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the hottest room in existence

Wed Sep 28, 2005 4:16 am

my room has like this heat barrier at the door or something, i leave my computer on for like....30-60 minutes, and my room is suddenly like a furnace. later that night, it comes back and I step out of my room and i can feel an at least 5 degree temp. drop. Anyway, it only happens at night, so i cant really do anything about it... does this happen to anyone else and if it does how can you prevent it?

Wed Sep 28, 2005 4:39 am

Can you open a window a bit to let the air circulate? If you have two windows, it's better because it moves the air around.

Wed Sep 28, 2005 4:43 am

Do you close your door? That can also affect air circulation. If it's too hot, i'd suggest checking your vents to see if you can turn off the heat, or at least, talk to your parents about turning down the thermostat at night (it's actually a good way to conserve energy) you can always snuggle down in more blankets ya know?

Wed Sep 28, 2005 4:46 am

ahoteinrun wrote:Do you close your door? That can also affect air circulation. If it's too hot, i'd suggest checking your vents to see if you can turn off the heat, or at least, talk to your parents about turning down the thermostat at night (it's actually a good way to conserve energy) you can always snuggle down in more blankets ya know?
the thermostat is down to 78, the door is closed because thats the only way i can sleep, but its open about a foot or so....its still hot

Wed Sep 28, 2005 6:35 am

I had the same problem with my old computer. What you should do is, while the computer is on, keep your door. If you have some sort of fan, sit it in front of the open door and turn it on so it blows into the room (and will pull cooler air in). After you turn off the computer, keep the fan like that with the door open for an hour or so before you go to bed.

Wed Sep 28, 2005 12:06 pm

Do you have a water heater or something in your room? Because I have the same problem. With the computer AND the heater on my room becomes a furnace. I have the window open when it's extrememly hot and I also have a ceiling fan and I always have it on at night, even during the winter.

Wed Sep 28, 2005 1:46 pm

-Make sure the air inlet in your room actually blows air. If not, tell yer folks, they can get a heating repair guy to come out and blow the vents.
-Consider cracking a window to let air circulate when the door is open. When your door is closed at night, open two windows to create a breeze. This is easier if you have double-hung windows.
-Buy a fan. Point it at the door (not into your room), and agian, crack a window. Or, point it into your room, but leave a window open.
-Buy a large chunk of ice.

Wed Sep 28, 2005 6:50 pm

shapu wrote:-Buy a large chunk of ice.
Better get a large bucket, too ;)

My room is dreadful - not only has it got a PC that runs 24/7 but a radiator with the valve stuck open which seems to run off the hot water rather than the central heating (= it's red hot even when the central heating is off). It's usually well over 30C in here even with the window open.

Wed Sep 28, 2005 7:31 pm

shapu wrote:-Make sure the air inlet in your room actually blows air. If not, tell yer folks, they can get a heating repair guy to come out and blow the vents.
-Consider cracking a window to let air circulate when the door is open. When your door is closed at night, open two windows to create a breeze. This is easier if you have double-hung windows.
-Buy a fan. Point it at the door (not into your room), and agian, crack a window. Or, point it into your room, but leave a window open.
-Buy a large chunk of ice.

All good ideas. My room is like that, except in reverse (it's freezing, especially during the winter). Be sure any vents that are in your room aren't blocked and consider getting a fan, just to circulate the air.

Wed Sep 28, 2005 9:23 pm

actually, i have two fans on that are pointed in different spots in my room, one is one of the revolvy ones and the otehr is near my bed....

Wed Sep 28, 2005 10:15 pm

My room's the same way, except it's really cold instead of really hot.

Maybe, when you're not using you're room for anything, you could leave your door open so the cooler air could come in. Also, maybe you should get blinds for the windows in your room, if you don't already have them. It might be the sun's rays that are coming in through your windows that could be making things warm. Do you have air conditioning? Just run it very, very strong at night and keep your fans on, too, and that should keep it cool. And just sleep with no covers and wear just a pair of old shorts and a t-shirt to bed.

Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:39 am

alien wrote:
ahoteinrun wrote:Do you close your door? That can also affect air circulation. If it's too hot, i'd suggest checking your vents to see if you can turn off the heat, or at least, talk to your parents about turning down the thermostat at night (it's actually a good way to conserve energy) you can always snuggle down in more blankets ya know?
the thermostat is down to 78, the door is closed because thats the only way i can sleep, but its open about a foot or so....its still hot

78 seems rather warm to me. Try lowering the thermostat by at least 5 degrees.

Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:41 am

luv2lindy77 wrote:
alien wrote:
ahoteinrun wrote:Do you close your door? That can also affect air circulation. If it's too hot, i'd suggest checking your vents to see if you can turn off the heat, or at least, talk to your parents about turning down the thermostat at night (it's actually a good way to conserve energy) you can always snuggle down in more blankets ya know?
the thermostat is down to 78, the door is closed because thats the only way i can sleep, but its open about a foot or so....its still hot

78 seems rather warm to me. Try lowering the thermostat by at least 5 degrees.
we have this stupid rule of noting under 78 degrees.... and it only happens at night...

Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:43 am

Point your fans out the window. Not towards you. This way they push the hot air out (You think it sounds stupid? It's not. It freaking works. I'm a believer)

And that is a rather stupid rule considering how expensive it is to heat homes now a days.

Thu Sep 29, 2005 4:45 am

ahoteinrun wrote:And that is a rather stupid rule considering how expensive it is to heat homes now a days.

I believe Alien lives in Texas. It's not warm enough to need heat in much of Texas yet. It's likely the air conditioning setting, not the heat setting. But that's just my guess.
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