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Captain Planet & Planeteers follow up - Halloween Pictur

Sat Nov 05, 2005 8:26 pm

Hey yall... earlier i posted that my friends and I were going to be Captain Planet and the Planeteers.... and... well, we were... for Halloween. And everybody wanted to see here they are :)

Note.. if you never watched captain planet... you probably wont care about this so much.... you wont get it :)

So heres me... i decided, i really dont need to cover up myself with a mask this time around, since Im allready dressing up as a superhero, my identity, of course, is safe.

I was the big bamboozle leader of the group... Captain Planet... I had very very very tight silver/grey/blue longjohns on, with red-spray-painted cowboy boots, red superhero gloves, womens underwear which worked perfect for superhero underwear, a utility belt, and the sweet chestplate/shirt that i made out of a red shirt which i sewed onto the long johns, then cut up with a lightning bolt neck.... the symbol is made from a reflector glued on a container's screw-on lid..... with basketball-like lines to make the offiical logo. Then, I attatched one of those saftey-blinker lights on the inside of it so it would flash from behind the reflector. Sweet, eh?

Then, light blue facepaint *and lots of it* and very green stuck up hair.... and vwahlah....voila...vwuhlay... er.... whatever. I was captain planet.

Me Posed:

me showing off the costume itself:


Okay.... THEN... there were the planeteers.
We had 5 kids who did a pretty good job looking the part of each of the planetters.

We had the typical Show-off american kid with as the leader, with the power of fire.....

The Skinny Blonde 'hot' one with power of wind... shes kind of german. yes.

We actually had a girl play the part of Mai-Tai, the mexican boy with powers of "heart".... because she looks just like him.

We had the very tall african kid with the power of earth...

and the larger asian girl with power of water... although she really didnt look the part so much.... but it worked out well..

All of the Planeteers had their matching outfits consisting of:
-A plain T-shirt with the Planeteer logo on it
-A wierd obnoxiouis Belt
-Camping-like Shorts *with sidepockets... that kind of style*
-An Action-Vest
-Fat Yellow Wrist Bands
-Funky Pink/Flourecent Green/Orange etc Shoes....
-Giant Power Rings... with the symbols correctly painted on them.

We got together on 3 different occasions.... the time we were all able to get pictures together was the one where it was reallly cold outside. so most of them wore pants....we colored the tall kid with dark face-makeup to make him look darker... and.. yeah, we were more dressed for weather... the wind girl wore a scarf, but it matched her outfit so it looked the part anyway.... so we still looked great together... see? see?

Group shot...


and heres with all their powers combined... making.. me.... :)


and i was just trying to make sure the flash worked on my new camera.... and it did... and i ended up taking this picture... which better shows how well the "fire" one looked just like the character:

We went to the big school halloween dance and one best group... and i won best overall costume....

We all went to school dressed up... so we'd purposely walk down the halls together and people went "OMG!@! ITS THE PLANET33RS!!"

And on halloween night, we went to all the places where we worked and our friends worked.... Taco Bell, Pizza Places.. local Targets... and we literally performed a little show... id run past the front door and hold it open... and everybody would run inside... in correct order shouting their element with the proper accent, and holding up their rings...

"EEETH!" (earth)
"F EYE err" (fire)
*Weeeeeeeend" (wind)
*Wah-tahh* (water)
*Hourt!* (heart)
and they got into a sweet pose, put all their rings together and I came out jumping through them going "With your power combined, I AM CAPTAIN PLANET!""

And depending on the atmosphere, we would do the team chant...
"*clap* Were the planeteers *clap clap* you can be *clap* one too *clapclap* cuz saving our *clap* planet is the *clap clap*thing to do! *clapclapclap*
Looting And polluting *clap* is not the way *clap clap* Hear what captain planet *clap* has to say! *clapclapclap*
The Power.... is YOURS!!!!

And we did this in school a few times too... I was also in charge of the school dance, and helped the DJs set up, and i gave them a CD of the themesong to play during the dance... and we did it then too... we. were . awesome. I looked sweet. THE END.

Responces to some things you've said:
Yes, I "missed blue on my neck" on the pictures of me solo... but in the group shots, there is more than enough. I had to buy 7 big packages of makeup for a quarter-sized containter of makeup inside.... because... they had the PERFECT Color... and since i was using them 3 times, i had to use them sparingly. I just did my face the first two time, and the big time when he hit the town i used 3 whole containers and my face was peach-less... it was very blue... and my ears were blue... and my neck was blue. I was very blue.

The reason we were able to act it out so many times.... is because.... as many of you know, im a huge drama geek, and these kids are partners in crime. They are big drama geeks like me. We are the drama club at the highschool *plus 30 something more kids* so.... we REALLY acted the part out well. It was, indeed, hilarious.
Last edited by The Wonder Weezel on Sat Nov 05, 2005 9:06 pm, edited 2 times in total.

Sat Nov 05, 2005 8:29 pm


That is all.

Sat Nov 05, 2005 8:31 pm

You look heroic and demented. :P (Red eye attacked ya, luv)

Sat Nov 05, 2005 8:36 pm

I used to love that show and I would have loved to see you guys doing your little skit, but I have to say that the costume scares me on many levels.

Sat Nov 05, 2005 8:38 pm

good costume! you have my costume making respect!!! (opening a costume shop is my backup career option) you missed your neck with the blue tho :P

Sat Nov 05, 2005 8:43 pm

Oh the hilarity XP

Sat Nov 05, 2005 8:47 pm

That sounds amazing! I wish I could have been there to see you all running into Taco Bell doing the Captain Planet thing.

Sat Nov 05, 2005 9:08 pm

That is the most hideous thing I've ever seen. GREAT job.

Next year, I'm calling you for help when I want to go as one of the X-men.

Sat Nov 05, 2005 9:13 pm

shapu wrote:That is the most hideous thing I've ever seen. GREAT job.

Next year, I'm calling you for help when I want to go as one of the X-men.

'twas actually thinkin of that.

I would REALLLY like to be cyclops for halloween next year.

Im bringning up the idea of the X-men to these friends..... these people would make great cyclops/wolverine/gambit/storm/pheonix people.

Sat Nov 05, 2005 9:26 pm

Forget Captain Planet, you are officially my new hero, Wonder Weezel! That costume (and all your friends) was AWESOME!!

Sat Nov 05, 2005 9:37 pm

Aww why didn't you dress up as El Picklesaur! You had the tights and the cape...:P

Very awesome costume nonetheless :D

Sat Nov 05, 2005 10:19 pm

Oh man. Fantastic.

Sat Nov 05, 2005 10:28 pm

:o Wow, just wow. Good Job

Sat Nov 05, 2005 11:45 pm

That's amazing! Awesome job getting all that together!

I don't really get into Halloween like that, as I don't see my friends much over the course of a day. But Otakon next year is going to be A LOT of fun. Ed Elric, the Tao family, and a bunch of other people! LOTS OF HAIRSPRAY AND SEWING FOR ALL!

Sat Nov 05, 2005 11:54 pm

Hahah nice! Must've been a lot of fun!
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