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Ballroom Dancing

Tue Sep 27, 2005 3:07 pm

Okay. So I kinda *volunteered* myself to go to Ballroom Dancing lessons.

See now its not completely lame, its with a girl, so its kinda cool :P

BUt I have absolutely no idea what I've gotten myself into (well of course I have some idea, but no actualyl intelligent idea based on fact just stuff i've seen in movies) So can anyone shed some light on what it is? What i need? What i'll be doing? Anything I need to do?


Tue Sep 27, 2005 7:26 pm

zorg, you could surprise yourself by having a really great time!

What do you need? Luckily, being a guy not much. Just a pair of shoes, leather soles are good - don't wear sneakers, they'll be a pain cause they won't let you move as well.

Other than that, just try to relax, pay attention to the teacher, don't expect to get the steps down immediately, look your partner in the face and don't spend your time looking down at your/her feet - at least not too much. Have fun with it, dancing is wonderful :)

Tue Sep 27, 2005 7:55 pm

Don't break her big toe.

That is all.

Tue Sep 27, 2005 10:08 pm

I dance like a washing machine, so my advice should be taken with a grain of salt.

Just relax. That's the best thing you can do (and what I've never been able to do). Stay loose, and don't worry about whether or not you're screwing up. You'll have a good time, I'm sure.

Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:42 am

As with all skills, you need to practice a whole lot, every day. If you really stick with this, you'll be surprised how much you get out of it. It's fun, helps you stay trim, and you won't believe how much it impresses women when a guy can really dance, not that "chicken-with-a-seizure" crap that they try to pass off as dancing nowadays.

Wed Sep 28, 2005 2:12 am

Fiddelysquat wrote:As with all skills, you need to practice a whole lot, every day. If you really stick with this, you'll be surprised how much you get out of it. It's fun, helps you stay trim, and you won't believe how much it impresses women when a guy can really dance, not that "chicken-with-a-seizure" crap that they try to pass off as dancing nowadays.

Wait...that's NOT cool?

Man, I guess it's time to fire my dance coach, Ashlee.

Wed Sep 28, 2005 2:13 am

shapu wrote:I dance like a washing machine, so my advice should be taken with a grain of salt.

Just relax. That's the best thing you can do (and what I've never been able to do). Stay loose, and don't worry about whether or not you're screwing up. You'll have a good time, I'm sure.

haha :roflol: ...washing machine, never heard that one before, I'd love to watch that one day :P

As a latina I've got the salsa in my blood!

Nah I really can't dance :(, the only salsa I'm good with is Tostito salsa, prefer it mild and not hot, ze tomatos burn my tongue :(

Jim can testify that I don't have much dance in me, when playing DDR ( and I will not say whether he played or not)...he beat me with my little niece stomping on the pad (oooops :P). A white boy beat me at DDR!!!! Although I couldn't get him to try some booty dancing no matter what, or even just a little hip movement :( I tried but he refused. I think he was just scared the neighbors would be watching while we danced our way home :P

Hah and once again I forget the thread isn't about me!

Good luck with the lessons....did you volunteer because you want to impress a girl or is there a girl you like in the class? :P

Wed Sep 28, 2005 2:44 am

Oh, you lucky butterfly! I want to take ballroom dancing lessons. xD Did you know it's an Olympic Sport? That would be bery bery fun.

lyk d00d wer were u yesterday?
D00d? I was ballroom dancing.
that so unkewl wth is rong w/ u?
Nothing's 'rong'... I won a gold medal at the olympics for it yesterday.
D00D! that so stupid! ur stupid -hides in a closet and thinks...- d00d i want a gold medal

Ok, that was odd and random at the same time. O_O But, yeah....

Wed Sep 28, 2005 4:42 am

Kyedi wrote:Oh, you lucky butterfly! I want to take ballroom dancing lessons. xD Did you know it's an Olympic Sport? That would be bery bery fun.

lyk d00d wer were u yesterday?
D00d? I was ballroom dancing.
that so unkewl wth is rong w/ u?
Nothing's 'rong'... I won a gold medal at the olympics for it yesterday.
D00D! that so stupid! ur stupid -hides in a closet and thinks...- d00d i want a gold medal

Ok, that was odd and random at the same time. O_O But, yeah....

:roflol: Funny!

Lucky you! I got sucked into Dancing with the Stars over the summer, and now I want to take lessons at school. Time will tell if I actually follow through :P Since I've never actually done it, good luck and tell us how it goes! :)

Wed Sep 28, 2005 8:47 am

Bleh :P I'm all nervous haha. I'm so gunna screw it up >.<

I'll tell you all how it was, but atleast i can say i tried right!

Wed Sep 28, 2005 8:57 pm

We had a ballroom dancing club at school, but I wasn't really nervous for it - only problem was that my partner was absolutely horrible at it (she couldn't count in beat, and messed us all up so I had to correct her XD).

Anyways, good luck and have fun =).

Thu Sep 29, 2005 6:23 am

Oh, you'll have a BLAST! Just keep in mind that in lessons, you usually switch off partners. That's a good thing. It helps you learn better. I'm less into ballroom than I am into Lindy Hop, but the principles of dance are the same. Listen to the instructor, pay attention to your partner, and look out for the other couples on the floor. But, most importantly, SMILE AND HAVE FUN! ^_^

The people in the dance communities (save those few that pop up in every group) are wonderful. I feel very safe and welcome among other dancers. I can contact dancers I don't really know in another city and they're more than willing to put me up for a couple of nights and show me around and take me out dancing with them.

I've met amazing people through dancing and had wonderful experiences. It helped me grow from a shy, self-conscious person into a more confident and socially secure person. Heck, I would once freeze up at the thought of going up in front of a room of people to read something, let alone *gasp* talking to a boy. Now, I've performed in front of hundreds and I have no trouble asking a guy to dance.

If you don't like one form of dance, don't give up completely. Think of the types of music that appeal to you. If you like swing jazz, jump blues and the like, perhaps you may want to try Lindy Hop. If you like groovy blues, there's always Blues dancing. Argentine Tango is a very intense and sensual (and I don't mean in a naughty way) dance. If you like latin music, there's the more relaxed Salsa scene.

Make sure you practice on your own a little. Get out on the dance floor with people who are better than you. It's the only way you'll learn. I think I learned just as much ON the dance floor as off it. Laugh off the mistakes and just keep moving. So that you'll feel a little more comfortable in the dance environment, try looking over this:

That's all for now. ^_^ Have fun!

Thu Sep 29, 2005 12:16 pm

Useless! Absolutely Bleeding useless!

There are two freinds in this story, the one i was going to be dancing with and the one who invited us. The one who invited us has been dancing for a very long time, does compettions and helps out with the teaching. He thought he'd be able to get us into the class but couldnt because they are already 5 weeks into the course >.<

Bit of a waste of time :P But i'm going back next tuesday to try again, and this time we've *put our names down*. Thanks for all the advice thought >.<

And as as i said to jellyoflight, if i get molested by some old lady i'm holding anyone who was supportive resonsible, got that? 8)

Tue Oct 04, 2005 7:39 pm

zorg wrote:And as as i said to jellyoflight, if i get molested by some old lady i'm holding anyone who was supportive resonsible, got that? 8)


"My, what a fine young man you are!" *grope*

*snickers again*

Wed Oct 05, 2005 11:59 am

everconfused wrote:What do you need? Luckily, being a guy not much. Just a pair of shoes, leather soles are good - don't wear sneakers, they'll be a pain cause they won't let you move as well.

:roflol: :roflol: :roflol: *cracks up at the thought of zorg wearing SHOES* :roflol: :roflol: :roflol:
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