getting there. Good luck, Jenna-Chan. :)

Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:15 pm

The only reason I hate freshmen is because they are so annoying! They even have rolling backpacks sometimes!!! DO YOU KNOW HOW ANNOYING THOSE ARE?

Also, they tend to get lost and have to ask you for directions. :O That's annoying.

Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:42 pm

When I was a freshman, I was never really bothered by the seniors at all. And now that I'm a senior, I don't bug the freshmen.

However, the other day, I was walking down the hallway with a friend of mine, also a senior, and he randomly assaulted a freshman walking toward our direction. People just aren't nice sometimes...

Fri Sep 02, 2005 8:47 pm

MyleneFarmer wrote:I'm not exactly sure what you're talking about when you use the term Freshman Friday though. What's it supposed to be? It's likely a myth, regardless though.

"Freshman Friday" or in our school, "Niner Day" is when the higher grades humiliate as many freshman as possible. This was a huge thing when I entered in and someone did try to humiliate me but it didn't work as I rolled my eyes and walked away (They tried to give me a pop can and asked me to drink it -- I'm not an idiot).

But now it's died down in our school, no one is being pranked and if I see someone trying to do it, I stop it. I've stopped people from doing it and I don't see why I won't this year. I hate seeing people in tears as some freshman (Niners) eventually end up in.

Why do like the upperclassmen really really despise the freshman. I mean, when I entered 6th grade it wasn't this bad.

I'm going to say niners as I don't ever use the term freshman. Niner's in general are very immature, at least the ones this year are. The one's last year were pretty mature, obviously there were some idiots but this year was horrible. They used the throw things at each other and I had to yell at so many of them to shutup. If you see an older student express their hate for you, it's because they probably came in contact with a many idiotic niner's.

My advice to you is not to do immature things at all. Don't bring tape to school and wrap it around your fellow niner's heads (Yes, this was this year's niner's who did that). Don't act stupid and talk out loud with matters that don't even concern you. Above all, try and act like a normal person. You can act like yourself but don't do stupid things listed above in front of any older people, especially intimidating ones.

And is there really a freshman friday?

There is, however as I mentioned before, it's died down a lot in my school. If you feel as if you'll be targetted, hang out in a large group of people or with someone else in an older grade. Or just go to the Library. Don't walk around nervous, and don't sweat at all because older students will pick up on that instantly.

Just relax, go about your daily business and try to act as if you're not scared it's going to happen to you.

Lastly, any tips to surviving high school?

There is no tips to surviving high school, you're doomed.

Okay, I'm kidding, but in all seriousness, don't act stupid. I cannot stress this enough, so many niner's get pranked on or "ninered" because they act like idiots. Just keep a leveled head and if you get past the first month or two, you'll be home free for the rest of the year.

Hope this helps, good luck!

Fri Sep 02, 2005 9:22 pm

High school really isn't that big a deal. The thing to remember about being a freshman is to keep your head down and don't act bigger than you are. But hey, you get to sit near the back of the bus now! At least, that's how my bus is....

Your school might be different, but where I go everyone just ignores the freshmen. Ours seem awfully rude, though. When you get to be a sophmore (YAY!), don't be afraid to boss the freshies around. It happens.

Good luck! -hug-

Fri Sep 02, 2005 9:43 pm

If I learned anything, high school isn't that intimidating. The only that really made me dislike the freshmen (when I was a freshman last year to boot) was that they were very immature. To the point where I wanted to throttle them.

And don't carry rolling backpacks. Kids did that when I was a senior in Middle School, and they held up people like crazy.

For us, there was no Freshman Friday. My HS is rather strict, but all the upperclassman are nice, so long as you aren't annoying. Heck, most of my friends are upperclassmen. If there happens to be a FF in your school, ignore it.

Fri Sep 02, 2005 10:01 pm

Basically, just walk on the side of the hallway you're supposed to. You know how you bear to one side of the hallway depending on which direction you're walking in? Just do it properly. Don't have a clump of your friends hang out in the middle of the hallway to block it for everyone else.

Just be nice, be yourself, and act maturely. If someone's randomly mean to you, don't take it personally. They're jerks. :hug: Don't be too scared. It wasn't bad at all at my school, and my school's reputed for being pretty bad.

Fri Sep 02, 2005 10:07 pm

I've been through my first two days as a freshie already and I have to say.. it's not that bad. I haven't been bothered by any upperclassmen; and I'm friends with a few of them. That's from band camp, though.

If you leave them alone, they'll leave you alone. At least, that's how it works around here.

Fri Sep 02, 2005 11:45 pm

Haha. I was scared when I first started high school too =).

Like Ammer, I'm going to say Grade Nine's or Niners. I never use the term Freshman.

Anyways, I didn't really have a lot of problems in high school. It was relatively easy, actually. If you have a few friends in one of your classes, that's great, and if you don't, you can usually make friends easily with the people beside you, unless you really hate them (which you shouldn't).

Our school seems nicer than yours... we don't really have anything against the niners. Anyways, if your school really does, just leave them alone, as other people said. Don't act stupid or anything, but more importantly, don't be afraid to be yourself =).

As for surviving high school, it's more fun than elementary! Well to me, anyways!

Sat Sep 03, 2005 12:04 am

I remember when I first went to high school, I was freaked out about how big it was :P

Luckily for me, Years 7-9 were in a seperate area to Years 10-12. The older year levels were scary :P
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