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Sun Oct 16, 2005 1:20 am

I have a virus.

I don't know how I got it.

I was wondering if anyone knows how to get rid of it.

Its not doing anything to my files but its draaaastically slowing down my computer.

Norton first detected it. Its called Trojan.Vundo.
I tell Norton to quarantine it, but it never does.

Can someone hekp me get this off of my computer and get it back to normal?


Sun Oct 16, 2005 1:26 am

just hand it to the experts in any common computer store, ex Staples, maybe

or you can erase your drive and reinstall windows whatever you have..

Sun Oct 16, 2005 1:42 am

Go there and hit the link for the free online scan on the front page.

Or? ... .tool.html

Use this removal tool... don't take it into Staples or anything until you know for sure you can't get it off your computer yourself... exaust your options, cause places like that generally charge an arm and a leg :3

Sun Oct 16, 2005 3:34 am

Easiest way (er, not easiest, but yeah) is to back up all your stuff and do a good ol' fashioned reformatting. That way you'll also clear out other stuff that may be lurking in the depths of your harddrive. Mwahahahaha!
But also you might wanna scan with other Anti-Virus programs. McAffe, Avast!, Panda-something, Ad-Aware, Spybot, etc.

Sun Oct 16, 2005 3:42 am

Sunnie wrote:Easiest way (er, not easiest, but yeah) is to back up all your stuff and do a good ol' fashioned reformatting. That way you'll also clear out other stuff that may be lurking in the depths of your harddrive. Mwahahahaha!
But also you might wanna scan with other Anti-Virus programs. McAffe, Avast!, Panda-something, Ad-Aware, Spybot, etc.

Actually, the latter two are for spyware removal. I don't think they handle viruses.

Plus, it may be too late for you to back up your drive. I don't know much about the nature of viruses, but what if they can 'piggy back' on one of your own files into the backup?

If you can, update your virus definitions to see if you can get it that way. If not, try the second link Meowth posted, and if that doesn't work, reformat your harddrive.
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